• List of Articles ancient iran

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Millenarianism in Ancient Iranian Religions and Ikhwān al-Safā’s Theory of Prophetic Cycles: A Comparative Study
        رضا فرحقیقی انشاءالله رحمتی
        Zoroasterianisam, Zurvanism and Mithraism have been combined withastrological beliefs in such a way that it is nearly impossible to graspthese schools and religions without having knowledge aboutastrological beliefs. Ikhwān al-Safā, a mystical and esoteric associationin More
        Zoroasterianisam, Zurvanism and Mithraism have been combined withastrological beliefs in such a way that it is nearly impossible to graspthese schools and religions without having knowledge aboutastrological beliefs. Ikhwān al-Safā, a mystical and esoteric associationin tenth century in Basra and Baghdad, wrote 52 epistles full of religioastrologicalbeliefs and thoughts. For example their theory of PropheticCycles was developed to explain the cosmic cycles and the sacredhistory. Observing similarities between ancient Iranian religions andIkhwān al-Safā and after surveying the religio-astrological elements ofIranian millenarianism (especially that of Zoroasterianism andZurvanism) and Ikhwān al-Safā’s Prophetic Cycles, we decieded tocompare these two religious traditions. In the present research, by usingscientific and historical references, we have tried to recognize andanalyze the common roots of these beliefs and thoughts in the bothtraditions. The most significant achievement of this research ispresenting a new method for comparison between the ancient Iranianconcept of ontological levels and Ikhwān al-Safā’s concept of celestialsouls. Moreover, by surveying the role of the archetypes of infiniteTime and eternal Place in the immaterial and material world, we couldmake a comparison between Yazatas and Ameshaspentas of ancientIranian religions and Ikhwān al-Safā’s consepts of Universal Reason,Universal Soul and Celestial Souls. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Consideration of Zoroastrian Customs and Ceremonies in Iran
        فرزانه گشتاسب
        Some customs of present Iranians, like Norouz ceremony and Haft-sin,Chaharshanbe-suri, the customs of Arafe/Alafe on the last night of theyear, Yalda and some other ceremonies, has been retained from theancient Iran. Zoroastrians of Iran have preserved these ancient cus More
        Some customs of present Iranians, like Norouz ceremony and Haft-sin,Chaharshanbe-suri, the customs of Arafe/Alafe on the last night of theyear, Yalda and some other ceremonies, has been retained from theancient Iran. Zoroastrians of Iran have preserved these ancient customsmore than other groups, so the consideration and deliberation ofZoroastrian ceremonies will help us to analyze the Iranian ceremoniesas a whole. However, the contemporary Zoroastrian rituals, in somerespects, differ from the rituals and customs mentioned in middlePersian texts. Moreover, these rituals are not the same in all Zoroastrianregions of Iran (i.e., Kerman, Yazd and etc). In this paper, the commoncustoms of present Zoroastrians and the important elements of theirrituals are studied, so we can survey the development of their customsand make a comparison between them. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Saadi’s Cultural Discourse in his Ideology Towards Ancient Iran’s Culture
        Leyla Miri Asghar Dadbeh
        Saadi and his thoughts have always been the focus of critics. One of the aspects of criticism that can acquaint the audience with the thoughts and sources of Saadi's thinking is the cultural-oriented criticism which is based on the cultural components used in the texts More
        Saadi and his thoughts have always been the focus of critics. One of the aspects of criticism that can acquaint the audience with the thoughts and sources of Saadi's thinking is the cultural-oriented criticism which is based on the cultural components used in the texts according to the date of composition of the literary work. In Saadi's literary works, three intellectual sources can be found, all of which being powerful and effective. The first is the origins of ancient Iran and Saadi's attention to pre-Islamic Iranian culture, the second is the progress of Islamic wisdom that the great theologians and sages of the Islamic world such as Imam Mohammad Ghazali influenced Saadi. His third thought can be considered as the progress of Iranian mysticism, which is aimed at softening the ascetic ether and creating a poetic ether in dealing with doctrinal topics and beliefs. Saadi was greatly influenced by Ferdowsi in his pre-Islamic Iranian ideas. In this research, we have shown how Saadi used the symbols of ancient Iran in his works and how he could create a new discourse in praise of the wisdom and glory of pre-Islamic Iran at a time which historical attention to the mirrors and personalities of ancient Iran was considered a kind of blasphemy. This research relying on the principles of cultural criticism, seeks to understand why among the poets and artists before the seventh century, Saadi paid the most attention to Ferdowsi. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Investigation of Fire in Ancient Iran and How It Reflects in Mowlana’s Thought
        soheila zoghi
        One of the constructive and fundamental elements in the material world, which has always played a valuable role in human life, is "fire." Whatever exists in the universe is related to this sacred element.  Fire has long had a special place in Iran. Zarathustra More
        One of the constructive and fundamental elements in the material world, which has always played a valuable role in human life, is "fire." Whatever exists in the universe is related to this sacred element.  Fire has long had a special place in Iran. Zarathustra gave it a moral and spiritual aspect and considered it a sign of purity. Given the mysterious nature of the fire and the symbolism of fire in myths of the past and present religions, we find that this element has always been linked to the life and lives of humans and its ritual ceremonies. It is certain that the fire in the cultural background of our ancestors was religious belief, but today it can be regarded as a symbol of bondage in past and present culture. Iranian mystics like Rumi expressed this fire in the school of love and beauty in expressive expressions and seeing light like Zoroastrians in the course of the spiritual journey, And has come to light with inward intuition. This is the fire that has been echoed by Rumi:  "Whoever does not have this fire is nothing." And this fire appears in spiritual wine and mystical music and beauty of the beloved And completely colors the mysticism of Iran. In this speech, it is attempted to provide an interpretation and analysis of the fire in the view of Rumi through an analytical method (library). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Reflection of Ancient Iranian Culture in Naser Khosrow's Rhetorical Poems (Based on Arabic Sources)
        Vahid Sabzianpour Touraj Zinivand Muslim Khazli
        Naser Khosrow is one of the famous orators and wise poets of the fifth century of Persian literature. In his poems, he has been influenced by both Islamic and Iranian cultures, but of course less attention has been paid to his influence on Iranian culture. This article More
        Naser Khosrow is one of the famous orators and wise poets of the fifth century of Persian literature. In his poems, he has been influenced by both Islamic and Iranian cultures, but of course less attention has been paid to his influence on Iranian culture. This article also intends to study the influence of Naser Khosrow on the culture and wisdom of ancient Iran, relying on the main and first-hand Arabic and Iranian sources. The main objectives and axes of this article are: a. A brief introduction to the value of wisdom in ancient Iran and the generalities of research. B. Analysis of Naser Khosrow's poems and expression of Naser Khosrow's influence on the wisdom of ancient Iran and the wisdom of Mutnabi. The main finding of this research is that Naser Khosrow has been influenced by the wisdom of ancient Iran through his knowledge of the culture of ancient Iran, which was passed down to him from generation to generation. Nasser Khosrow has also been influenced by Abbasid culture and Arabic literature and its poets, especially Mutnabi, who, of course, have their main roots in ancient Iran.   Manuscript profile
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        6 - Study the Position of Femail and Love in VIS & Ramin of Fakhreddin Asad Gorgani
        Esmael Hakemi Razieh Zavarian
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Ethics of a married life in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and investigating its roots in ancient texts
        Mohammad Navid Bazargan Maryam Khadem Azghadi
        The present research, focusing on the ethics of a married life in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and the other works preceding it, tries to reveal, through excerpts and facts taken from Avesta, medieval texts, Shahnameh, and also famous quotes of experts, to what extent the More
        The present research, focusing on the ethics of a married life in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and the other works preceding it, tries to reveal, through excerpts and facts taken from Avesta, medieval texts, Shahnameh, and also famous quotes of experts, to what extent the marriage etiquette, such as compromise, frankness, love, good behavior, faithfulness, commitment, mutual respect, virtue, frankness, etc. are emphasized in them. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Study of the Role of Women in Creating Happiness in Myths
        Fariba Reyissi
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Comparison of Woman's Position in "Vays & Ramin" and "Bijan & Manijeh" Poems from Feminist Viewpoint
        Esmaeel Hakemi Raziyeh Zavarian
           Finding a way into the woman's world and investigating on her personality and temperament has always attracted the attention of scientists, philosophers and scholars in each era. Understanding woman's role and position in the human's complementary process r More
           Finding a way into the woman's world and investigating on her personality and temperament has always attracted the attention of scientists, philosophers and scholars in each era. Understanding woman's role and position in the human's complementary process requires continuous investigations and researches to clarify the ambiguities and problems that have led to prejudices about her and have introduced her as "Eternally Guilty". In the ancient Iran, we see wise and smart women that not only do not get angry with contempt, and indifference, but also they have shown such a reaction that has shocked all political, cultural, legal and social structures governing the society. Vays is one of those women. The goal of this study is to present her real personality and determination by which she could resist against the destiny that had been determined for her by others. Efforts are made in this paper to address woman's position in the ancient Iran by considering two poems, namely "Vays & Ramin" by "Fakhredin As'ad Gorgani" and "Bijan & Manijeh" by "Ferdowsi" and to investigate the main characters of the poems, i.e., "Vays" and "Manijeh" in order to compare woman's role from feminist viewpoint by considering the setting of the two stories which goes back to Ashkanid era. Research method is of library type. The subjects were collected by referring to the resources and were described through analysis and reasoning.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The investigation of common prefixes and suffixes between Armenian Language and ancient Iranian Languages
        farah zahedi Maryam Makki
        Henric Hubschmann indicated that Armenian language is an independent branch of Indo european language. Armenian language was affected in a large scale by Persian language due to close contact of Iranian nation in ancient period. So there exists some borrowed words from More
        Henric Hubschmann indicated that Armenian language is an independent branch of Indo european language. Armenian language was affected in a large scale by Persian language due to close contact of Iranian nation in ancient period. So there exists some borrowed words from ancient Iranian language in Armenian language. In this article the writer is going to investigate some of the Armenian words which includes prefixes and suffixes and are burrowed from ancient Iranian languages. Among the significant prefixes and  suffixes in Armenian language mentioned: -pet,- estan,-aran,-an,… ham-,dž-… The finding of the present study suggests that some Armenian prefixes and suffixes are borrowed from ancient Iranian language. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Investigating the English Specific Needs of the M.A Students of Ancient Iran History
        Sedigheh Vahdat Asra Basiri Zohreh Gooniband Shooshtari Farshid Naderi
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Cryptanalysis of the Story of “Rowghan Bannatunnash” in Kashfulasrar and Mokashefatulanvar by Ruzbahan Boghli Shirazi
        Yalda Tavalli mohammad ali Atashsowda Samira rostami
        This study focuses on the approaches to symbolism in a story of Kashf al-asrar (Unveiling of Secrets) and Mokashefat al-Anvar (Revelation of Lights) written by Ruzbihan based on the religious symbols in ancient Iran. The symbols of the story are redefined by virtue of s More
        This study focuses on the approaches to symbolism in a story of Kashf al-asrar (Unveiling of Secrets) and Mokashefat al-Anvar (Revelation of Lights) written by Ruzbihan based on the religious symbols in ancient Iran. The symbols of the story are redefined by virtue of sacred texts such as Avesta (The sacred writing of Zoroastrianism), Bundahisn (meaning “Primal creation”), Denkard (Acts of the religion), etc. It seems Ruzbihan had been influenced unconsciously by the symbols of mythology and religions of ancient Iran. Considering direct and frequent use of such symbols it can be said that Ruzbihan was most probably familiarized with Pahlavi (The main form of the Middle Persian language, existing from the 3rd to the 10th centuries, evidenced esp. in Zoroastrian texts and commentaries. Also, the writing system, of Aramaic origin, in which these texts were written): that is why he used such symbols. The finding from present article indicate the writer of the story had focused on the regeneration of the hero and his embrace to a religion after seven steps of perfection and course,the writer explicated these concepts by Iranian – Islamic expressions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Secrets of Aghl-e Sorkh (Red Wisdom) in Sohrawardi's School
        mojtaba goli
        Most of Sohrawardi works are written in the mythological-gnosticway. In order to be more attractive and seem more mysterious,Sohrawardi chooses a symbolic language. Aghl-e Sorkh (Red Wisdom) isone of his most beautiful work that is created in a symbolic-mysticaldebate. More
        Most of Sohrawardi works are written in the mythological-gnosticway. In order to be more attractive and seem more mysterious,Sohrawardi chooses a symbolic language. Aghl-e Sorkh (Red Wisdom) isone of his most beautiful work that is created in a symbolic-mysticaldebate. It has a story in story form. This treatise contains the mostexpanded secrets of Divine Light (Noor), Resurrection, Wisdom,Spiritual Leader (Peer), mystical rules of life (Seir o Solook), ancienttendency and finding the Fountain of Eternal Life. Acquaintance withthese beautiful and mysterious symbols, help the readers to understandSohrawardi's works better and easier. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - History And Structure Of Women's Clothing From The Era Of Ancient Persia To Islam
        زینب Izadkhasti مریم Izadkhasti
        This article was purposed to introduce the current status and evolution of women's clothing during the period of ancient Persia to Islam. The study of religious texts, including the Torah, the Bible and the civil code of the Islamic societies such as Iran and…tha More
        This article was purposed to introduce the current status and evolution of women's clothing during the period of ancient Persia to Islam. The study of religious texts, including the Torah, the Bible and the civil code of the Islamic societies such as Iran and…that were obeyed the holly gospels and reviewing  the history and quality of  clothing indicated that clothing was considered as moral virtue and an ethic by the human civilizations.  All the societies’ members were obligated to proposed clothing.  Deviations from the proposed clothing were regarded as a challenge and a campaign against the ongoing values that was to be punished. The article concluded that the clothing has kept the basic principles which have not been changed over time except for a slight difference that depended on the culture and customs and time requirements and circumstances in each era. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Hejab (Veil) in Different Nations, Religions and Faiths
        آیت Shokati فاطمه Hajighassemloo
        In this paper after defining Hijab literaral meaning it was investigated from The Old and New Testaments (Judaism and Christianity), Zorasthorian and Islam view points and among various nations such as the Arabs, Ancient Iranians…. The Hijab aim in Islam was ment More
        In this paper after defining Hijab literaral meaning it was investigated from The Old and New Testaments (Judaism and Christianity), Zorasthorian and Islam view points and among various nations such as the Arabs, Ancient Iranians…. The Hijab aim in Islam was mentioned as well. Finally the essential difference of Islamic Hijab compare to veil in other religions was highlighted. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Wave Scroll Motif: Trace of Ancient Greek Art in Oriental Rural and Nomadic Carpets
        Sara Moslehi Bahman Firoozmandi Arman Shishegar
        The wave scroll motif is among the designs that, nowadays, are mainly seen in rural and nomadic carpets in a wide geographical area, from Central Asia to Anatolia and the Caucasus, as well as Iran. Historically, this motif originates from Hellenistic art and is still us More
        The wave scroll motif is among the designs that, nowadays, are mainly seen in rural and nomadic carpets in a wide geographical area, from Central Asia to Anatolia and the Caucasus, as well as Iran. Historically, this motif originates from Hellenistic art and is still used in oriental carpets today. The purpose of this article is to find out how and the possible time of the arrival of this pattern from Greek art to Iranian carpets using archaeological evidence, including old museum carpets. Using valuable motifs of Sassanian Carpets, this article tracks the transfer of this motif from the Hellenic-Byzantine civilization to the art of pre-Islamic Iran and in various artistic disciplines such as pottery and textiles to clarify this motif’s long journey from pre-Islamic art to the Islamic period. This study shows that the motif was most likely known since the Seleucid period in the Persianate world, but the most evidence of it can be seen in the art of the Parthian and Sasanian periods, furthermore the findings show that this motif was used at least from late Parthian era on the border of hand-made textiles like carpets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A Clay Bullae and Five Tablets From Tepe Sofalin, Rey Plain, Iran
        Morteza Hessari Rouhollah Yosefi
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Architectural concepts and ideas in the designs and buildings of Andre Godard in Iran
        Hossein Soltanzadeh
      • Open Access Article

        19 - State exception and paradox legitimacy of revolt in Achaemenian state
        rohollah eslami
        State exception and paradox legitimacy of revolt in Achaemenian state Abstract: Achaemenian state is the beginning rationality in political human history. For proof this supposition we can refer to charter and inscription in this period. Cyrus cylinder and inscription o More
        State exception and paradox legitimacy of revolt in Achaemenian state Abstract: Achaemenian state is the beginning rationality in political human history. For proof this supposition we can refer to charter and inscription in this period. Cyrus cylinder and inscription of Dariush show the principle of governmentality Achaemenian and apparatus ideological state. In this article use theoretical framework from Althuser, Foucault and Agamben for analysis. State always show all act and decision are rationality but in reality rule of exception governed in the environment politics. Inscription Katibe Biston is ancient ideological apparatus state and dilemma about what reality happen in history. In this article I analysis legitimacy of revolt in achaemenid state and show according to framework state exception have paradox in statement inscription. Worldview this article is critical theory that attempt related problem contemporary to the tradition. Therefore legislative government in Katibe Biston is paradox we can’t understand what is reality but we can recognize ideological apparatus Achaemenian state. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - Environmental law in ancient Iran
        Mehrdad Rahbar mojtaba ansarian
        Humans have always been influenced by and influenced by the environment since they set foot on the universe. In the past few centuries, the advancement of science and technology and the increase in population have made the increasing use of the environment necessary, so More
        Humans have always been influenced by and influenced by the environment since they set foot on the universe. In the past few centuries, the advancement of science and technology and the increase in population have made the increasing use of the environment necessary, so thinkers have been on it. They have to regulate this moderation by setting rules, because harm to the environment is harm to human beings. Today, the beginning of this effort is considered to be the Stockholm Conference in 1970, which led to the emergence of green policy. The previous civilizations each had a different approach to their ecosystem, which did not have a coherent structure at all.In the meantime, the approach of the ancient Iranians is very different. This interdisciplinary study aims to examine the method of the ancient Iranians in this regard and answer the question: When did man start to establish legal rules about the environment? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        21 - The Explanation and Analysis of Sacred Numbers in Iranian culture from Achaemenid Empire to fall of Sasanids Empire (559B.C-651A.D) (Case Study the numbers: three, seven, twelve, forty and seventy-two)
        Hasan Atash Ab parvar karim yousefjamali Esmaeil sangari Shokouhossadat Arabihashemi
        (Case Study the numbers: three, seven, twelve, forty and seventy-two)AbstractNumbers have a special place in the culture and beliefs of the people of Iran and the world in terms of symbolism or sanctity and sinister, so that some of them are considered good and holy and More
        (Case Study the numbers: three, seven, twelve, forty and seventy-two)AbstractNumbers have a special place in the culture and beliefs of the people of Iran and the world in terms of symbolism or sanctity and sinister, so that some of them are considered good and holy and some are considered bad and sinister. In Iran, especially after the religion of Zoroaster, numbers play an important role in the myths and traditions of society. The continuity of sacred numbers in historical periods and the transfer to their later cultures and civilizations has made the role of many of these numbers visible in life today.Some of these numbers have a long connection with their beliefs and their etymology introduces them to the reasons for their acceptance and prevalence. These reasons are sometimes religious and sometimes mythological. Knowledge of the environment, magical powers, religions and religions seem to have played a role in the sanctification of numbers. This research has been done with a descriptive and analytical approach and the results of this study indicate that the sanctification of numbers has been largely influenced by religions, faiths, beliefs and seasonal changes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        22 - Research on Avesta translation and ancient Iran culture (Ibrahim Pourdavood)
        Shahrzad Roumez سید علیرضا ابطحی naser jadidi
        Ibrahim Pourdavood was among the biggest and the most prominent researchers of ancient Iran culture (Mazdeyasnā Culture) whose life devoted to this and showed ancient Iran culture and history burried long time ago. He was eager to publish pre-Islamic culture, language a More
        Ibrahim Pourdavood was among the biggest and the most prominent researchers of ancient Iran culture (Mazdeyasnā Culture) whose life devoted to this and showed ancient Iran culture and history burried long time ago. He was eager to publish pre-Islamic culture, language and literature. In that time Iranology knowledge was in hand of foreign scientists, it was a masterpiece that Pourdavood could revive ancient Iran culture after many centuries and give it a scientific face. In addition to introducing Pourdavood personality and opinions, the study aims to research in Avesta translation and ancient Iran culture. Basic question in the study is that: what was Pourdavood purpose of Avesta translation and writing ancient Iran culture book? It seems that his purpose is to declare ancient Iran to present generations of this land and stimulate interest to this land and attempt for land reclamation. The study is descriptive analytic one and compiled based on library studies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        23 - The religion of Cyrus, based on historical sources and mythology
        Bahman Ansari
        Knowledge of the personal religion of Cyrus the Great has always been of interest to historians. However, due to the scarcity of sources and the lack of direct reference to the religion of Cyrus in historical documents and archaeological sources, various studies have no More
        Knowledge of the personal religion of Cyrus the Great has always been of interest to historians. However, due to the scarcity of sources and the lack of direct reference to the religion of Cyrus in historical documents and archaeological sources, various studies have not yet reached a definite and clear conclusion. But the point that has received less attention from researchers is the use of two sciences, mythology and linguistics, to illuminate this dark point in history. Therefore, in conducting this research, first the hypothesis has been raised that by using the information available in Greek and Roman sources, how can we gain knowledge of Cyrus's personal religion and then it has been discussed that the knowledge of mythology based on linguistics Ancient, how they will help us to reach a clear answer in this discussion. Therefore, with the knowledge of the above-mentioned issues, an attempt has been made to use the evidence, data and information contained in historical documents written by historians of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then analyze these data and measure the information of historical sources, which are mainly It has been obtained from foreign sources that with the surviving documents of ancient Iranian mythology and a glimpse into linguistics, we can for the first time obtain a clear answer in this field and obtain information about the personal religion of Cyrus the Achaemenid. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The position of the sultan and the monarchy in the ancient writings of the period of Islamic Iran
        sodabeh dasti tark soheila torabi farsani naser jadidi
        Letters of advice are works that have been written in the field of politics and political reflections in ancient Iran and the Islamic period with the aim of advising political behavior on those in power. Treatises that belong to the Sassanid period and in the Pahlavi la More
        Letters of advice are works that have been written in the field of politics and political reflections in ancient Iran and the Islamic period with the aim of advising political behavior on those in power. Treatises that belong to the Sassanid period and in the Pahlavi language include advice, religious and moral instructions and rulings whose content is rooted in the Avesta. Provide a framework to the Sultan and maintain and reform his power. The purpose of the letters is to provide appropriate guidance on "gaining power" and "maintaining power." Political advisories deal with how the political system works and the influence of existing factors on the production and distribution of political power. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical, which will analyze the data after describing the content. The aims of this study are to explain the position of the sultan and the monarchy in the ancient writings of the Islamic period. The addressee of many advice letters is the first person of the country, namely Satan. The most important aspects of the element of continuity in these debates are the focus on the power of the king, the law, the relationship between the king and the subjects (people) and the connection between religion and politics. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Iconography of Plant Motifs in Ancient Iranian Art with an Emphasis on Seals and Coins
        Mona Montazeri Hedeshi Bita Sodaei Hossein Alizadeh Hassan Derakhshi
         The examination of religious texts is based on traditions and myths that play a significant role in the formation of visual culture of societies؛ The culture that is displayed in the form of symbols in works of art has led to the transmission of the message throug More
         The examination of religious texts is based on traditions and myths that play a significant role in the formation of visual culture of societies؛ The culture that is displayed in the form of symbols in works of art has led to the transmission of the message through the image. By examining symbolic images, one can understand the ideology that governs societies. One of the symbolic images in ancient iranian art is the role of plants. The purpose of this research is to identify,interrogate and interpret plant paintings in order to identify their place in religious and mythological beliefs and their continuity and in the historical period of ancient iran. This qualitative research was done with descriptive-analytical approach and library-field method. The statistical population studied includes eighty seals of achaemenid period,two hundred and fifty parthian coins and six hundred and ninety sasanian coins, which were investigated with an emphasis on plant motifs.The statistical population studied includes eighty seals of achaemenid period,two hundred and fifty parthian coins and six hundred and ninety sasanian coins, which were investigated with an emphasis on plant motifs. The results show that there is a significant connection between plant motifs used in the seals and coins of ancient iran and the religious beliefs and myths of iranians. Palm,rosette,lily,pomegranate,oak and grape motifs are repeated motifs that are also discussed in avesta and bandhashen religious text.  Manuscript profile
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        26 - Explaining the position of Qaboos-Nameh in Moral Letters tradition
        sayed jalal mousavi
         Writing moral letters and training through them is a literary tradition dates back to ancient Iran. Narrating practical experience and wisdom in the form of aphorism, proverb and anecdote were widely used at that time. Moral letter tradition was entered into the I More
         Writing moral letters and training through them is a literary tradition dates back to ancient Iran. Narrating practical experience and wisdom in the form of aphorism, proverb and anecdote were widely used at that time. Moral letter tradition was entered into the Islamic period, gradually merged with the Islamic elements, and underwent changes based upon the requirements of this period. One of the most important literary works in this tradition is Qaboos-Nameh, which was located in the path of transition and transformation. This article seeks to examine the style and theme of Qaboos-Nameh and compare it with both the previous and the contemporary moral letters in order to reveal how this work relates to the pre and post moral letters. Surveys showed that because of the belonging of both Al-Ziyar and the author of Qaboos-Nameh to the ancient Iran, and also the author's familiarity with Pahlavi language, Qaboos-Nameh is very similar in style and content to the previous tradition of writing moral letters. On the contrary, the Islamic influence on it, comparing to its contemporary works, is scarce and impalpable. Therefore, Qaboos-Nameh carries the legacy of the moral letter writing of its predecessors in Persian literature and represents its components and elements in the Islamic era.   Manuscript profile
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        27 - The effect of educational views of ancient Iranians on the Farsi language with emphasis on the Sadie's seventh chapter of Boostan
        vahid Sabzianpour
        Sadie has composed the seventh chapter of Boostan under the title of in the world of education. His purpose in composing this chapter is to teach the methods of education and ethics. Most of researchers believe that Sadie's works, especially this part, is under influenc More
        Sadie has composed the seventh chapter of Boostan under the title of in the world of education. His purpose in composing this chapter is to teach the methods of education and ethics. Most of researchers believe that Sadie's works, especially this part, is under influence of Arabic culture and Islamic thoughts.  This article shows that the source of Sadie's thoughts in the issues of education is coordinated well both with Arabic and Iranian culture. The results of this research represent the necessity of attention to the Arabic sources for discovering of the ancient Iranians' views and its effect on Persian literature. The chronological sequence of Iranians' point of view to Arabic and Islamic thoughts shows that the people of the Persians were familiar with so many of educational and ethical affairs which today considered as Islamic or Arabic. Therefore, they have gone beyond the field of Iranian culture and Pahlavi texts and have entered to the realm of Arabic culture. Unfortunately, the references to the Iranian view in the explanation and interpretation of Persian texts have been neglected by researchers, so it is necessary to pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the Persian literature from the Arab literature but also to the effectiveness of the Iranian culture. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Cruelty and Torture in Iranian Myths and Epics (With Emphasis on Shāhnāmeh)
        sadegh joghataie
        Torture is one of the oldest phenomena in human social and political life .The history of nations has witnessed the heinous acts of humans, atrocious acts such as mutilation, deflagrate, skinning and so on, which often led to a painful death of the others. It is very wo More
        Torture is one of the oldest phenomena in human social and political life .The history of nations has witnessed the heinous acts of humans, atrocious acts such as mutilation, deflagrate, skinning and so on, which often led to a painful death of the others. It is very wonderful that, aligning with the powerful rulers, sometimes the men of religion have also approved these acts. By using descriptive and analytical method, the author of the present article tries to allude briefly to the quality and quantity of torture in ancient Iran and to investigate it in some Persian epics in general and in the Shāhnāmeh in particular. The results, as the Shāhnāmeh testifies, show that types of torture, with different motives, were used in pre-Islamic Iran, and Ferdowsi, with all his attachment to Iranian culture, has reported these obscure points of the Iranian history. After the unification of the powerful and religious men and to suppress the oppositions and to gain legitimacy and power, the hardest tortures were used to apply. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Similar Functions of Greek and Iranian Myths in the First Three Thousand Years of Creation
        Nasrin Aslāni
        Myth is a reaction to man's inability to cope with his/her infirmities and weaknesses. Mythical elements and characters are rooted in realities that change over time; as cultures are intertwined, myths blend together and new myths are created. Sometimes myths appear wit More
        Myth is a reaction to man's inability to cope with his/her infirmities and weaknesses. Mythical elements and characters are rooted in realities that change over time; as cultures are intertwined, myths blend together and new myths are created. Sometimes myths appear with different names but identical functions in different areas. The present study is an analytical-comparative one based on library data; its aim is to show the similarity of the functions of Iranian and Greek myths. Accordingly, they are compared, their common points are shown and the theory of the uniformity of the thoughts of all human beings in the early millenniums are examined. Since myth is the product of human thinking and derived from human nature, there are obviously similarities between the myths of different nations. These nations refer to same phenomena with different names, and the differences between myths can be attributed to the social conditions of each nation. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Role of Goddesses in the Intellectual- Spiritual world of Ancient Iranian: a Mythological Approach
        S.Āmeneh Mir Khoshkhoo Abdolrahmān Ālem
        Goddesses, among other deities, are impressive and meaningful in the life of ancient people. They have drawn attention in the most ancient civilizations, such as Greece and Mesopotamia, and especially they have been connected to the thoughts of ancient Iranians. So, und More
        Goddesses, among other deities, are impressive and meaningful in the life of ancient people. They have drawn attention in the most ancient civilizations, such as Greece and Mesopotamia, and especially they have been connected to the thoughts of ancient Iranians. So, understanding the ancient spiritual world in the epics will be deficient, if we don’t pay due attention to femininity of the goddesses. The authors of the present article try to study the role of woman in the myth of creation and myths of feminine divines based on historical and mythical resources. This point is made with regard to the age of matriarchy and worshiping of the female gods, the role of women in the myth of creation and divine feminine myths. It seems that from historical and ethnological point of views the worshiping goddesses occurs in the same age as matriarchy and centrality of communities based on women-mothers.The chronological precedence of matriarchy over patriarchy and the coincidence of worshiping goddesses and age of matriarchy show that impressive gods were female, but because of social changes in the passage of time the power of women-mothers have eroded and transformed to men-fathers and as a result the importance of the goddesses were lost. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The effect of chastity on Christianity
        Hossein AliJafari Sahar Dadfar
        Mehr, Mitra or Maitreh is an ancient aristocratic or Hindu prehistoric Zoroastrian who also means the covenant, love, and the sun, which after the advent of Zoroastrianism and the prevalence of Zoroastrianism became one of the gods or angels of the Divine religion. The More
        Mehr, Mitra or Maitreh is an ancient aristocratic or Hindu prehistoric Zoroastrian who also means the covenant, love, and the sun, which after the advent of Zoroastrianism and the prevalence of Zoroastrianism became one of the gods or angels of the Divine religion. The religion of sympathy or Mithraism and the religion of Christianity have many similarities. Today, the scholars believe that Christianity in the West owes its main framework to this religion that it has sustained and pre-Christian religions in ancient Rome, including mitrhizm. In the early centuries BC, Mitra'sism was a very rival of Christianity, because at that time Mitra was the only savior and symbol of the way of life. Certainly, because of the parallel presence of two powerful religions at one time and in a geographical area, the birthday of Mitra was the birthday of Christ on December 25th, and right from here, the penetration of Mithray's ideas began on Christianity. Other than that, the birth of Christ from the virgin mother, the baptism, the ascension celebration, the legends of bread and wine or the last dinner, and the ritual of the sacred ceremony and the commemoration of Sunday, including the effects that the Mithra religion has placed on Christianity. This paper seeks to influence the influence of the mitra religion or sympathy on religion and Christianity. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Analyzing the structure of Rostam and Esfandyar tale and the balance of power in the political thoughts in Ancient Iran
        Saman Ghasemi Firoozabadi Peyman Eshaghyeh
        In the tale of Rostam and Esfandyar we are faced with two noble warriors.  One believes that “No one will ever see me in chains alive” while the other brazely states “A king’s fetters are no cause for shame”.  What brings the two More
        In the tale of Rostam and Esfandyar we are faced with two noble warriors.  One believes that “No one will ever see me in chains alive” while the other brazely states “A king’s fetters are no cause for shame”.  What brings the two noble warriors in opposing sides and leads them to their inevitable end is the difference in their outlooks towards the kingdom and Pahlavani or heroic institution the former is raised from the Persian tradition before Zoroaster and the latter is derived from the reforms made by Zoroaster.  Employing the structuralist approach this research studies the standpoint of Pahlavani institution and its relations with the kingdom institution in the two following traditions before Lohrasp, and Lohrasp-Goshtasp.   Important features in the former are the following:  the presence of Nyram’s family as a representative of Pahlavani essence, the convincing validity of heroic identity, independence and freedom of a warrior, Pahlavan’s intermediary role between the king and his subjects, his supervision over justness, and the royal empire, and minimizing the King’s power.  In the latter tradition Pahlavan or warrior belongs to the royal family. He does not have a genuine identity and he is totally obedient to the commands and has no role except fighting under the king’s banner.  Contrary to the former Lohraspi tradition, the royal institution has unlimited power and no institution is defined and recognized to supervise king’s deeds and to threaten his avariciousness.  It seems that Lohraspi-Goshtaspi tradition is the result of reforms made by Zoroaster himself or Mobads in the name of Zoroaster. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Historiography Style in Shahnameh Ferdowsi
        Zagros Zand
        Some do not recognize Shahnameh as a historical text since being an epic or due to its versified form and despite its mythic sections its historical value is underestimated. This research aims to find answers to the questions regarding the style and the manner o f histo More
        Some do not recognize Shahnameh as a historical text since being an epic or due to its versified form and despite its mythic sections its historical value is underestimated. This research aims to find answers to the questions regarding the style and the manner o f historiography of Shahnameh, recognize its historiographical characteristics and to show the value and standpoint of Shahnameh in the trend of historiography in Iran. Casting a look upon the ancient Persian historiography, and the first Islamic centuries those characteristics were analyzed to show that the style used in Shahnameh was the continuation of the ancient way in historiography. The method was to search for the historiographical elements and themes in the text, having in mind Ferdowsi’s reasons, purposes and motivation for recording history, bringing evidence from the Shahnameh text and classify them into six sections. The poetic, fictive and mythological aspects of the text and also the ethical and national purposes of Ferdowsi to enliven and immortalize the Persian national identity in no way undermined the historical aspect of the events. Based on these findings it could be understood that apart from sharing the historiographic characteristics of the ancient Iran and its rebirth, Shahnameh has taken this style to its utmost power and efficiency and hence has influenced greatly the histories succeeding it. Manuscript profile
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        34 - The charm of stone and colour in the old texts
        Florence Namjouyan
        Since antiquity the curious mind of man was in search of stars to know his fate and destiny. The inhabitants of the Earth looked also at the stones and metals.  Beads, precious and semi precious stones with their special colours and magical effects like happiness, More
        Since antiquity the curious mind of man was in search of stars to know his fate and destiny. The inhabitants of the Earth looked also at the stones and metals.  Beads, precious and semi precious stones with their special colours and magical effects like happiness, unhappiness, charm, keeping the evil forces ie the evil eye at bay and increasing fortune, have preoccupied the mind of man.  Hence the present article is an attempt to search in the old middle texts (Pahlavi and Soghdi) and Islamic texts in order to find a trace of beads in ancient Iran.  Texts in which the characteristic magical properties of beads and the connection of some of them with stars has been described in such a way that perhaps one could introduce the universe as to the source of these Earth beads. Next, the properties of beads and a sample of the wonders of hexagonal beads with colours green, red, blue, yellow, black and violet based on Islamic sources of mineralogy are given.  Finally by correlating the beads with Shahnameh, we have spoken about the strong belief in this ancient legacy in the popular culture of what is known as the symbolic imagery of natural phenomena translated into a palpable and visible language. Manuscript profile