List of Articles academic optimism Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of self-determination on behaviors that facilitate a health-oriented academic lifestyle mediated by academic optimism in elementary School students leila heidaryani ezatolah ghadampour mohamad abasi 10.30486/jsrp.2022.1944597.3242 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Structural Modeling of the Relationship between Teaching Approaches and Academic Achievement Goals: Explaining the Mediating Role of Students' Academic Optimismtle mohammad hajizad 10.30495/ee.2022.1951319.1061 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Effectiveness of mindfulness training on components of Students' academic optimism (social confidence, academic emphasis and identity sense) Fereshteh Hashemi Fariborz Dortaj Noorali Farrokhi Bita Nasrollahi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Development of a causal model of academic satisfaction based on academic self-confidence and academic optimism mediated by metacognitive strategies and its effectiveness on academic Self-actualization of first year high school male students in Hamadan Gholamreza Ebrahimzadeh Houshang Jadidi Yahya Yarahmadi Omid Moradi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Predicting the academic performance based on academic vitality, achievement motivation and academic optimism in students Samineh Bahadori Jahromi Rohollah Cheraghpour Soheila Payan Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The relationship between teacher’s Academic optimism and using active teaching methods in primary schools of Bonab city Morteza Noor Mohammadgol Mohammadali Mojallal Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The effect of reflective leadership with academic optimism on academic procrastination with the mediating role of feeling of belonging to school Fereshteh Mohammadi Zahra Tanha Razieh Jalili Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Effect of Teacher Psychological Empowerment Program on Teacher-Student Interaction, Emotions and Teachers Academic Optimism mona valeh Omid Shokri Hassan Asadzadeh 10.30495/jinev.2021.1933096.2516 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - The Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Teaching Method on the Components of Academic Optimism in Mathematics Reza Shahi Mahdi Eyvazi Nayyer Heydari Kalajeh 10.30495/jinev.2023.1971357.2792 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - The Relationship between Teachers’ Academic Optimism Culture and Student Achievement in Junior High Schools in Tehran Mahmood Safari Nader Soleimani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - The Mediating Role of Academic Optimism in the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Counterproductive Academic Behavior Ebrahim Karimi Kian Solmaz Daneshmandi Mahmood Rostami Ehsan Keshtvarz Kondazi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - Examining the relationship between academic optimism and growthProfessionalism of elementary school teachers in Chahar Borj city Akbar Memarbashi 10.30495/jscc.2023.1975658.2068 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - The mediating role of metacognitive awareness in the relationship between school effectiveness and students' academic optimism mahsa mahmoudi mashaii maedeh ebrahimi zahed zahra sadri mohammadreza zaeri behroz abbas najafipour tabestanagh 10.30495/jcdepr.2023.709613 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - Investigating the effectiveness of group-based life skills management on self-efficacy and academic optimism of 11th grade students in the second year of high school in Ilam city Massoud Nazarzadeh Tahereh Nakoyan Subhan Momeni Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - The Investigation of validity and reliability of academic optimism of individual teacher questionnaire Ali Ghasemi Parvin Kadivar Hadi Keramati Mehdi Arabzadeh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - Predicting Women Teachers᾽ Classroom Management Style According to Mindfulness and Academic Optimism farideh hamidi hengameh memari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - The Relationship between Teachers' Academic Optimism and Perceived Social Support, Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement H. Momeni Mamhmooei S. Jalali Barzari