• List of Articles Urban form

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of middle scale urban form in accordance with transect as a theory and approach
        Mehran Alalhesabi Mostafa Behzadfar Elnaz Amirhodaei
        در این مقاله با تأکید بر ضرورت ارزیابی هنجاری فرم، تئوری و رهیافت تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای این سنجش معرفی شده است. به این دلیل تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای ارزیابی انتخاب شده است که هم در حال حاضر به طور گسترده در پروژه های طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری نظام های شهرسازی ار More
        در این مقاله با تأکید بر ضرورت ارزیابی هنجاری فرم، تئوری و رهیافت تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای این سنجش معرفی شده است. به این دلیل تغییر تدریجی به عنوان مبنای ارزیابی انتخاب شده است که هم در حال حاضر به طور گسترده در پروژه های طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری نظام های شهرسازی اروپا و امریکا – و نمونه های متأخر در خاورمیانه – به عنوان رهیافت کلی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد و هم از سوی نوشهرگرایان به عنوان راهکار منطبق با اصول رشد هوشمند و دستیابی به فرم پایدار شهر معرفی شده است. بنابراین استخراج شاخص های ارزیابی هنجاری فرم براساس تغییر تدریجی، هدف اصلی این مقاله می باشد. در فرآیند استخراج شاخص های ارزیابی، تغییر تدریجی از منظر تئوری و چارچوب عملیاتی مورد مداقه و بررسی قرار گرفت و مفهوم دوگانۀ تغییر تدریجی در قالب دو بعد ماهوی و رویه ای ارائه شد. بررسی مفهومی ابعاد مختلف تغییر تدریجی نشان می دهد که تغییر تدریجی به عنوان فرآیند جامع مداخله در محیط های مصنوع، قابلیت اعمال در کلیۀ مقیاس ها را دارد. در نهایت به دلیل آنکه استخراج مؤلفه ها نیازمند همسطح سازی است، اصول (در واژۀ عام) مورد نظر تغییر تدریجی براساس میزان عملیاتی بودنشان در قالب سلسله مراتبی از چشم انداز تا سیاست تفکیک می شوند و اصولی که در سطح سیاست طبقه بندی شده اند، مبنای استخراج مؤلفه ها قرار می گیرند. دسته بندی اصول تغییر تدریجی در قالب چشم انداز، هدف کلان، هدف خرد، راهبرد و سیاست یک چارچوب مفهومی است که علاوه بر تأکید بر چند سطحی بودن نظام هدایت و کنترل تغییر تدریجی، به منظور انتخاب مؤلفه های هم سطح برای تدوین شاخص ها ارائه شده است. بنابراین محل بحث تفاوت هایی که بین عناصر هدف گذاری از منظر رویکردها و نظریه پردازان مختلف داخلی و خارجی در جریان پروژه های طراحی شهری مطرح می شود، نمی باشد. با انتخاب روش استخراج شاخص ها براساس سه رکن «بعد»، «مؤلفه» و «شاخص» و با تأکید براستفاده از دانش های مختلف در گسترش یکدیگر، اکولوژی به عنوان دیسیپلین پایۀ و مفسر مؤلفه های تغییر تدریجی انتخاب شد. از مفاهیم اکولوژی به عنوان مبنایی جهت تعیین حد و حدود یک تئوری یا اصل دیگر، بسیار محدود استفاده شده است. یافته های این پژوهش نشان می دهد که تغییر تدریجی از بین تمام اصول اکولوژی، بر پایۀ مفاهیم «اکوسیستم»، «مجموعۀ زیستی»، «تنوع»، «توالی» و «هم فرگشت» بنا شده است. با بررسی عمیق این مفاهیم به عنوان مؤلفه های تغییر تدریجی و با استفاده از روش تحلیل تطبیقی، نقاط لنگرگاهی آنها استخراج و با توجه به محیط مصنوع و عناصر آن که در طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری مبتنی بر تغییر تدریجی مورد مداخله قرار می گیرند، بازتعریف شدند. در نهایت «همجواری»، «تسلسل مکانی»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با محیط بر حسب تعداد گونه»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با محیط برحسب جمعیت عناصر»، «سازواری گونه عناصر با یکدیگر»، «تنوع گونه پهنه»، «تنوع گونه عنصر»، «کلیماکس»، «گذار» و «دگردیسی عناصر» به عنوان شاخص های ارزیابی هنجاری فرم مبتنی بر تغییر تدریجی و براساس معیار «کاراکتر شهری» تبیین شدند. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Cohering central part of Shiraz Urban design guidelines toward a more coherent urban form based on complexity theory
        Hossein Bahrainy Mehran Foroughifar
        Old cities of Iran have different qualities that some of them cannot be seen in contemporary cities. Experiencing the invasion of cars and people’s new life style during the last century, old cities lost their forms and functions, gradually. Such changes caused new chal More
        Old cities of Iran have different qualities that some of them cannot be seen in contemporary cities. Experiencing the invasion of cars and people’s new life style during the last century, old cities lost their forms and functions, gradually. Such changes caused new challenges and demands by which various qualities of old cities has been altered or vanished forever, as urban cohesion and wholeness. Cohesion and wholeness are two related concepts where the former one is a fundamental condition to reach the later one. In this paper, wholeness is defined as an integrated system, consisted of different elements and their relations which can tolerate no changes, since a trivial one may change it into another system. Moreover, cohesion is considered as an important quality of relations between different elements of the whole. Although cohesion can be seen with various scales in different layers of cities, the layer we emphasize on in this paper is the built environment. For theoretical frame work of this paper we used complexity theory with emphasis on Christopher Alexander and Nikos Salingaros theories about wholeness and coherent urban form. We extracted principals of urban coherence to evaluate the cohesion of central part of Shiraz and to make design guidelines to achieve cohesion. These principle are: coupling, diversity, boundary, forces, organization, hierarchy, interdependence, and decomposition. And also a wide range of valid records, documents, and maps are used which enabled us to illustrate the main structure of this old city, before its destruction in Pahlavi era. Taking into account all of these principles, we focused on these questions: does cohesion exist in the ancient area of this city? Can we find some application of these principals in old city that could be as a foundation for design guidelines? As our first contribution, we used the principles and evaluated their existence by applying them to an old area of Shiraz city which dates back to the Zand era. Due to our promising results, mentioned principles can be seen in old city. On one hand, the existence of these principles in the old city means that the old area follows the rules of complex system theory so it emphasizes that the old area is a coherent area. On the other hand, it suggests some design principals and patterns that can be considered as a foundation for design guidelines towards cohering and coupling contemporary city. Our second contribution is a design guideline for cohering contemporary cities by connecting two adjacent areas. These guidelines are: complementarity of adjacent areas, increasing the permeability of area in its edges, reducing unlimited views, reducing parcel size of edges, reducing the distance between adjacent areas, increasing the permeability of edge parcels, priority of pedestrian movements, increasing the diversity of functions, increasing the diversity of forms, and increase the homogeneity of parcels in a street. By using these guidelines we can increase the connectivity of two adjacent areas in the first step and increase the cohesion of the whole city in the last step. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Typology of Sus‌tainable Urban Form and Urban S‌tructure, With a view to Tehran
        azadeh gharaei Esfandiar Zebardast Hamid Majedi
        Urban form and spatial structure are important aspects for city surveying and its analysis. Literature review on the concepts of spatial structure, urban form, pattern of the city and etc. indicates variety and diversity of opinion in these areas. Some of the reasons fo More
        Urban form and spatial structure are important aspects for city surveying and its analysis. Literature review on the concepts of spatial structure, urban form, pattern of the city and etc. indicates variety and diversity of opinion in these areas. Some of the reasons for differences in the definition of these concepts as follows: the difference in scales and areas of research, different ways of words translating, different semantic content for similar indicators, view of planner or designer and etc. So the author is looking for detailed analysis and explanation of the concepts of urban form and urban spatial structure. we can find out that the urban spatial structure and urban form in some parts and some variables such as natural landscape, transport infrastructure, communication networks, spatial pattern of land use, morphology of housing, density and etc. have overlaps, but not completely overlapping or following. In other words, if we classify the definitions of these two concepts into three levels: the macro level (metropolitan areas), middle level (cities and regions) and micro levels (neighborhoods and neighborhoods units), at the middle level, the implications of these two concepts have overlaps, so in this scale, the two concepts cab be equated. However at the macro level, the components of urban spatial structure and at the micro level, the elements of urban form can be clearer to explain the issue. Although some researchers use urban spatial structure for micro scale or urban form for macro scale, but in this article, by analysis of comments of majority of experts, it has been argued that the concepts of urban form and urban spatial structure at the middle scale equally, the components of urban form at the micro scale and the elements and variables of urban spatial structure at the macro scale can repaint the nature of urban development issues with a more accurate method. On the other hand, urban form and spatial structure of the city are known as one of the most important sources of environmental, economic and social instability. There are many ways to achieve a sustainable future for urban and regional scales. In this research with an analytical view, the author want to identify how urban form and spatial structure affect Tehran sustainability. In this research, after collecting information and analyzing the spatial layers, using the K-Means Clustering Model and the softwares of GIS and Python, we classified the 22 districts of Tehran into six clusters based on the urban-form and urban spatial structure indicators in the middle scale. The similarities between the form and spatial structure indicators in each of these categories make such categorization and typology meaningful. Also we classified these districts into six clusters besed on the urban sustainability indexes by using K-Means Clustering Model The overlap of clustering in Tehran's districts based on the form and spatial structure indicators and on the basis of sustainability indicators, shows urban form and urban spatial structure factors affect sustainability directly. Determining the extent of this relationship will be important in future research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Spatial Evaluation of Urban Form with Respect ToConstruction Density in Yazd
        mohammadmahdi azizi Mojtaba Arasteh
        Yazd is one of the most famous cities in Iran, and perhaps in the world, because of its special characteristic in urban design and architecture. Historical district of this city, according to the city's cultural background and based on its climate features, is an exampl More
        Yazd is one of the most famous cities in Iran, and perhaps in the world, because of its special characteristic in urban design and architecture. Historical district of this city, according to the city's cultural background and based on its climate features, is an example of specific structure and compact form of a city. While the form of development in the past was interactive with the climate and environment conditions, today, the development pattern of Yazd is converted to dispersal mode and unbalanced growth pattern; this pattern have made lots of urban form in different zone of the city. The purpose of this paper is to investigate construction density with respect to population density, distance to central business district, to the sub-centers, population density, land price, urban block area and cost of public transition in Yazd. Multiple regression analysis is used as the research method. Simple sampling method is used To select districts. So, at first, six district selected (Fahadan and Sheikhdad as central districts; Sare’dorah and Maskan’o’shahrsazi as middle districts; Azadshahr and Safa’eeye as outer and developing districts). After selecting the sample districts, the sample size from each settlement had to be identified. Stratified random sampling (Proportional allocation) is used to do this process and totally, 72 sample extract and study for this research. Construction density is seen as a dependent variable (Because the principle is that wherever physical  development has occurred, the construction density increases) and the others as independent variables of the analysis. According to the results of the analysis, construction density of the neighborhoods is a function of distance to central business district, distance to the sub-centers, urban block area and price of land (with negative correlation coefficient) and population density (with positive correlation coefficient). There is no relationship between the construction density and cost of public transition. So, it can be interpreted that construction density increases by reducing the distance to the city center. This fact lonely explains the spread of physical structure in city of Yazd. Also, the negative correlation coefficient between construction density and distance to the sub-centers shows the distributing of compact districts in sprawl urban areas. The positive correlation coefficient between  construction density and population density shows that somewhere population density increases, the construction density increases too. As considering that the average area of city block from the center to the periphery increases in city of Yazd, it can be said that the construction density decreases from center to periphery. The negative correlation coefficient between construction density and land price is one of the Interesting and distinctive results in this study. This finding shows that if the city spreads in periphery lands, the land prices in this area will increased. On the other hand, land demand in the periphery of Yazd is promoting and Residents of the city of Yazd, in contrast with intensive development in the past time, are now more willingness to live in detached houses. It is the sign of the increasing occurrence of urban sprawl in Yazd. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Evaluation of middle scale urban form in accordance with transect as a theory and approach
        Mehran Alalhesabi Mostafa Behzadfar Elnaz Amirhodaei
        In different periods, urban form as substantial dimension of urban design has been core issue involving all urban designers with different approaches. The literature reviewing indicates that urban form can be treated with various approaches under positive or normative p More
        In different periods, urban form as substantial dimension of urban design has been core issue involving all urban designers with different approaches. The literature reviewing indicates that urban form can be treated with various approaches under positive or normative point of view. According to the issues involved in urban measurement, different point of views lead to explore three interrelated aspects of urban s tudy- the Measurement, Evaluation, and Representation of urban form. In addition there is a need to adopt a strategic approach in dealing with urban issues. Therefore, the paper considering with normative point of view put emphasis on urban form evaluation.In recent years, mos t recent innovation of new urbanism so called “transect” has been a very common theory and approach in urban design and planning specifically in America and Europe, although it is being used in a limited way in the Middle East. The transect approach described in this paper is based on a publication known as the Lexicon, a multi-authored compendium of New Urbanis t definitions and codes. Urban design and planning seek to create an immersive environment. This type of environment can be created by specifying and arranging the elements which comprise that environment in a way that is true to locational character which seems to be intrinsic to the place. To be immersive in urban environments is identified with their level and intensity of urban character. There is no scrutiny of how urban form has been created in accordance with transect theory and transect approach is characterized while much more research has been done on transect theoretical framework. Therefore the paper presents an overview of transect as theory and approach, exploring how urban form can be evaluated in accordance with transect.In this regard, transect indices are identified by using three-s teps research methodology that is characterized in determination of “dimensions”, “components” and “indices”. Principles of transect are categorized in “substantial” and “procedural” dimensions. This research uses “ecology” as a basic discipline for interpretation of “components”. In other words, “ecology” has been a reliable criterion to extract indices. In this regard, basic concepts of ecology conceptualizing transect are recognized—“ecosys tem”, “community”, “diversity”, “succession”, and “coevolution”. Afterwards, critical issues and concepts that have to be redefined in order to interpret of “components” and “indices” are determined by comparative comparison between transect and ecology as basic discipline. In addition, it’s done to redefine basic concepts in macro level – scale and context – in transect in according to what they are meaning in ecology. Therefore, transect indices are extracted from these basic concepts as “components”. They are as follows: “juxtaposition”, “locational sequence”, “suitability between urban elements types and urban character of environment” that has been defined by “number of types been found” and “population of elements with specific type”, “suitability between urban elements compared to each other”, “diversity of transect zone types”, “diversity of urban elements types”, “climax”, “transition”, and “coevolution of urban elements”. Eventually the paper present a framework in order to quantify these indices according to relative abundance formula.Keywords: Urban Form Evaluation, New Urbanism, Transect, Principle of Ecology, Urban Character (Urban Intensity) Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analyzing Urban Environment Regarding Visual Quality (Case Study: Visibility in Old Fabric of Bushehr)
        Seyyed Bagher Hosseini Mehran Alalhesabi Fatemeh Nassabi
        Visual aspect is one of those lots of aspects which influence neighborhood quality. Visibility is an important factor of environmental and urban quality. This study is concentrated to find whether the visual quality of housing and urban open space in the neighborhoods i More
        Visual aspect is one of those lots of aspects which influence neighborhood quality. Visibility is an important factor of environmental and urban quality. This study is concentrated to find whether the visual quality of housing and urban open space in the neighborhoods is influenced with urban form and its objective is to find the relationship between open space form of the neighborhood unique fabric, its organic pathways, a linear main access which divides this fabric to two parts and visibility. So open space visibility of neighborhood in old fabric of Bushehr and their isovist properties have been analyzed in a correlational research. The case study was a neighborhood public space in spatial configuration located in Bushehr that is surrounded by urban development and sea. Compact urban space, squares, long and narrow streets shape this fabric. One of the characteristics of this morphology is its composition as a set of rather long and narrow streets with number of squares different in shape.This study shows that isovist tool is applicable in analyzing visual quality in urban fabric. In this research two forms of urban open space has been analyzed to evaluate visibility using Syntax2D. Six isovist measures in grid and two paths have been studied that correlations between these measures have been compared with each other in two paths. Findings show that area and perimeter indices have the highest correlation. In organic path these two indices have highest value reaching Enghelab Avenue that divides this fabric in two parts and also these measures are higher in local squares than long and narrow streets. On the other hand these indices remain unchanged in linear path. Drift index that studies the longest possible line of sight raises dramatically reaching Enghelab Avenue while it almost stabilizes inside the organic path. Turning to linear path, this index is the highest at the ends and the lowest in the middle of the path. Occlusive index that is the proportion of the perimeter on the solid boundary of the environment Shows fluctuation in organic path unlike linear path. While Compactness index that shows how close the observers feels themselves to the environment shows notable variations in organic path having a steady graph in linear path. Circularity index that is the square of the perimeter to area as is influenced by details in space shows significant changes in organic path while it is nearly stabilized in linear path. It can be said as a result that urban form has relationship with its visibility; meaning that the organic path creates a variety of isovist indexes unlike linear path that divides the neighborhood fabric in two parts. Furthermore, the analysis shows that squares which are the place of social interactions are more compact than the streets of the neighborhood as they define non physical geometries and variety in the spatial experiences is achieved moving within them. Finally the study shows that the form of neighborhood open space plays an important role in its high visual quality and the quality of housing.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Environmental and Social Manifestation of Islamic-Iranian Urban and Architectural Configuration
        Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Modeling Airflow in Urban Form against Sand Accumulation: a Case of Saltation in the Town of Timimoun in Southern Algeria
        Djamel Mestoul Rafik Bensalem Luc Adolphe
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analysis of Visual Impacts in Compact City’s Form
        Nima Mouhebati
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Technology and Urban Form: A Philosophical and Historical Perspective
        Abbas Shieh
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Effects of Urban Heat Islands Mitigation on Human Health through Change in Urban form Hot and Arid Climate of Mashhad (Case Study: Graticular Texture of Shahed and Organic Texture of Pachenar Neighborhoods)
        Elham sanagar darbani Mojtaba Rafieian toktam hanaee danial monsefi parapari
        Background and Objective: The increase in heat waves in cities has caused many problems for human health. Reducing environmental problems by reducing the ambient temperature and thus improving human health is one of the most important concerns in the present age, which More
        Background and Objective: The increase in heat waves in cities has caused many problems for human health. Reducing environmental problems by reducing the ambient temperature and thus improving human health is one of the most important concerns in the present age, which can be achieved by changing urban forms and environmental elements. Method: The main method used in this research is numerical simulations, using Envi-Met and Leonardo software suites. Findings: The findings indicate that the higher the height-to-width ratio, the less access sunlight has to the environment, resulting in lower ambient temperatures. Shading due to the ratio (H / w), the presence of plants and wind in urban valleys can also reduce the ambient temperature. In addition, the reduction of impermeable surfaces of urban coatings and the presence of materials with high albedo, increase evapotranspiration, which provides cooling conditions for urban environments and reduces the adverse effects of urban heat on human health. Conclusion: As a result, creating shadows through a combination of vegetation and diverse alterations in structures of H / W can be effective on reducing the ambient and surface temperatures. Moreover, the use of permeable surfaces and building materials with high albedo are effective in reflecting solar heat and can reduce the intensity of urban heat islands. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A study of climatic comfort conditions in the spatial-physical patterns of traditional neighborhoods’ fabric: The case of Hamadan’s old neighborhoods
        mohammad motaghed hasan sajadzade
        Background and Objective: The unbridled expansion of cities during the recent decades has gradually led to the decline of their climatic comfort. One of the objectives of this study is to analyze the spatial geometry and structural-spatial patterns of traditional neighb More
        Background and Objective: The unbridled expansion of cities during the recent decades has gradually led to the decline of their climatic comfort. One of the objectives of this study is to analyze the spatial geometry and structural-spatial patterns of traditional neighborhoods in the cold and dry climate to use the results for optimization of new residential fabrics. This study also aims to investigate the role, plantation pattern and species of the plants in the green spaces of old neighborhoods.Material and Methodology: First the factors that affect climatic comfort were identified by examining expert viewpoints. Then, Ecotect Autodesk software was used to simulate the conditions and analyze the data in three traditional neighborhoods of Hamedan City.Findings: certain measures are required in linear neighborhoods to increase their exposure to sunlight during the cold seasons because they have more shading compared to centrifugal neighborhoods during the cold periods of the year.Discussion and Conclusions: using centrifugal models can help optimize these spaces and improve climatic conditions in them. In addition to preventing the prevailing cold winds from blowing into the neighborhoods from the surrounding environments, the old trees at the center of the neighborhoods selected in this study improve coolness and climatic comfort in these spaces, especially during the hot seasons of the year. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Necessity of a Paradigm Shift in Urban Form Studies: An Examination through Different Philosophical Paradigms of Science
        Ahmad Ali Namdarian Somayeh Khani
        The concept of urban form encounters numerous uncertainties. It finds applications in various discussions within architecture, urbanism, and environmental design. However, its meaning is often assumed rather than clearly defined. Urban studies are typically divided into More
        The concept of urban form encounters numerous uncertainties. It finds applications in various discussions within architecture, urbanism, and environmental design. However, its meaning is often assumed rather than clearly defined. Urban studies are typically divided into two main categories: architectural and urban historians, and geographers. Yet, these groups often fail to explain the reasons for changes in urban form. Understanding the factors that shape urban form requires a new theoretical framework. The philosophy of science can assess and categorize existing studies while offering a fresh definition. This article aims to classify urban studies through content analysis and library research. The paper demonstrates that previous studies have predominantly embraced a "positivistic" and "critical rationalism" approach, which tends to reduce the ontological nature of urban form to its epistemology. Critical realism can illuminate the hidden mechanisms underlying the urban form, leading to the introduction of the term "influential forces" to represent these concealed mechanisms. In other words, focusing solely on the dimensions of form presents a limited perspective; attention should be given to causal factors in urban form studies. These influential forces can provide insights into causality. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of the Health-oriented Urban Form with An Emphasis on the Epidemic Disease: A systematic scoping review
        Helia Sareminia Fatemeh Mohammadniay Gharaei sanaz saeidi mofrad Sulmaz Ghahramani
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        15 - Identifying the physical form of Mashhad based on the analysis of economic trends During 1986-2021
        farid bashian Hadi Sarvari Toktam Hanaee Ali Akbar Sarvari
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        16 - The Environmental and Social Manifestation of Islamic-Iranian Urban and Architectural Configuration
        Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
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        17 - The Impact of the Tourism Sector Policies in the Ninth and Tenth Boards of Government on Urban form and Structure of Mashhad Using Discourse Theory
        Sara Jalali Zohreh Davoudpour Manouchehr Tabibian
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        18 - Elements and Indicators of Urban Form: A Meta-Synthesis Study
        zeinab kheirkhah Marjan A. Nemati Mehr
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        19 - Spatial Evaluation of Energy Performance at Neighborhood Scale Case study: Sanandaj city
        Farnaz Ghazi Farzin Charehjoo Mahta Mirmoghtadaee
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        20 - The Morphology of Qom; The Study on Spatial Configuration Changes of The City (1956-2021)
        Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour Mostafa Abbaszadegan Masoud Elahi
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        21 - affect Components of urban physical form on outdoor thermal comfort case study: yazd
        مرجان منتظری لعلا جهانشاهلو حمید ماجدی
        By introducing the theory of sustainable city, ecological city, smart city, and green city in recent decades, Special attention to design in harmony with nature, ecological sustainability and climate issues are considered urban designers and the planners. Thus, issues s More
        By introducing the theory of sustainable city, ecological city, smart city, and green city in recent decades, Special attention to design in harmony with nature, ecological sustainability and climate issues are considered urban designers and the planners. Thus, issues such as energy saving, control the energy exchange between human and artificial and natural environment and provide thermal comfort for urban spaces users, become an integral part of urban design studies. Therefore, the present study is aimed at address the issue of energy management in urban scale with emphasis on the role of the urban form on thermal comfort and microclimate, by using a descriptive-analytical method and review researches and similar experiences. This study investigates the impact of urban form on microclimate and find the components of urban form affects the local climate and thermal comfort in urban open spaces in the hierarchy of urban scale (the individual buildings up to urban fabric). The results show Spatial, physical and environmental dimensions of elements of urban form in different scales, for example geometric characteristics (shape, height, size, orientation), the occupation and density, pattern and form layout, materials (type, color) of roof, wall, and floor, H/W (ratio of height to width), the sky view factor (SVF), pattern (structure) of street network, vegetation (type and density), land use influence the thermal comfort of urban open spaces that notion to them in the process of planning and urban design, could lead to the creation of spaces that provide thermal comfort for users in all seasons. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Evaluating the Role of Urban Form in Energy Consumption of Building Masses and Thermal Comfort of Open Urban Spaces in the Hot and Dry Climate
        Maryam Farokhi Shahab Kariminia
        In the past, cities have been good examples of energy-efficient urban design in terms of ecological constraints. Looking at traditional cities and comparing them with modern urban planning, we see adverse environmental consequences in the scale of design of building uni More
        In the past, cities have been good examples of energy-efficient urban design in terms of ecological constraints. Looking at traditional cities and comparing them with modern urban planning, we see adverse environmental consequences in the scale of design of building units and the spatial structure of cities. Therefore, it seems necessary to identify the effective factors in the design of traditional sustainable cities, using simulation software before the project or in the proposed options, to the optimal forms in the components (individual buildings) and Urban combinations (urban textures) was achieved. The present research combines descriptive-analytical methods, typological studies, drawing and simulation of models, following the analysis of energy consumption and thermal comfort in different types of building forms, urban blocks, and spatial structure of Isfahan in 4 historical periods. Therefore, by using energy simulation software (Design Builder) and thermal comfort (Envi-Met) and analysis of Space Syntax, the relationship between independent variables (physical and spatial characteristics of the urban fabric) and dependent variables, the amount of energy consumption (to provide heating, cooling, and lighting) and thermal comfort, in each of the proposed scenarios, has been investigated. Based on the results, it is possible to formulate guidelines for the climatic design of urban structures in the form of three components; The system and pattern of segmentation and segregation of urban land, the shape and characteristics of the mass/space in urban contexts and the pattern of the network of texture passages, regulation, and operational construction. The dominant forms of the Qajar period are more sustainable forms than other historical periods in terms of energy performance and adaptation to the climate. Also, spatial structures with the highest degree of spatial connection can provide a higher percentage of thermal comfort conditions in urban open spaces. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        23 - Ranking of Urban Neighborhoods in the Enjoyment of Walkability Index (Case Study: Neighborhoods of 1th District of Rasht)
        Mahin Nastaran Shadie Mohammadi
        One of the major challenges in recent years attracted the attention of urban planners and urban designers and researchers in medical science, is the public health community. The increasing importance of intensifying health problem in urban areas, led to scientific circl More
        One of the major challenges in recent years attracted the attention of urban planners and urban designers and researchers in medical science, is the public health community. The increasing importance of intensifying health problem in urban areas, led to scientific circles, on role of designing of physical aspects of the environment is provided, on the walkability and physical activity. In this case, the scientists agreed that the physical structure of urban sprawl, encouraging more car use, walking and other physical. In this regard, a review of previous studies on the relationship between urban form and mobility, factors influencing urban form in the context of walking, were studied and seven indexes, household density, diversity, connectivity, proximity, block size, sidewalk, Retail Floor Area Ratio (FAR), using Geographic information system (GIS) and software space syntax analysis (Depth map) were measured. Results of Initial analysis of objective walkability indicators, main goal of this study, ranking of neighborhoods, in 1th region's of Rasht city, in terms of the overall index were obtained. According to the results, ability to walk of neighborhoods reduced by distance from the city center to the border areas, and this index is at the lowest level in rural-urban neighborhoods of suburban. Also according to the urban form, neighborhoods with initial design and texture orderly, are at the higher levels of the index Compare to traditional organic and rural organic neighborhoods. Manuscript profile