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        1 - The relationship between visual factors of urban space and behavioral patterns (study site: Shahrdari square, Rasht, Iran)
        Ameneh Kamvarshalmani simin hanachi
        City as a live and dynamic creature can have important function at meeting mental and psychological needs of people but due to improper growth of population with urban development of cities and many problems, urban managers have paid attention to the physical aspects of More
        City as a live and dynamic creature can have important function at meeting mental and psychological needs of people but due to improper growth of population with urban development of cities and many problems, urban managers have paid attention to the physical aspects of cities and to some extent have neglected psychological and mental effects of cities’ skeleton on citizens. This paper is based on a qualitative research considering the relationship between visual factors of urban spaces and behavioral patterns of consumers from these spaces aimed at identifying favorable and unfavorable visual factors of urban spaces and also regarding visual perception and behavioral pattern of citizens at urban spaces. In this relation it was tried to answer the question that whether the existence of visual factors of urban space affects citizens’ behavior and encourages especial behavior or prevent appearance of some behaviors? For achieving this goal after reviewing basic concepts and hypothesis related to the project and writing analytic model of the research and also collecting data through two methods of direct observation (behavioral mapping) and indirect observation (questionnaire); data extracted by considering a case sample in Rasht city and its skeletal analysis through pathology of wall, floor, furniture and green space. For analyzing data, the correlation statistic method has been used and the relationship between variables and hypothesis of the research has been tested by chi-square test and by using SPSS software. Finally regarding the importance of the research, some suggestion for strengthening social interaction at studying site and procedures have been presented for favorability of visual factors to prepare conditions for changing some behavioral patterns of citizens and on the one side it has been tried to consider visual aspects of mentioned urban space a lot so that by outstanding some visual factors of these spaces, create the condition for appearance of new behavioral space at studying space. The significant point is that in studying area due to the significance of placement function, behavioral patterns are more resulted from this function that in suggestions the urban space have ben emphasized. Finding shows that urban space that is far from its main function is a functional problem and by paying attention to the point that we know city as a live creature the existence of this problem means that there is a kind of skeletal disorder in city and in this state with the existence of skeletal disorder we cannot merely rely on the manifestation of beauty. Therefore regarding the point that firstly visual factors of urban space affects behavioral pattern of citizens and secondly the type of function of; urban space can affect the degree of citizens’ attention to surrounding visual factors and the existence of social life at urban cities is emphasized. The important point that is observed at the research was that citizens use a space properly while there is factors for their attraction to the considered space that regarding visual factors of the space and the degree of citizens’ satisfaction of these characteristics is important. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Critical Study of the Translation of Thirty Lyrical Couplets of Hafiz by Ibrahim Amin Al-Shawarebi: A Linguistic Approach
        Ali Ghahremani
        As a literary-mystical figure, Hafiz Shirazi has been the focus of attention among many poets and literary figures in the Arab world. The employment of such mystical terms as celestial love, cloak, wine, etc. by the Arab poets in their poetry shows the influence of Hafi More
        As a literary-mystical figure, Hafiz Shirazi has been the focus of attention among many poets and literary figures in the Arab world. The employment of such mystical terms as celestial love, cloak, wine, etc. by the Arab poets in their poetry shows the influence of Hafiz’s thought on the Arab literature. Ibrahim Amin Al-Shawarebi, as an Arabic translator, paved the ground for the familiarization of the Arabs with the Hafiz’s Divan. The Translation of Hafiz’s lyrical poems into Arabic language by Ibrahim Amin Shawarebi is an example of a felicitous and beautiful one in the poetic translation.  In this respect, Al-Shawarebi based his work on the translation of Hafiz’s sonnets into prose. In this study, the researcher aims to analyze and criticize his (Ibrahim Amin Shawarebi) translations in the light of linguistic criticism, perception, and understanding through the descriptive and analytical methods. The results showed that there are some misunderstandings in Al-Shawarebi’s translations, although he did his best to provide a careful and meticulous work. Many of these problems originate from the translator’s negligence of the extra linguistic factors, his little attention to the cultural elements of the source language, basing his translation of Persian vocabularies on the linguistic structure of Arabic language, and his ignorance of hidden puns behind the Hafiz’s word. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Study of Ideological Manipulation in Persian Translations of Noam Chomsky’s Media Control Based on Farahzad’s Translation Criticism Model
        Shokoufeh Amiri Abdollah Baradaran
      • Open Access Article

        4 - بررسی بازآفرینی و تاریخ گرایی نو از نظر ایدئولوژی آلتوسر در ترجمه های گلستان سعدی
        Elham Ehterami امیر مرزبان
        هدف از این تحقیق مطالعه چهار ترجمه از کتاب گلستان سعدی در طی قرون 19 , 20 و 21 در انگلستان می‌باشد تا بتوان تاثیر ایدئولوژی غالب در انگلستان را بر ترجمه این اثر مهم بررسی کرد. این چهار ترجمه عبارتند از گلادوین (1806), برتون (1888), پلاتس (1904) و تکستون (2008) که بر اسا More
        هدف از این تحقیق مطالعه چهار ترجمه از کتاب گلستان سعدی در طی قرون 19 , 20 و 21 در انگلستان می‌باشد تا بتوان تاثیر ایدئولوژی غالب در انگلستان را بر ترجمه این اثر مهم بررسی کرد. این چهار ترجمه عبارتند از گلادوین (1806), برتون (1888), پلاتس (1904) و تکستون (2008) که بر اساس بازآفرینی و تاریخ گرایی نوین از نظر ایدئولوژی آلتوسر انجام شده است. این یک تحقیق کمی و کیفی می باشد که طی آن 30 حکایت از گلستان سعدی به روش هدفمند انتخاب و مورد تحقیق قرار گرفت. تمام موارد مورد نیاز از این چهار ترجمه استخراج و با کتاب اصلی مقایسه و سپس بر اساس فرمول کا اسکوئر مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج به دست آمده حاکی از این است که به طور کلی هیچ تفاوت معناداری بین ترجمه های مورد نظر وجود ندارد, اگر چه بیان این مطلب ضروری است که تفاوت های زیادی بین یکا یک موارد استخراج شده وجود دارد که خود می تواند دلیل محکمی بر وجود یک ایدئولوژی پنهان در ترجمه ها باشد. به این صورت که, تکستون در ترجمه خود از بیشترین موارد بازآفرینی استفاده کرده است و گلادوین از بیشترین ایدئولوژی آلتوسر. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Micro- and Macro-Level Descriptive-Analytical Study of Translation Criticism in Iran: Are We Moving within a Framework?
        Mir Saeed Mousavi Razavi Morteza Gholami
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Criticism of the translation of the book of stylistics
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        This article examines and criticizes the translation of Paul Simpson's book on stylistics, which was translated into Persian by Nasrin Faqih Malek Marzban and published by Al-Zahra University. In this book, Simpson has looked at stylistics with a new approach. In this a More
        This article examines and criticizes the translation of Paul Simpson's book on stylistics, which was translated into Persian by Nasrin Faqih Malek Marzban and published by Al-Zahra University. In this book, Simpson has looked at stylistics with a new approach. In this article, we examine the translation of the book from four perspectives: appearance and form, structure, content and language. In the external and formal criticism, we deal with the weight, volume and cut of the book, page layout, diagrams, font and letter size, binding and binding, paper and cover material, cover and back cover design, and in the structural criticism of the system special book classification; In the content criticism of the translation features and in the linguistic criticism, we examine the grammatical or editorial signs, the use of wrong verbs, prepositions and pronouns, double writing, recording of unusual forms of declaration. Content evaluation is more focused on checking the accuracy and correctness of translation and equivalent choices. The existence of editing and writing problems, weakness in equivalent options, double writing and in many cases lack of translation are the weak points of this book. The book of stylistics opens new intellectual horizons for Persian readers. Manuscript profile