List of Articles Social media marketing Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The impact of social media marketing on customer participation in value creation in the Shoe and Leather Industry (case study: Novin charm Company) sirous keshavarz mousa rahimi Fatemeh Amjadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Designing and Validating an Effective Social Media Marketing Model in the Tehran Dairy Industry maryam abdoli Hosein Bodaghi Khajenobar Reza Rostamzadeh Farzin Modares Khiyabani 10.30495/mediastudies.2022.60291.1381 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating the Role of Social Media Marketing On the Promotion of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth Advertising of Tourist Destinations (Case Study: Tehran Province) ANAHITA MOHAMMADI Mohammad siadatan Mahdi Karoubi 10.30495/mediastudies.2023.74651.1534 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Impact of marketing mix and marketing efforts of social media on consumer response according to the mediating role of brand equity effat haji hoseini abolfazl sohrabi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Effects of social media marketing on online customer behavior Saderat Bank of Bushehr City Jahangir Dashti Ali Akbar Mirzaee Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The Impact of Social Media Marketing Efforts on Customer Value in Luxury Brands (Case study: luxury brands in the clothing market) Ebrahim ghaed Habib Shirafkan Lamso Alireza Hadadian 10.30495/jomm.2022.60843.1825 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The Relationship between Social Media Marketing and Consumer Behavior Based on Age Group with the Mediating Role of Brand Equity in Irancell Communication Services Company Zeinab Shabaninejad Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi Hassan Esmailpour 10.30495/jomm.2023.70340.1987 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Model with Combined Approach (Case Study: Tehran Milk Industry Experts and Policymakers) maryam abdoli 10.30495/jisds.2007.21292 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Social media marketing and brand social identity focusing on customer engagement in the investment process peiman alidostzoghi Ebrahim Chirani Mohammad Reza Azadehdel Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Influencer Behavior in Social Media Marketing: Developing and Validating a New Model Habibollah Majidian Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh Vashan Hossein Hakimpour 10.30495/jsm.2021.1943152.1552 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Identifying and Validating the Factors Affecting Online Social Media Marketing about Consumer Buying Behavior Reyhaneh Toudeh Bahambari Hossein Hakim pour Mehdi Mahmoudzadeh Vashan Hamid Rezaeifar 10.30495/jsm.2022.1957940.1642 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - Virtual Reality (VR) Alongside Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs) as a Solution for Management Information Systems (MIS) Yazdan Shirmohammadi Parisa Abiyaran Mike Peters 10.30495/jsm.2023.1990610.1841 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - The Scientometric of Social Media Marketing Position in International Islamic Research Fatemeh Abolhasani targhi Seyyed Hassan Hataminasab Mohammad Soltanifar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - The role of social media marketing activities in the development of customer equity Mani Arman Mohabbat Javidfar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - Investigating the Role of Social Media Marketing and Experience for Loyalty Intention and Participation Intention, Considering the Mediating Role of Relationship Quality (Case Study: BaniMode Online Cosmetics Store) Zahra Alahverdi Saeid Landaran Esfahani 10.30495/msds.2022.1955946.1047 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 16 - Presentation of a Brand Equity Model Influenced by Social Media Marketing Activities Mohammad nafeii Leila andervazh Hamidreza saeednia Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 17 - Designing a social media marketing model for chain stores based on brand equity from a consumer perspective soniya behzadinasab Leila Andervazh Ebrahim albonaiemi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 18 - Investigating the role of social media marketing on value creation and its effect on customer behavior in public health centers in Tehran Anahita Rahmati AREZOO Ahmadi Danyali Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 19 - Development and explanation of dimensions of social media marketing persuasive messages on customers' purchase intention fatemeh khajehfini, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh Abdollah Naami Fataneh Alizadeh Meshkani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 20 - The Impact of Social Media Marketing Activities on the Brand Loyalty, Considering the Mediation Effect of Materialism and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior Mohammadhossein Daneshvar Seyedhadi Eslamian shiraz Mina Alyari Gargari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 21 - Presenting a Digital Marketing Model and Its Impact on Social Media for the Development of Foreign Trade Younos Vakil Alroaia Lila Fathi Farideh Haghshenas Kashani Seyyed Abdollah Heydariyeh