• List of Articles Baghdad

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        1 - Baghdadi Paper in the Early Centuries of Islam; Reviewing an Idea
        Mahdi Mojtahedi
        One of the most important events that had an everlasting and unprecedented impact on Muslim cultural quests was their gaining access to paper and paper industry since the middle years of the second century AH.  In many recent studies, it has been cla More
        One of the most important events that had an everlasting and unprecedented impact on Muslim cultural quests was their gaining access to paper and paper industry since the middle years of the second century AH.  In many recent studies, it has been claimed that the development of paper industry in Baghdad and the production of Baghdadi paper happened within the first few decades after the construction of the city. According to those researches which are based on the reports of relatively recent sources, some years after paper production in Samarqand (about 179 AH), production of paper in Baghdad began by the order of al-Faḍl b. Yaḥyā al-Barmakī, the vizier of Harun al-Rashid (R. 170-193 AH). Because of the recency of the references that was used in the aforementioned studies and also the exclusiveness of paper manufacturing in China and Samarqand as well as the reliance of Baghdad on the imported paper from those lands until the sixth century AH, the present article shows that the birth of Baghdadi paper occurred no earlier than the time that Yaqut al-​​Hamavi speaks of it, which is the seventh century AH.   References Ḳurān-i Karīm. Afshar, Iraj, Kāghadh Dar Zindigī wa Farhang-i Irānī, Tehran, The Written Heritage Research Institute, 1390/ 2011. Aledavood, Seyed Ali, “Ibn Isfandiyār”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi (as supervisor), Tehran, The Center For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 3/13. Atiyeh, George N. (Ed.) ,The book in the Islamic world : the written word and Communication in the Middle East, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. kht-i Kāghadh Dar Mamālik Islāmī”, Trans. Abbas Eghbal, Yadigār, No. 39 & 40, May & June 1948/ 1327, pp. 127- 95. Azimi, Habib Allah, “Kāghadh Dar Nuskha Shināsī wa Kitāb Pardāzī-i Nusakh-i Khaṭṭī”, Āyina Mīrāth, No. 42 (special issue of Codicology), Fall 2008/ 1387, pp. 185- 161. Baghdādī, ʿAbd al-Muʾmin b. ʿAbd al- Ḥaḳḳ, Maraṣid al- IṭṭilaAlā Asmā al- Amkina wa al- Biḳā, Beirut, Dār al- Djīl, 1412 AH/ 1991 AD. Binesh, Abdulhussein, Āshnā-yī Bā Tārīkh Tamaddun-i Islāmī, Tehran, Idārah-yi ʿAḳīdatī Sīyāsī-yi Namāyandigī-yi Walī-yi Faḳīh Dar Sipāh, 1387/ 2008. Bīrūnī, Abūrayhān, Taḥḳīḳu mā lil- Hind, Revised by ʿAlī Ṣafā, Beirut, ʿĀlam al- Kutub, 1403 AH/ 1983 AD. Bloom, Jonathan, “Djāddah-yi Abrīsham Yā Djāddah-yi Kāghadh? (Silk Road or Paper Road?)” Trans. Fatemeh Dorr Ali, Gulistān-i Hunar, No. , Winter 1386/ 2007, pp. 50- 46. Bosworth, C.E.; Hartmann, M.; Israeli, R.. “al-Ṣīn”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs. Brill Online, 2015. Damirchi, Shahab, Tarīkh Farhang wa Tamaddun-i Islām,Qom, Daftar-i Nashr-i Maārif, 1389/ 2010. Dakhīl, Sulaymān, al- Fawz bil- Murād Fī Tarīkh- Baghdād, Revised by Muḥammad Zaynahum Muḥammad ʿAzab, Cairo, Dār al- Āfāḳ al- ʿArabiyya, 1423 AH/ 2003 AD. Dawrī, ʿAbd al- ʿAzīz, Tarīkh al- Irāḳ al- Iḳtiṣādī fī al- ḳarn al- Rābi al- Hidjrī, Beirut, Center For Arab Unity Studies, 1995/ 1374. Ibid & Others, Baghdād: čand  Maḳala Dar Tarīkh wa Djughrāfiyā-yi Tarīkhī, Trans. Esmail Dowlatshahi & Iraj Prooshani, Tehran, Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1375/ 1996. Ibid, “Baghdād”, Trans. Mostafa Momeni, Dānish-nāma-yi Djahān-i Islām, Vol. 3, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel (as supervisor), Tehran, The Center For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1376/ 1997. Dhahabī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Tarikh al- Islām wa wafayāt (ṭabaḳāt) al- mashāhīr wa al- alām, Beirut, Dār al- Kitāb al- ʿArabī, 1413 AH/ 1992 AD. Djāḥiẓ, ʿAmr b. Baḥr, al- Tabṣarah fi-al- Tidjārah, Revised by Ḥasan Ḥusna ʿAbd al- Wahhāb, Cairo, Makṭaba al- Khāndjī, 1414 AH/ 1994 AD. Ibid, Ḥayawān, Revised by Muḥammad Bāsil ʿUyūn al- Sūd, Beirut, Dār al- Kutub al- ʿIlmiyya, 1424 AH/ 2003 AD. Ibid, “Risāla al- Djid wa al- Hazl”, al- Rasāil al- Adabiyya, Revised by ʿAlī Abū Mulḥim, Beirut, Dār wa Maktaba al- Hilāl, 2002/ 1380, pp. 364- 325. Nashr- i Maʿārif, 1386/ 2007. Djahshiyārī, Muḥammad b. ʿAbdūs, al- Wuzarā wa al- Kuttāb, Revised by Ḥasan Zayn, Beirut, Dār al- Fikr al- Ḥadīth, 1408 AH/ 1988 AD. Ibid, NuṣūṣḌāia min Kitāb al- Wuzarā wa l- Kuttāb, Revised by Mīkhāʾil ʿAwwād, Beirut, Dār al- Kitāb al- Lubnānī, 1384 AH/ 1964 AD Ibn ʿAsākir, ʿAlī b. Ḥasan, Tarīkh Madīnat Dimashḳ, Revised by ʿAlī Shīrī, Beirut, Dār al- Fikr, 1415 AH/ 1995 AD. Ibn Athīr,ʿAlī b. Abī al- Karam, al- Kāmil fī al- Tarīkh, Beirut,  Dār Ṣadir & Dār Beirut, 1385 AH/ 1965 AD. Ibn Djawzī, ʿAbdal_ Raḥmān b. ʿAlī, al- Muntaẓam fī Tarikh al- mulūk wa al- umam, Revised by Muḥammad Abdal-  ḳadir Atā & Muṣṭafā  Abdal-  ḳadir Atā, Beirut, Dār al- kitāb al- ʿilmiyya, 1992 AD/ 1412 AH. Ibn al- Faḳīh, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Buldān, Revised by Yūsuf al- Hādī, Beirut, 1996 AD/ 1416 AH. Ibid, Mukhtaṣar-i Kitāb al- Buldān, Revised by Michael Jan de Goeje, Leiden, Brill, 1302 AH/ 1885 AD. Ibn ʿImrānī, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī, al- Abnā fī Tarīkh al- Khulafā, Revised by Ḳāsim Sāmarānī, Cairo, Dār al- ‘Āfāḳ al- ʿArabiyya, 1421 AH/ 2001 AD. Ibn Isfadiyār, Muḥammad b. Ḥasan, Tarīkh-i Ṭabaristān, Revised by Abbas Eghbal Ashtiyani, Tehran, Padīda-yi Khāwar, 1366/ 1987. Ibn Khaldūn, ʿAbd al- Raḥmān Muḥammad, al- Ibar wa dīwan al- mubtadi wa al- Khabar fī tarīkh al- Arab wa al- Adjam wa al- Barbar, Revised by Khalīl Shaḥāda, Beirut, Dār al- Fikr, 1988 AD/ 1408 AH. Ibid, Muḳaddama, Trans. Mohammad Parvin Gonabadi, Tehran, Intishārāt-i Ibn Khallikān, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, Wafayāt al- Ayān wa- Anbā Abnā al- Zamā, Revised by Iḥsān ʿAbbās, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1971- 1994 AD/1390- 1414 AH. Ibn Khurdādhbih, ʿUbayd Allāh b. ʿAbdullāh, al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1889 AD/ 1306 AH (Offset Printing). Ibn al- Nadīm, Muḥammad b. Isḥāḳ, al- Fihrist, Revised by Muhammad-Reza Tajadod, Tehran, (Und.), 1351/ 1972. Ibn Rusta, Aḥmad b. ʿUmar, al- alāḳ al- Nafīsa (7th ed.), Revised by Michael Jan de Goeje, Leiden, Brill, 1891 AD/ 1308 AH. Ibn Shākir Kutubī, Muḥammad, Fawāt al- Wafayāt, Revised by Iḥsān ʿAbbās, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1973- 1974 AD/ 1392- 1393 AH. Ibn Taghrībirdī,Yusūf, al- Nudjūm al- Zāhira fī mulūk miṣr wa l- ḳāhira, Cairo, Wizārat al- Thaḳāfa wa al- Irshād al- Ḳawmī, Dār al- Kutub, (Und.). ‘Itlīdī, Muḥammad, Alām al- Nās bi- mā Waḳa lil- Barāmika maa Banī al- Abbās, Revised by Muḥammad Aḥmad ʿAbd al- ʿAzīz Sālim, Beirut, Dār al- Kutub al- ʿIlmiyya, 1425 AH/ 2004 AD. Ibid, Latāif al- Maārif, Revised by P. De Jong, Leaden, Brill, 1867/ 1245. Gharachanlu, Hosein, Djughrāfiyyā-yi Tarīkhī- yi Kishwar- Hā- yi Islāmī, Tehran, Samt, 1380/ 2001. Ḥabībī, ʿAbd al- Ḥayy, Tarīkh-i Afghanistan Bad Az Islām, Tehran, Afsūn, 1380/ 2001. Ḥamawī, Yāḳūt, Mudjam al- buldān, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1995/ 1374. Ḥasan, Ḥasan Ibrāhīm, Tarīkh-i Siyāsī-yi Islām, Trans. Abul-Qasim Payandeh, Tehran, Djawīdān, 1363/ 1984. Hitti, Philip Khalil, Tarīkh-i Arab,Trans. Abul-Qasim Payandeh, Tehran, Āgāh, 1366/1987. Huart, Cl.. “Kag̲h̲ad”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, First Edition (1913-1936). Edited by M. Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset, R. Hartmann. Brill Online, 2015. Ḥudūd al- Ālam Min al- Mashriḳ Ilā al- Maghrib, Revised by Maryam Mir Ahmadi & Gholamreza Varham, Tehran, Alzahra University, 1372/ 1993. Jan Ahmadi, Fatemeh, Tarīkh Farhang wa Tamaddun-i Islāmī, Qom, Daftar-i Kānpūrī, Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al- Razzāḳ, Barmakiyyān, Trans. Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaie & R. V. Bodaja, Tehran, Sanayee Ghaznawi Library, 1348/ 1969. 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        2 - Position of Baghdad Shurta Institution and Its Power (from Establishment till Early Buyid Period)
        سید هاشم آقاجری علیرضا اشتری تفرشی
        Baghdad shurta was one of the most important governmentalinstitutions in Iraq region during Abbasid caliphate. Alluding to thestory of the formation of this institution and some of its specialfeatures, this article is to consider different political motivations forbein More
        Baghdad shurta was one of the most important governmentalinstitutions in Iraq region during Abbasid caliphate. Alluding to thestory of the formation of this institution and some of its specialfeatures, this article is to consider different political motivations forbeing in control of Baghdad Police; influence of different authoritiesand politicians and their politics on it; backgrounds and ways throughthem political changes and competitions affected the prevalentprocedures of its management, such as choosing its chief; and itsfields of activity and duties. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Relations between Delhi Sultans and Abbasid Caliphs
        محسن معصومی سعید شیرازی
        As the most of Muslim sultans, Delhi sultans had been loyal to the Abbasid caliphate for being legitimate. Symbolic acts such as minting caliphs name on the coins and bringing caliphs name in the sermon by most Delhi sultans that their official religion was Hanafi revea More
        As the most of Muslim sultans, Delhi sultans had been loyal to the Abbasid caliphate for being legitimate. Symbolic acts such as minting caliphs name on the coins and bringing caliphs name in the sermon by most Delhi sultans that their official religion was Hanafi reveals the fact that they theoretically were faithful to the caliphate system. Some of these sultans according to the political conditions in their time and to excel upon their rivals and attract support the Indian subcontinents Muslims that were mostly Hanafi or Shafei, established relation with the Abbasid caliphate of Baghdad and Cairo and received the permission of ruling from them. In this article ,the relationship between the sultans and Abbasid caliphs of Bagdad and Cairo and their motivations and reasons for the establishment of these relations have been studied. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Study of the Role of Theorists of Baghdad Legal School in Institutionalizing “Reason” in the Process of Development of Shiite Studies of Jurisprudence
        Seyd Mohamd Mohsen Marashi Shoshtari Hormoz Asadi Kohbad
        To fulfill its mission, Shiite jurisprudence has undergone certain stages ofdevelopment according to the spatio – temporal requirements. So it has had itsown features in every age. One of these stages is the brilliant age of Baghdadschool during which prominent sc More
        To fulfill its mission, Shiite jurisprudence has undergone certain stages ofdevelopment according to the spatio – temporal requirements. So it has had itsown features in every age. One of these stages is the brilliant age of Baghdadschool during which prominent scholars such as Shaykh Mufid, SayyidMurtada, and Shaykh Tusi founded a new school. Establishing this schoolbased on the great sources of the Quran and the Sunna, they also introducedintellectual method in the field of jurisprudential studies with a specialprudence and applying new approaches.Venerating the former generation of jurisprudents adherent to textualproofs and commemorating their sincere efforts in safeguarding the precioussource of “texts”, they analyzed the former approaches and founded a newschool. The present article seeks to survey the process of institutionalizing“reason” in the methodology of jurisprudence by Shiite jurisprudents. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The life and literature of Khatib Tabrizi
        Nader Nezam Tehrani Nezam Tehrani
        Khatib Tabrizi is a famous scholar from fifth Hijry century. He has been named with positive and negative characteristics. This article studies and judges the things he has been accused of or appraised for. Also his scientific status and historian views about him and hi More
        Khatib Tabrizi is a famous scholar from fifth Hijry century. He has been named with positive and negative characteristics. This article studies and judges the things he has been accused of or appraised for. Also his scientific status and historian views about him and his role in literature are discussed in the present article. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study of Narrative Time in the Novel Frānkenštāin fī Baghdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad) based on the model of Gerard Genet
        Foad Abdollahzadeh Isa Zare Dorninani Abdolbaset Arab Yosouf Abadi Mohammad Yaghobi
        Time has the most obvious function to improve the structure of the story among the constituent elements of the story. Gerard Genet, as one of the theorists in this field, provided a clear theoretical framework for evaluating and analyzing the element of time in the stor More
        Time has the most obvious function to improve the structure of the story among the constituent elements of the story. Gerard Genet, as one of the theorists in this field, provided a clear theoretical framework for evaluating and analyzing the element of time in the story. Genet believes that in analyzing narrative time and comparing it with calendar time, three important categories such as order, continuity and frequency should be analyzed in order to extract and evaluate the most important narrative techniques used in each work of fiction. Ahmad Saadawi's novel Frānkenštāin fī Baghdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad) is a suitable novel for analysis based on the Genet model due to its great emphasis on time. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt is made to investigate the element of time in the novel "Frankenstein in Baghdad" based on the descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of discovering the salient aspects of time turbulence in post-modern novels. The results show that the widespread use of retrospectives, negative accelerations and positive accelerations, has caused irregularity and discontinuity in the narrative time of "Frankenstein in Baghdad". This sometimes confuses the reader in the story, which of course is one of the features of postmodern stories, and Ahmad Saadawi has been able to make good use of this techniques. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Joneid Baghdadi as Reported in Tazkaratul Owliya
        Touraj Aqhdaie
        This paper tries to present Joneid’s knowledge, insight, and moods who was one of the prominent figures of Islamic mysticism, as reported by Attar in Tazkaratul Owliya. Though Joneid is a member of Sahv school of thought, he is not irrelevant to Sekkar. However, the m More
        This paper tries to present Joneid’s knowledge, insight, and moods who was one of the prominent figures of Islamic mysticism, as reported by Attar in Tazkaratul Owliya. Though Joneid is a member of Sahv school of thought, he is not irrelevant to Sekkar. However, the major issue related to him is his overemphasis on Shariah. It is this tendency of him that makes him separate from passionate mystics like Hallaj, and keeps him accused of having dependency with Abbasid dynasty. To make a clear image of Joneid, first of all the implications of researchers on him are discussed briefly and then to depict his characteristics, Tazkaratul Owliya is scrutinized. Attar, just like his introduction of other characters, first stated the quotations on Joneid, and then addressed his selected speeches on various issues. Analyzing the two ways, the writers have endeavored to draw on the structure of his knowledge and insights and worldview to the possible extent. In this structure, Joneid is found to be the pro-Shariah mystic who on the one hand, he is strictly following the fundamentals of his own faith and on the other, he tries to show more flexibility on his intuitive and religious beliefs and achievements. Together with his extensive knowledge in the field of mysticism, he criticized a lot of mystical issues with his selective speeches so that he did unveil his level of knowledge and spiritual moods. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Various Dimensions of Junaid and Hallaj Dispute in the Light of Khorasan and Baghdad Schools of Sufism
        Shokrollah Pouralkhas Ahmad Jabari Farshid Bagheri
        The effect of the geographical environment on human thinking is a remarkable matter. Islamic Sufism with entering the geographical area of Iran faced new challenges. Iranian mystics and scholars, with a new reading of religion and Quran led the Islamic world gradually t More
        The effect of the geographical environment on human thinking is a remarkable matter. Islamic Sufism with entering the geographical area of Iran faced new challenges. Iranian mystics and scholars, with a new reading of religion and Quran led the Islamic world gradually to polarization. Soon after, Sufistic romance of Khorasan School was put in opposition to tradition-based Sufism of Baghdad School. Confrontation of these two schools penetrated into fields of thought, politics and society as well. The peak of this conflict was in the death of Hallaj and also the approach the followers of Baghdad and Khorasan schools chose toward that issue. In this study, we discuss the causes and the nature of the confrontation between these two schools. Then, with regard to the importance of Hallaj issue, after investigating the dimensions of Hallaj dispute with Junaid, it became clear that the divergence between these two great mystics had roots in the confrontation of Baghdad and Khorasan schools. These two persons had fundamental disagreements about important issues such as: 1. the political thought, the border between interpretation and explanation of Quran, 3. the meaning of Oneness 4. the conscious rationality and unconsious pondering 5. Arabian servitude and Persian justice- seeking. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Morphological Study of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves of Baghdad
        keyvan goorak
        Stories from the Thousand and One Nights (the Arabian Nights) is one of the most ancient texts in the world’s literature. The book is a collection of various stories told by a girl called Shahrzad to a king called Shahryar. Despite its universal popularity, this g More
        Stories from the Thousand and One Nights (the Arabian Nights) is one of the most ancient texts in the world’s literature. The book is a collection of various stories told by a girl called Shahrzad to a king called Shahryar. Despite its universal popularity, this great work has unfortunately not been researched well in Iran. The present article tries to do a morphological study of one of the famous stories of this collection: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves of Baghdad. First, the story is horizontally analyzed to present the reader’s view, then the main functions of the story are designated, and finally the story is vertically analyzed to represent the narrator’s view. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Critical Study and Analysis of the principles of Surrealism in Comparison With Anecdotes Junaid Baghdadi withEmphasis on the Memoirs of Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        Nasser Amir Mohammadi Nemat Esfahani Omran Hamid Tabasi
         Surrealism is a school founded by Andre Burton and his associates in the early twentieth century after World War I, causing murder, chaos, destruction and absurdism. Looking at the school of Surrealism and Islamic-Iranian mysticism, we find that the surrealist asp More
         Surrealism is a school founded by Andre Burton and his associates in the early twentieth century after World War I, causing murder, chaos, destruction and absurdism. Looking at the school of Surrealism and Islamic-Iranian mysticism, we find that the surrealist aspects and aspects did not appear after the founding of this school, but had a history in the oldest religious and mythological texts and in Iranian mysticism, especially Sufi and especially mystical literature. , But with fundamental differences, has existed. In mystical texts, especially memoirs, anecdotes have a narrative, imaginative and mental format; In such a way that they present surprising and astonishing events in a realistic context. For this reason, these anecdotes, due to their subconscious and dreamy form, correspond to the principles and foundations of surrealism, and also the surrealists emphasize the liberation from reason to reach the highest point of existence with the aim of the mystical path of mystics in which all multiplicities are united. Become, mistakenly considered one; Therefore, in the present descriptive-analytical method, an attempt is made to briefly apply the various surrealist elements and components in Junaid Baghdadi's anecdotes with emphasis on Attar's memoirs, and at the end, a brief critique and analysis of surreal metamaterial thinking And Farangar's thinking in Iranian mysticism should be presented. Manuscript profile
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        11 - A Proposal to Determine the Location of the Ilkhani City of Sultanabad Chamchamal (Little Baghdad) in Bisotun Kermanshah
        Abbas Motarjem Yaqub Mohammadifar
        Based on the historical resources in the age of Soltan Abusaeid, one of the Ilkhanid in Iran, a splendid city in the direction of a road towards "The Holy Shrines" in the place of Chamchamal Plain located in boundary extent between Bisotun and Sahneh was founded. This c More
        Based on the historical resources in the age of Soltan Abusaeid, one of the Ilkhanid in Iran, a splendid city in the direction of a road towards "The Holy Shrines" in the place of Chamchamal Plain located in boundary extent between Bisotun and Sahneh was founded. This city has been named Little Sultanabad or Little Baghdad. During two seasons of archaeological surveys in the years of 2001-2003 at Chamchamal Plain, all the archaic remains in the site ere identified and surveyed in the measuring method. Among the precincts of Chamchamal Plain, a Tepe named Gharghovand lacated in 5 km in east of Bisotun and having 20 hectare extent, more than any other precinct is capable of conformity with Sultanabad city. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Genealogy and historiographic explanation of the fall of Baghdad in Persian historiographical works up to the 10th century
        Maryam Nazaralhooey Mahboubeh Sharafi
        The fall of the Abbasid caliphate is one of the important events of the 7th century AD, which had various reflections in written historical sources. Each of the historians have narrated the event based on their perspective on history. In order to understand the historia More
        The fall of the Abbasid caliphate is one of the important events of the 7th century AD, which had various reflections in written historical sources. Each of the historians have narrated the event based on their perspective on history. In order to understand the historians' approach to the fall of Baghdad, this research tries to analyze the historians' perspective by using the historical method, based on the comparative approach, in three indicators of social, causal, critical and providential approaches. For this purpose, by identifying the most important works of Persian historiography in the period from 656 to 907 AD, we will study and compare the narratives and approaches of historians regarding the fall of Baghdad. The findings show that some narrators have a political and providential approach to the event, and their historiography is a continuation of traditional Iranian Islamic historiography. Some others, with a causal approach to history, with a social and causal, critical approach, criticized the political and social performance of the Caliph and those around him, and held them responsible for the incident. Their historiography method seems to be a step towards analytical historiography. Manuscript profile
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        13 - desire from the scholars in the orbit of the policy of the rulers of Baghdad (with emphasis on the fourth century AH)
        saeeid hamidi
        The tendency of political systems to meet the needs of the government has consistently attracted the attention of government officials to the scientists of society throughout history. Because scholars have the capabilities that governments need in their power structure. More
        The tendency of political systems to meet the needs of the government has consistently attracted the attention of government officials to the scientists of society throughout history. Because scholars have the capabilities that governments need in their power structure. In this regard, the study of the relationship between Islamic rulers and elites is considered as an important topic in historical research. Thus, studying this issue without being aware of government requirements will be an ineffective and sometimes fruitless effort.The rulers of Baghdad in the fourth century AH realized that creating an alliance between political power and ulema would be the only way to establish their caliphate. Therefore, while welcoming theologians and narrators, they sought to escape political convulsions by employing their capabilities. Accordingly, the main purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to answer the question of which of Baghdad's political necessities made the caliphate popular with thinkers.A review of library resources shows; The need to control rival caliphs in Andalusia, the need to curb Egyptian Fatimid power, to pretend to be in line with dominant religious beliefs, the desire to revive Etzal, and finally to take advantage of the Shiite capacity in the face of the crisis of absenteeism all attracted the attention of scholars. Manuscript profile
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        14 - THE Study of Mufid political and intellectual interaction with gowernors of Buveyhid
        leila taghavi bahram amani
        Iranian Shi'a commanders of Buveyhid  was able to overcome the Abbasid caliphates of Baghdad more than a century .and  they perform  worthy services of the social, cultural and Intellectual  in Iran and Iraq, and also provided Appropriate space for More
        Iranian Shi'a commanders of Buveyhid  was able to overcome the Abbasid caliphates of Baghdad more than a century .and  they perform  worthy services of the social, cultural and Intellectual  in Iran and Iraq, and also provided Appropriate space for religious and academic  activities of Shiites. at this time the great Shiite scholars such as Sheikh Mufid, Sheikh Sadough and seyed Mortazi were engaged in teaching. - In this paper, interactions  governors Buveyhid  with one of the largest Shiite scholars Sheikh Mufid'  was studied, This study shows that on the one hand Sheikh as famous Shia scholar by holding discussant sessions, writing many books and educating students attempted for dynamics of Shiite jurisprudence and theology .On the other hand Depending on the time of He had a limited relationship and interaction with the rulers (They were a Shi'ite tendencies)  he was in great standing with the some commanders of Buveyhid sucha zdaldvlh. But at the same time, sheikh mufid   In the second half of his life,( Which coincides with weakness of Buveyhid Rulers and Abbasid power reorientation , and thus weaken the position of the Shiites) exiled Thrice  following shia- sunni conflict. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Explaining the historical and theological Mu'tazilite school Basra and Baghdad
        morteza mousavi parisa fiezi
        Without  in  Islamic scientific community  Many denominations have come together to present and exchange ideas. One of the most important historical and theological schools with a significant role in the emergence of theological ideas, have had Mu'tazilit More
        Without  in  Islamic scientific community  Many denominations have come together to present and exchange ideas. One of the most important historical and theological schools with a significant role in the emergence of theological ideas, have had Mu'tazilite. Mu'tazilite taken from Mu'tazilite word means away and resignation and  considered as one of the most famous Theological schools in science of the sects  that Wasil ibn Ata was founded  in Basra in the first half of the second century  . He benefited from  Hassan Basri s school  that he was known in fiqh, hadith, Sufism and religious issues. But then he left him because to Plan of the new theory about committing great sins. Among Mu'tazilite both Basra and Baghdad were due to the expansion of the Islamic sect   And Theologians of the two schools Much Served for promoting Islamic beliefs and defend that the The remains of the two sects, is proof of this. In explanation of vote Mu'tazilah Basra and Baghdad, they have been reviewed  From the perspective of theology and history, The quality of the formation of the historically, Historical periods Mu'tazilite, Division Mu'tazilite Historically, Mu'tazilite principles, theologians and differences between the two groups on issues such Imamate and Shiism, good and evil, determinism and free will, the interest of God, occurrence and former the Quran and its scripture,   Knowing God,  the God  thanks to the rule have been reviewed. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Divan Resalat and it’s Function in the Khwarazm Shahid’s Divan
        Ebrahim Bavafa
        Divan Resalat was part of administratiue system (Divansalary) of Khawrazmshahian which consisted the Divans letter, Manshur, Fath-nameh and Sogand nameh . The head of divan Resalat was choosen by the king and from among famous court men and famous scientists. Its main More
        Divan Resalat was part of administratiue system (Divansalary) of Khawrazmshahian which consisted the Divans letter, Manshur, Fath-nameh and Sogand nameh . The head of divan Resalat was choosen by the king and from among famous court men and famous scientists. Its main responsibility was  making diplomatic connectin between diferrent sections of gouermet and other country Rashid – Adin Vatvat was on of the most famous of Divan in this period. He not only did his job very well, but also he could develop the kharzamian scintific and administration system as well.  Yaghub Ibn-Shirin Jandi,Baha Al-din Baghdadi and Nasavi were other gteat Dabirs in Kharazmshahid’s .In this work,it’s tried to study Divan Resalat and it’s function in administration system of Kharazm shahids . Manuscript profile
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        17 - Ash'ari exact role of ideas in relationship with the caliphate system Alebouyeh
        morteza soltani vali abolhasani
        The buyid's Moezzed - Dowleh took Baghdad as his possession and sometime later, he discharged khalifat- almostakfi. The Buyid's period, regarding that government power and also lack of religious dogmatism originated from lack of being duty- bound to the regulations, cre More
        The buyid's Moezzed - Dowleh took Baghdad as his possession and sometime later, he discharged khalifat- almostakfi. The Buyid's period, regarding that government power and also lack of religious dogmatism originated from lack of being duty- bound to the regulations, created a glorious period and calm environment for learned people and different religions in order to express their thoughts. In this era, some remarkable speakers from three verbal schools such as Ashari, schismatic (Motazeleh) and shittee appeared in Baghdad and other Buyid's territories. The thoughts of these speakers, despite being a vindication of religious believes of the mentioned schools, were not ineffective on the behavior and reaction of the Buyid's rulers and Abbassid caliphs and their political thoughts were as the guidance or as an explanation of the rulers' behavior in service for governors. These men of thought were functionally in the service of rulers beside giving methods to the rulers in different conditions and each one of them undertook some responsibilities in tax systems of Buyid's and Abbassid caliphate. Their thoughts were effective on people's viewpoint about governors as a legal or illegal ruler. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Investigation of Shi'ism current opportunities from the fall of Baghdad To the establishment of the Safavid dynasty
        Azadeh Montazeri
        Recognizing Shi'ism in the Safavid period is a phenomenon which is rooted in centuries, currents, and ups and downs that Shi'ism faced in its attempt to prove itself. The present study made an attempt to examine Shi'ism, its opportunities from the fall of Baghdad to the More
        Recognizing Shi'ism in the Safavid period is a phenomenon which is rooted in centuries, currents, and ups and downs that Shi'ism faced in its attempt to prove itself. The present study made an attempt to examine Shi'ism, its opportunities from the fall of Baghdad to the establishment of Safavid dynasty, and the recognition of Iran's Twelver Shi'ism .The results revealed that ,in the course of Iran’s history, from the beginning until before the fall of Baghdad(656 A.H),the tendency to Shiite has been rising but it occurred slowly. However, after the Mongol devastating invasion of Iran and the Muslim world and the presented opportunities, Shi'ism current found such power and acceleration that, after nearly three centuries, despite various sects and religions in Iran, finally, it was formalized and conjoined with the Iranian identity. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Relations between Buyid and Egypt
        RajabAli Vosooghi
        Relations between Ale Buye and Egypt started from when the tatemcyan’s domination oues Egypt was established. Although in religious associations with each other, these two Shiite states were expected to have ties of fuendship and interacting with each other. Polit More
        Relations between Ale Buye and Egypt started from when the tatemcyan’s domination oues Egypt was established. Although in religious associations with each other, these two Shiite states were expected to have ties of fuendship and interacting with each other. Political materials and interests as well, prevent at form happening. It seems the two sides policies or impe realism and the religion divinities, from the basic point of view had had the major role we creating enmity and hostility towards each other. During these days, one could see the political intrigues and the military front preparations by these two against each other. But, it is noteworthy to mention that each of the two governments pretessed it, opposite side to every other country having had differing views in religion. This is why in spite of political enmity; one would observe peace, friendlyness, dispatching embassies and tetters to each other between them. This is the reason that they had never involved directly or seriously in military conflicts. Taking refuge by some princes of Afe Buyer in Egypt in order to fee from the damage from their competitors in a good recuon tor this claim.   Manuscript profile
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        20 - Iranian musician UrmuI performances in Baghdad mongul period
        MOHAMMAD REZA HASHEMI NIA mohammad sepehri satar oudi
        Iranian musician UrmuI had many ups and downs in his life. He lived with his family as a child and left Urmia with the idea of learning to travel to Baghdad before the Mongol invasions left. There, he found himself at the cultural, political and scientific center of the More
        Iranian musician UrmuI had many ups and downs in his life. He lived with his family as a child and left Urmia with the idea of learning to travel to Baghdad before the Mongol invasions left. There, he found himself at the cultural, political and scientific center of the Islamic world. He studied in the most explicit documentary of his time, the most famous school of his day, and evolved into various arts and sciences. It was not long before he found himself with the Abbasid caliph and his companionship, and this dry period ended with the invasion of Hulako, a situation that was tactfully and artistically restored to life and to the glory of the past, and then back to the service of the junior ministers. Closed and this period was not too late and all his pleasures ended and the only way he could get to jail was on his way to hormone. He was finally imprisoned at the age of five for failing to pay off his debt and was imprisoned there for six months. And the humiliation died Manuscript profile
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        21 - Investigating the causes of change in the occupations of Baghdad in the Abbasid era from the 2nd to the 7th century AH
        Mohadese Khosravi ardeshir asadbeigi mahmood mahdavi damghani shahrbanoo delbari
        Social History as a New Trend In studying the history of past societies, it tries to pay attention to the daily life of ordinary people. In these studies, the component of "occupations" as the main pillar of social and economic life is of special importance. The city of More
        Social History as a New Trend In studying the history of past societies, it tries to pay attention to the daily life of ordinary people. In these studies, the component of "occupations" as the main pillar of social and economic life is of special importance. The city of Baghdad was one of the most famous Islamic capitals with its political and economic composition and structure. The political, scientific and cultural attractions of Baghdad during the Abbasid caliphate led to the large presence of the population in this city, and consequently the growth of urbanization and the expansion of economic and political affairs led to the transformation of jobs in this period. This article, while examining the occupations of this period as an important part of social history in the second to seventh centuries AH, tries to show the causes of change in occupations of the Abbasid era. This study tries to answer the question by using descriptive and analytical methods. What is the evolution of jobs in Baghdad during the Abbasid era from the 2nd to the 7th century AH?It seems that among the factors of change in Baghdad jobs during five centuries can be the expansion of the administrative system and the emergence of various government jobs, the growth of urbanization and welfare, the establishment of scientific and educational centers, security and economic development and agricultural development. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The status of Christians in Baghdad Since the Collapse of Dar-Al-Khalafah until Ilkhanan's decay
        Mostafa naseri rad Fatemeh sadat seyied ghavami
        Abstract: With the fall of Bani Abbas's Caliphate by Holakoo who was the founder ofthe Ilkhanan dynasty, Baghdad played the rold of one of the capitals of this new dynastyuntil 736 H.L / 1335 A.D. In spite of first Ilkhanan's attention to Buddhism, religioustolerance an More
        Abstract: With the fall of Bani Abbas's Caliphate by Holakoo who was the founder ofthe Ilkhanan dynasty, Baghdad played the rold of one of the capitals of this new dynastyuntil 736 H.L / 1335 A.D. In spite of first Ilkhanan's attention to Buddhism, religioustolerance and some other necessities, influenced the activity of followers of variousreligions in Baghdad. As one of the most significant effects can be mentioned toexpansion of Christian activities who were living in Baghdad – in Bani Abbas period –long before selecting Baghdad into the capital. It seems that Ilkhanan's behavior againstChristianity is more likely to be affected by political factors. Although, Popes andEuropean kings approached Mogul in order to weaken and destroy Islam of first, afterthe formation of the Ilkhani government, fight with countries which held Syria and theHoly Land was the common purpose that forced Ilkhanan to unite with Christians.Investigating the role of Ilkhanan's support of Christians and also providing evidence ofChristian life in Baghdad in Ilkhanan's period, is the main subject of this research named"The Status of Christians in Baghdad since the collapse of the Dar-Al-Khalafah". Basedon the findings of this study, the Christians of Baghdad, considered the Mogulgovernment as a great opportunity for show-off and power broking and they hated andtook rerange Muslims in Baghdad as far as they could. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Knowledge of God and Self-Knowledge; The Influence of the Thoughts of Rūmī on Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist
        Nāser Nāseri Tāzehshahri
        According to his audience's ability to understand, Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī uses allegories and folk tales for expressing spiritual love and mysteries. He believes that folk tales are a means of transcendence for knowledge lovers. Rūmī tells the antecode of "a man of Baghdad a More
        According to his audience's ability to understand, Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī uses allegories and folk tales for expressing spiritual love and mysteries. He believes that folk tales are a means of transcendence for knowledge lovers. Rūmī tells the antecode of "a man of Baghdad and the hidden treasure" to his disciples to interpret the famous hadith " whosoever knows himself knows his Lord". The story inspired the famous Brazilian writer, Paulo Coelho who wrote The Alchemist and became well-known all over the world. By using descriptive-analytical method, the present article deals with the question to what extent has Coelho been influenced by Rumi's mystical thoughts on the subjects of knowledge of God and self-knowledge? The result of the study shows that Rumi's mystical thoughts about unity of Being, manifestation of the Truth, softness of heart, the hidden treasure and divine knowledge, the language of love, the old wise man, cast a shadow over the whole story of The Alchemist. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Representation or Reconstruction: The Structural Evolution of Junayd of Baghdad’s Face in Some Mystical Texts
        naser amirmohammadi nemat esfehaniomran hamid tabasi
        Among the famous Muslim mystics, Junayd of Baghdad is a unique figure. He has a privileged position due to his high mystical degrees, admiration and approval of his contemporaries, and the charismatic acts and quotations attributed to him. The Persian-speaking audiences More
        Among the famous Muslim mystics, Junayd of Baghdad is a unique figure. He has a privileged position due to his high mystical degrees, admiration and approval of his contemporaries, and the charismatic acts and quotations attributed to him. The Persian-speaking audiences are more familiar with him through Attār of Nishapur’s book Tazkirat al-Awliya; however, the studies show that many mystical works and the biographical books have paid special attention to this character. Further studies show that in the biographical books and the mystical works, we do not encounter a single Junaid, but his personality changes in different periods and by different writers. The present article attempts to study the main structure of these various narratives by descriptive-analytical method. Only by considering and juxtaposing these various narratives, we can present a single image of Junaid in a structured way. The tastes of the authors of these works are not the same for different reasons, but it seems that in these works, Junaid gradually acquired a new and transcendent face different from his character in real life. . Manuscript profile
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        25 - The First Correspondences of Mystics; The Maktoobat of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad
        elaheh Rajabifar bagher sadri niya
        One of the lasting legacies of Islamic mystics and Sufi elders is their maktoobat (writings). Maktoobat are letters that mystics and Sufis used often to write to their contemporaries with the aim of expressing their own teachings, advices and mentioning some of the myst More
        One of the lasting legacies of Islamic mystics and Sufi elders is their maktoobat (writings). Maktoobat are letters that mystics and Sufis used often to write to their contemporaries with the aim of expressing their own teachings, advices and mentioning some of the mystical mysteries, theological truths and divine teachings. In other words, maktoobat have long been common among the mystics as a means of teaching, questioning, and answering, and the Sufi elders used letters to express their thoughts. The letters of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad are the first surviving writings of the pioneers of Islamic mysticism. These letters are among the first-hand sources written in Arabic, with mystical prose and phrases, describing mystical teachings and beliefs. The present article, by using descriptive-analytical method, attempts to analyze the structural and content characteristics of these letters and explore their hidden themes. The results of the research are as follows: compiling a systematic list of scattered correspondences of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad; providing an analysis of the structure and form of correspondences; explaining the types, elements, styles of writing and contents of the letters; introducing the narrators and the audiences of the letters. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Fabrication of non-metallic Polycaprolactone-Baghdadite nanoparticles plates for using in repairing of bone damages
        حسین عمادی Mahdi Karevan
        Metal bone plates are used to stabilize bone fractures in orthopedic surgical treatment for years. The differences between stiffness of Metal plates and bone lead to osteoporosis and increase the risk of again fractures in the area of the plate. In addition, wear and co More
        Metal bone plates are used to stabilize bone fractures in orthopedic surgical treatment for years. The differences between stiffness of Metal plates and bone lead to osteoporosis and increase the risk of again fractures in the area of the plate. In addition, wear and corrosion of metal plaques lead to release of unwanted corrosion products in the body. To fix this problem ceramic polymer degradable composites can be used. The purpose of this research was to fabricate non-degradable bone plate of Polycaprolactone-Baghdadite (Ca3ZrSi2O9) to stabilize and restore the bone tissue damages. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is semi-crystalline polymer with biocompatible body, but the degradation rate of PCL than other biocompatible polymer is lower and has higher fracture energy. Baghdadite is a bioceramic with high bioactivity properties, so the additions of baghdadite nanoparticles to PCL lead to increase the bioactive of PCL meanwhile improve the speed of degradation of the composites. In this study, Baghdadite powder was prepared by the sol-gel method and then values of 0, 10 and 20 wt% nano-powder added to PCL. In order to evaluate the biological properties, the test of immersion in (SBF) applied and assessment of particle shape and morphology of samples was done by scanning electron microscopy. Tensile test used to determine the mechanical properties. The results showed that the Baghdadite powder composed with average particle size of 30 nm, While have the proper distribution and uniformity in the polymer matrix; subjoin it to matrix phase lead to increased biological and strength properties of the composite. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Imāmzādih Hossein ibn Musā's Tomb: A Historical Study
        mohammad bagheri حمیدرضا ثنائی
        Imamzadeh Hossein ibn Musa, one of the sons of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), lived in the second half of the second century AH and the first half of the third century AH. According to the reports of many sources about his burial, the question arises as to where he was buried. T More
        Imamzadeh Hossein ibn Musa, one of the sons of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), lived in the second half of the second century AH and the first half of the third century AH. According to the reports of many sources about his burial, the question arises as to where he was buried. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, first explains the reports of many sources about his burial and then analyzes and considers their authenticity. The available reports mention his burial in cities such as Shiraz, Behbahan, Jopar Kerman, Kufa, Dezful and Tabas. The result indicates that the tomb of Imamzadeh is most likely located in the city of Tabas. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Imāmzādih Hossein ibn Musā's Tomb: A Historical Study
        mohammad bagheri حمیدرضا ثنائی
        Imamzadeh Hossein ibn Musa, one of the sons of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), lived in the second half of the second century AH and the first half of the third century AH. According to the reports of many sources about his burial, the question arises as to where he was buried. T More
        Imamzadeh Hossein ibn Musa, one of the sons of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), lived in the second half of the second century AH and the first half of the third century AH. According to the reports of many sources about his burial, the question arises as to where he was buried. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, first explains the reports of many sources about his burial and then analyzes and considers their authenticity. The available reports mention his burial in cities such as Shiraz, Behbahan, Jopar Kerman, Kufa, Dezful and Tabas. The result indicates that the tomb of Imamzadeh is most likely located in the city of Tabas. Manuscript profile