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        1 - مبانی و ضرورت‌های اعمال جایگزین‌های حبس در مورد کودکان و نوجوانان (در پرتو نگاه تطبیقی به تجربه حقوق ایران و آمریکا)
        مسعود همت حمیدرضا حیدرپور ژیلا بزی تنها
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        2 - Internet Access as Independent Human Right: The Approach of the International Law System and the Iranian Legal System
        Khadije akrami Hoda Ghaffari Vali Allah Rostami Mehdi Rezaei
        In 2016, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution regarding ‘The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet’. At the heart of this resolution is the UN’s concern that ‘rights that people More
        In 2016, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution regarding ‘The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet’. At the heart of this resolution is the UN’s concern that ‘rights that people have offline must also be protected online.’ While the UN thus recognises the importance of the Internet, it does so problematically selectively by focusing on protecting existing offline rights online. I argue instead that Internet access is itself a moral human right that requires that everyone has unmonitored and uncensored access to this global medium, which should be publicly provided free of charge for those unable to afford it. Rather than being a mere luxury, Internet access should be considered a universal entitlement because it is necessary for people to be able to lead minimally decent lives. Accepting this claim transforms our conception of the Internet from a technology to that of a basic right. It should be acknowledged, however, that in the system of international law and domestic law of Iran there is no independent human right or citizenship entitled the right to access the Internet. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Investigating stock market violations and crimes in Iran and the United Arab Emirates
        Mohammad Kamali naser ghasemi Behzad Razavifard
        Just as identifying violations and crimes in the stock exchange is important, in the next  stage, the process and manner of dealing with such violations and crimes is important because by identifying the weaknesses and strengths in dealing with these&nbsp More
        Just as identifying violations and crimes in the stock exchange is important, in the next  stage, the process and manner of dealing with such violations and crimes is important because by identifying the weaknesses and strengths in dealing with these matters, we can realized its effectiveness. In dealing with disputes in the market, the jury and  in the violations section of the Committee to investigate violations and in the field of crimes are the judicial authorities. This study aims to review the process of dealing with violations and crimes of stock exchanges and securities in Iran and the United Arab Emirates and to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Basically, the system of dealing with violations and crimes related to the stock exchange is very important in order to effectively support these guarantees in different countries, among which, a comparative study of the system of investigating crimes and violations in Iran and the United Arab Emirates is the subject of research . Manuscript profile
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        4 - مقایسه شهادت بانوان در دو نظام حقوقی ایران و مصر
        معصومه مرادی ابراهیم یاقوتی زهرا فهرستی
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        5 - An Examination of the Evidential Value of Testimony in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iran's Legal System and the Impact of Psychological Factors on Testimony
        Heidar Fatahi (Corresponding author) Ruhollah Sepehri Abbas Pahlevanzadeh
        The testimony of witnesses in all legal systems, including the Islamic legal system and Iran, is recognized as one of the proofs of legal and criminal claims, because the Holy Qur'an refers to testimony in many cases and the need to provide it in lawsuits. In the hadith More
        The testimony of witnesses in all legal systems, including the Islamic legal system and Iran, is recognized as one of the proofs of legal and criminal claims, because the Holy Qur'an refers to testimony in many cases and the need to provide it in lawsuits. In the hadiths narrated from the pure and infallible Ahl al-Bayt, as well as the companions of the Prophet Mohammad, there is a lot of emphasis on this. In some cases, there are differences of viewpoints among Islamic denominations regarding the conditions of the witness. For example, there is a difference in the testimony of a child, but there is consensus among jurists in the area of reason and legitimacy of the person. On the other hand, the impact on the legal concept of testimony is also something that cannot be hidden, which has received special attention in recent decades. Of course, in the legislative system, this important issue has not been taken care of as much as it should be, but psychological needs have caused legal scholars to deal with this issue. This is because the impact of some factors such as mental habits, age, race, personality, feelings, and emotions on the testimony is so important that it can cause irreparable damage. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Food Security in Iran and International Law
        abas sori alimohamad falahzade Ahmad Markazmalmiri
        The purpose of this study is to investigate food security in Iran and the international legal system. Given the importance of food security in ensuring public health and the right to access it as a human right, the need for special research is inevitable. To gather data More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate food security in Iran and the international legal system. Given the importance of food security in ensuring public health and the right to access it as a human right, the need for special research is inevitable. To gather data, the library method has been used. An efficient national system for controlling food security helps to improve nutrition and community health, to improve the food industry, to increase production and income levels. Therefore, it is probably important to improve the existing infrastructure and regulations to have an efficient food control system at the national level. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Analyzing the barriers to women's political participation and relevant laws In the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Hedieh sadat Mirtorabi hojat mohamad shahi nilofar chinichian
        Women's political rights and how they participate in the public sphere in contemporary Iran are always challenging, given the frameworks derived from the religion, tradition, culture and custom that govern society. From this perspective, the explanation of the main ques More
        Women's political rights and how they participate in the public sphere in contemporary Iran are always challenging, given the frameworks derived from the religion, tradition, culture and custom that govern society. From this perspective, the explanation of the main question of this article is due to the lack and capacity of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the presence of women in politics. The structure of the research is based on telling the history of women's participation and presence in the public arena from the constitutional era until now, the position of women's political rights in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, women's performance and presence in the public forces of Iran (by the country's basic institutions). Also in the field of theoretical framework, in addition to the subject laws, some views opposing women's participation in public affairs have been raised and criticized. In this process, the research method is descriptive-analytical; The purpose of this article, in addition to recognizing the capacities of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is to examine the challenges and shortcomings in the theoretical and practical field. Also, in this regard, relying on the high power of the epistemological frameworks of Islamic laws and considering the conditions of the present era, practical and appropriate contexts and solutions to address this issue in the field of politics and legislation are examined.[1] Manuscript profile
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        8 - Investigation of the Scope and Limits of Judge Intervention in Judicial Modification of Contracts from the Perspective of Iran and Egypt Law
        Abdollah Khatib mohammadreza fallah Ali Tavallaei
        Sometimes, after the conclusion of the contract and at the stage of implementation, the conditions governing the contract would change substantially, so that this change in circumstances was not foreseen by the parties at the time of concluding the contract, and this wo More
        Sometimes, after the conclusion of the contract and at the stage of implementation, the conditions governing the contract would change substantially, so that this change in circumstances was not foreseen by the parties at the time of concluding the contract, and this would cause extreme hardship to the obliged party conventionally. In such a situation, the importance of the intervention of the magistrate in the contracts concluded and, finally, the modification of the contractor's obligations becomes an irrefutable necessity, but the important point is to determine the logical scope and limit for the intervention of the judges in the contracts involving the hardship, the necessity of which is also very tangible. Because in case of change in the circumstances, complying with the provisions of the contract would not be the actual intention of the parties to the agreement and not valid and acceptable by the holy legislator. Considering the above mentioned points, the important issue that we are looking for in this study is the determination of a logical framework for the intervention of judges in the contracts and whether the intervention of the judge in the contracts would be limitless and absolute or not? Investigations and results of this research, as well as the author's viewpoint, suggest that the intervention of the judge for making fair the contractual obligations is limited and is subject to certain conditions and formalities. Manuscript profile
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        9 - مطالعه تطبیقی آزادی رفت و آمد در اسناد بین‌المللی و نظام حقوقی ایران با تاکید بر مقررات صدور ویزا
        محمد رضوانی راد ابوالفضل رنجبری ناصر رهبر فرش پیرا
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        10 - مقایسه نظام حقوقی ایران با اسناد بین المللی در ارتباط با عدالت آموزشی در اقلیت های قومی مذهبی
        انور یداللهی محمدحسین زارعی اسدالله یاوری
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        11 - بایسته‌های فقهی و قانونی تصدی ریاست دیوان عدالت اداری: با نگاهی به قانون فرانسه
        rasoul yazdani Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini masoud raei
        زمینه و هدف: دیوان عدالت اداری را می‌توان یکی از سازو کارهای کنترلی و نظارتی مهم جلوگیری از نقض قانون اساسی برشمرد. در این میان نقش رئیس دیوان عدالت اداری از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار است. بر این اساس در این پژوهش به این امر می پردازیم که چه بایسته های فقهی و قانونی برای تص More
        زمینه و هدف: دیوان عدالت اداری را می‌توان یکی از سازو کارهای کنترلی و نظارتی مهم جلوگیری از نقض قانون اساسی برشمرد. در این میان نقش رئیس دیوان عدالت اداری از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار است. بر این اساس در این پژوهش به این امر می پردازیم که چه بایسته های فقهی و قانونی برای تصدی ریاست دیوان عدالت اداری در نظام حقوقی ایران وجود دارد؟ در این راستا نگاهی نیز به قانون فرانسه خواهم داشت.یافته ها و نتایج: برای تصدی ریاست دیوان عدالت اداری بر طبق مر و نص قانون، تنها شرط لازم، سابقه قضایی بیش از 27 سال است. در کنار این شرط، وصف دیگری در متون قانونی مطرح نشده است. اما در سپردن صلاحیتها و بیان شرح وظایف ریاست این دیوان، بنظر می رسد تصویری که قانون گذار از ریاست دیوان در ذهن داشته است، علاوه بر تبحر حقوقی و قضایی، تخصص فقهی و مدیریتی را نیز در خود جای می دهد. این مقاله با بررسی متون قانون از جمله آیین دادرسی و تشکیلات دیوان عدالت اداری، قانون نظام هماهنگ پرداخت و قانون مدیریت خدمات کشور، و نیز با تفسیر ماهوی از اصل حاکمیت قانون، در کنار استفاده از قواعد و اصول فقهی همچون قاعده منع تقدیم افضل بر فاصل، به این نتیجه می رسد که سکوت قانون در بیان شرایط فقهی و مدیریتی لازم برای ریاست دیوان عدالت اداری، از الزام در نظر گرفتن این صفات برای انتصاب افراد به این منصب نمی کاهد. Manuscript profile
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        12 - عدالت به مثابه مبنای حاکمیت قانون در نظام حقوقی ایران
        سید محمد علی آل محمد قدرت الله نوروزی منوچهر توسلی نائینی
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        13 - The legal system governing the fraternity and responsibility of holding companies in the legal system of Iran and France
        nahid kamrazadeh mostafa mandegar mahsa hoseini moqadam
        Background and Aim: Due to the role and importance of holding companies, today we are witnessing the growing expansion of these companies. Due to the special structure of these companies, their management and responsibilities in the laws need to be considered. Therefore More
        Background and Aim: Due to the role and importance of holding companies, today we are witnessing the growing expansion of these companies. Due to the special structure of these companies, their management and responsibilities in the laws need to be considered. Therefore, in this research, we examine what system governs the brotherhood and responsibility of holding companies in the law of Iran and France?Method: This research has been descriptively-analytically analyzed.Findings and Results: In Iranian law, in several cases, including paragraph 22 of Article 1 of the Securities Market Law, the Fourth Development Plan Law, paragraph 18 of Article 1 of the General Policy Implementation Law 44 and Article 266 of the new Commercial Code bill as described by the holding company Paid. In Iranian law, if we want to hold other subsidiaries, which operate under the management of a holding, liable for the liability of a subsidiary in addition to the holding, we can, in addition to relying on the jurisprudential rule "I am for the current grain". He also sought help from the wise institution. Under French law, it is not easy for the parent company to prove the fault if the subsidiary commits the fault. It can be argued that the parent company has the most open duty to care for itself, and as a result it is easier to accept responsibility for the harmful actions of the affiliated company. Manuscript profile
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        14 - A comparative study of the legal system for investigating construction violations in Iran and Singapore
        Farbod Nazari Ali Dashti
        Field and Aims: Over the past years, in parallel with the establishment of urban planning and construction regulations, the category of supervision and control over construction activities has been raised. In 1345, under Article 100 of the Municipal Law, a commission wa More
        Field and Aims: Over the past years, in parallel with the establishment of urban planning and construction regulations, the category of supervision and control over construction activities has been raised. In 1345, under Article 100 of the Municipal Law, a commission was provided to deal with construction violations. After that, in different historical periods and affected by the social and political conditions of the society, the mentioned article has been modified and added. Based on this, we study the handling of construction violations. Method: This article is written in a descriptive-analytical way. Findings and Conclusion: The number of cases presented in the aforementioned commissions in Iran and the complications in the way of proceedings and the resolution of disputes between individuals and representatives of public power, the need to formulate a new law or at least amend related laws and regulations in the field of monitoring and dealing with violations It makes a building inevitable. This issue has been accurately and widely provided with effective enforcement guarantees and the use of legal levers, including compliance with regulations, demolition, suspension of activity, financial fines and imprisonment in Singapore under the Building Control Law. In addition, the violations of legal entities and government bodies have been taken into consideration and in some cases, the establishment of regulations and the handling of complaints have been placed in the competence of a real person (the minister). Manuscript profile
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        15 - Conditions and effects of electronic registration of documents and real estate in the legal system of Roman Germany and Common Law
        Mehrdad Konani Bakhtiyar Abbasloo Mohammad Bahmani
        Field and Aims: Technology development has created a change in the nature of the documents, and today a new form of documents called electronic documents has emerged, plus the traditional system registration system has replaced electronic registration, which can have ma More
        Field and Aims: Technology development has created a change in the nature of the documents, and today a new form of documents called electronic documents has emerged, plus the traditional system registration system has replaced electronic registration, which can have many works. This transformation is visible in various legal systems, including the civil law legal system and the common law legal system. Accordingly, in this article we will examine the terms and effects of electronic registration of documents and real estate in the Iranian, French, UK and US law system.Method: This article is written in an analytical-analytical method.Finding and Conclusion: Although the document has a long history, it has evolved with the advancement of document registration technology and today there is a new form of registration called electronic registration. The use of new communication methods and new communication and information technologies for recording documents is called electronic document recording.The electronic registration of documents has some effects, including the validity of the contents of electronic documents, the validity of electronic evidence against individuals, the necessity of the execution of an electronic official document, its enforcement effect in judicial authorities and de-judgment. Registration of documents in the English legal system has a long history and electronic registration of documents has also taken a new form using blockchain technology. In English law, the principle is that all immovable properties can be registered by private individuals, unless these properties belong to the Queen or are considered public properties like national parks, mountains, forests, etc. If a property is not registered in England, but is sold, or comes to the owner through a gift or will, or the owner mortgages it, in this case, the property must be first registered, and to prove the applicant's ownership, documents such as a purchase deed must be submitted. The property should be presented. In this system, as in Iran's legal system, in case of presenting a claim contrary to the presentation of a normal document, what is important is the record of the document's registration, and contrary claims cannot be made. In Iran, the electronic registration and filing of documents has been established since 2005, and in the United States, since 2017, the electronic registration system of transaction documents in the United States has evolved with the emergence of smart contracts. Manuscript profile
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        16 - مفهوم عفو وگذشت وجایگاه آن در نظام مذهبی واجتماعی وحقوقی ایران
        ali hedariniua mohammad kekha mohammad asghari parviz alizadeh
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        17 - A Comparative Study of Examples of Unfair Terms in the Iranian and English Legal Systems
        Pari khaledi Hosein jalali
        Unfair terms are imposed by one of the parties on the other party by abusing his/her socio-economic status or expertise. Given the governance of the principle of freedom of will, to solve the problems arising from the absolute acceptance of this principle, the legislato More
        Unfair terms are imposed by one of the parties on the other party by abusing his/her socio-economic status or expertise. Given the governance of the principle of freedom of will, to solve the problems arising from the absolute acceptance of this principle, the legislator has intervened in special lawa under various excuses. By abiding the rule of fairness and justice, the courts have dealt with this category of unfair terms and have decided to invalidated all or parts of the contract or modify it. This study aimed to investigate some examples of unfair terms and the strategies applied by legal systems of Iran and England in dealing with such terms. Of the examples of unfair terms, we can refer to limitation of liability clause, penal clause, as well as additional and standard contracts. The most important legal sources of unfair terms in Iranian law, in addition to the common law (civil law), include special laws such as maritime law, labor law, e-commerce law, and protection law for motor vehicle consumers. The legal control of unjust contract terms by the legislator and assigning the evaluation of these terms to the courts are considered as two monitoring methods in England, whaich are not accepted in Iranian law except in special laws and under exceptional conditions. Manuscript profile
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        18 - آسیب های اخلاق سیاسی کارگزاران در نظلام حقوقی ایران
        Fatah Mohammadi Gholam hoseyn Masoud Masoud Raie
        هر قدرت سیاسی پس از شکل­گیری با آسیب­های مختلفی از جمله آسیب­های اخلاق سیاسی مواجه می­باشد؛ لذا کارگزاران هر حکومت، اعم از دینی و غیردینی، به همان میزان که از منصب و اختیارات و امکانات حکومتی،برخوردارند؛ در معرض انواع آفات و آسیب­ها نیز قرار دارند، ک More
        هر قدرت سیاسی پس از شکل­گیری با آسیب­های مختلفی از جمله آسیب­های اخلاق سیاسی مواجه می­باشد؛ لذا کارگزاران هر حکومت، اعم از دینی و غیردینی، به همان میزان که از منصب و اختیارات و امکانات حکومتی،برخوردارند؛ در معرض انواع آفات و آسیب­ها نیز قرار دارند، که اینآسیب­ها، موجب کاهش اعتماد مردم نسبت به دستگاه‌های دولتی و غیردولتی، بی‌تفاوتی، تنبلی و بی‌کفایتی در سطح جامعه و در نتیجه مانع شکل­گیری یک دستگاه قانون­گذار پویا، کارآمد و توانمند در نظام حقوقی کشور می­شود. لذا پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبین موانع و آسیب­های اخلاق سیاسی کارگزاران بر اساس نظلام حقوقی ایران در سال 1397 انجام گرفته است. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان داد که، مهمترین آسیب­هاوآفاتاخلاقیکارگزاراندر نظلام حقوقی ایران عبارتاستاز:سوء استفاده از موقعیت حاکمیتی، رشوه خواری و توصیه پذیری، کم کاری و عدم وجدان کاری، خود محوری و استبداد رأی، خلف وعده­های دروغین به مردم، تکبر و خودبزرگ بینی، روحیه سفاکی، امتیاز خواهی، ضعف مدیریت، جاه طلبی و چند شغلی بودن، جدایی میان زمامدان حکومت و مردم، خلط محبت، مدارا و اقتدار، انتقاد ناپذیری، تفرقه و عدم یکپارچگی، انحصار طلبی و احتکار، رفاه طلبی و گرایش به اشراف گری، ریاست طلبی و استبدادگرایی، کم توجهی به رفاه مردم و اقشار آسیب پذیر می­باشند. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Adaptation legal Jurisprudence the Criteria of the Organization of Crimes by investigating Crimes in Rule of War
        teymoor taherloo tayyebe arefnia fariba pahlevani
        there is no explicit and specific definition for organized crime and it is defined considering its features and with the existence of different definitions, the collectiveness features of this crime has been agreed upon by all scholars of this research field; according More
        there is no explicit and specific definition for organized crime and it is defined considering its features and with the existence of different definitions, the collectiveness features of this crime has been agreed upon by all scholars of this research field; according to Islamic jurisprudence, crimes with collectiveness features are considered organized, such as war crimes and crimes in the rule of war and the collectiveness of this crime exacerbates the punishments. In Iran legal system, crimes are considered organized whether they are inherently collective; like criminal offense; or individual crimes be committed in group or band and similar to a collective group whose criminals are punished in a same way. As well as the criminalization of such crimes in the statuary law and Islamic jurisprudence, this study aims at investigating the criteria of organized crimes in Islamic jurisprudence and statuary law and their adaptation and adherence from each other. descriptive-analytical research method was used in this study and information was collected using documentary method.according to the Results and Findings crimes like group theft, vanguard, the refusal of scholars from paying ransom, acts of praying, poets satirizing the holy prophet and Muslims to stimulate pagans fight against Muslims are considered among crimes in the rule of war and like organized crimes in statuary law are accompanied with the description of collectiveness and the participation of members in these crimes exacerbates the punishments. Manuscript profile