List of Articles Environmental behavior Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of social capital on environmental behavior of tourists visiting Ilam city Pakzad Azadkhani Mohammad Javadi Rad Javadi Rad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Data analysis based on ecological behavior in the face of corona residues (Study of citizens over 18 years old in Boroujerd) abdolreza navah محمدرضا حسینی narges khoshkalam Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Social Determinants of Responsible Environmental Behavior (Case study: Citizens of Shush) with Emphasis on KAP Model Karim Rezadoost abdolreza navah Ali Budaghi Neda Alidadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Social Determinants of Responsible Environmental Behavior (Case of study: Citizens of Shush) with an Emphasis on KAP Model Karim Rezadoost Abdolreza Navah, Ali Boudaghi Neda Alidadi 10.30495/uss.2023.703051 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Design and Validation of a Sustainable Development Model for Sports Purposes Based on Tourist Behavior negar matinnia ابوالفضل فراهانی mohsen bagrian farah abadi Ali-Mohammad Safania Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The status of environmental NGOs’ literacy associated with educational levels mona Hasanzade taleshi Samad Izadi Kamran Nasir Ahmadi Meymanat Abedini mohsen ahmadpour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The reflection of environmental behavior on selective works of female authors in 90th decade yagoub nojavan maryam mohammadzadeh رامین صادقی نژاد