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    Physical Activity and Health ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    General information of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health

    The Journal of Physical Activity and Health was approved and approved based on the decision of the 21st meeting of the Commission for the Validation of Publications in the Field of Humanities and Arts of the Islamic Azad University, dated 8/02/2021

    This publication will start its activity as a quarterly in July 1400.

    The privilege of this publication belongs to the Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch and the Department of Physical Education.

    In this journal, the amount of ... thousand Tomans for allocating DOI code, editing and page layout costs, etc. will be received when accepting the article, and the Doi code of accepted articles will be activated automatically in the publication system immediately after acceptance.

    This publication reviews violations in accordance with the international guidelines of the Ethics Committee for the Publication of Scientific Works (COPE). Judging Articles: The judging system of this publication is confidential.

     Dear researchers, please download the authors' profile forms, commitment letter from this section.

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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch.
    Executive Manager
    Literary Editor
    English Editor
    Online ISSN:2821-224X

    Publication period: Quarterly

    Iran, Kurdistan Province, Sanandaj, Saadi Town, Amirkabir St., Faculty of Humanities, Building No. 1, 2nd Floor, Magazine Office, Phone: 08733626647 and 33626458

    Postal code: 6616935391

    Contacting the journal to follow up articles should be done only through the journal system and the person's personal page.



    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 3
    Number of Issues 12
    Printed Articles 54
    Number of Authors 176
    Article Views 7162
    Article Downloads 2451
    Number of Submitted Articles 88
    Number of Rejected Articles 18
    Number of Accepted Articles 59
    Acceptance 67 %
    Time to Accept(day) 88
    Reviewer Count 13
    Last Update 10/5/2024