Explanation of the effective criteria on the visual clutters in the perception process
Subject Areas : Urban Futurology
Mercedeh Tahmasbifard
Farah Habib
Zahra Sadat Saeideh Zarabadi
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: visual perception, Urban Facades, Visual Clutter, Perception Process,
Abstract :
One of the most important urban issues and concerns today is the disarray and inconsistency of urban facades. This disarray of urban facades has led to the visual clutter of today's cities on a macro level. Since visual clutter is created as a result of a disturbance in perception, explaining the effective criteria for visual clutter in the process of perception can be a way to solve this problem. With this aim, this research, based on studies of perceptual theories, has investigated the effective criteria for creating visual clutter in the perceptual process, and the path of the perceptual process that leads to visual clutter or relaxation has been determined. Then, the impact of the criteria was measured through a questionnaire and based on the Likert scale, and the effective criteria on visual clutter were ranked through SPSS software and using Friedman's test to determine their importance. The findings of the research show that the lack of coordination and connection of components, lack of readability, and increase of data are the most important, and new and unfamiliar data are the least important in creating visual clutter in the perception process.