Evaluating the Efficiency of Different Cover Forms of the Large Spans in Flowers and Plant Exhibitions Based on the Natural Ventilation Vystem in a Moderate and Humid Climate
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Alireza Soltanzadeh
Katayoun Taghizadeh
Jamshid Emami
1 - M.Arch., Department of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Member of The Industrial Design Department Scientific Board, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Thermal Comfort, Natural Ventilation, Exhibition Roof, Geometrical Form, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),
Abstract :
Deciding the roof type with a large ventilation spans for uses in the flower and plant exhibitions that can operate beyond the exhibition space functions as it can provide a desirable climate for the growth of its plants, it can be designed and enhanced according to the geographical site of it. Deciding and designing the roof form can prevent dissipations in energy and assets and develops a construction with high efficiency together with low costs of maintenance, only if it is done in an intelligent way. The independent variables in this research are the climate conditions, and form of the structure is considered as the intervening variables together with factors like the internal air current and sub climates and the levels of thermal comfort for individual occupants as the dependent variables. The aim of conducting this master thesis which is considered as an interdisciplinary research, is to reach for proper patterns in covering the ventilators in greenhouses with large spans by using the climate information of the north-Iran region. The main question of this research is the most efficient roof form in regard to natural ventilation in mild and humid climate condition? Research method the study is modeling and computer simulation in a way that they are evaluated with the prevalent forms of exhibitions and greenhouses with large vents in the terms of the external wind flow impacts and natural ventilation in their interior and analyzed by employing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) simulation. Results indicate that form of a building has an obvious impact on the internal airflow and the curved forms have a better impact on the internal circulation of air. As an instance, in the convex geometries, the airflow speed rate drops in the center of the construction while in the concave geometries it is quite the opposite as the speed is reduced around the sidewalls of the construction and the thermal comfort becomes a different point along with natural ventilation.
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