The first step of the review process is Screening of a manuscript. In the screening, the article will be checked based on the journal policies and general aspects of article standards (Title, Keywords, Addresses and corresponding author's address, the Structured Abstract, Background, Objectives (optional), Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Acknowledgements).
If all of the above items were accepted, the manuscript will be sent to next step and enters into the review process. Otherwise, it will be sent back to the author for more considerations and the author has to resubmit it after correcting the errors.
Peer review Process
Applied Biology is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. All articles are peer-reviewed by anonymous reviewers which are selected by the Editorial Board.
Articles will be sent to at least two reviewers. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor decision to accept, reject, or required modifications. If the Journal style is not regarded, the article is rejected as soon as received.
Double Blind Review
Both the two reviewers and the author remain anonymous in this kind peer review.