The Significations of Motif in the Poems of Ali Jafar al – Allaq: A Case Study of Motifs of Grass and Song and Wind
Subject Areas : Literary criticismBayn Ghamari 1 * , Alireza Mohammadrezaei 2 , Hossein Elyasi 3
1 - Ph.D. Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Qom, Iran
3 - Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Contemporary Arabic Poetry, wind and Song', Ali Jafar al–Allaq, Motif, 'Grass,
Abstract :
Motif is a structural phenomenon that carries the aesthetic and expressive functions in contemporary Arab poetry and is considered the key to accessing the poetic world and its intellectual system. Ali Jafar al–Allaq has his own poetic land, and he is very keen to be distinguished and unique from his peers in the generation of the sixties (of the twentieth century). Motif is an essential component of building poetry in the relationship and its presence, on the one hand, expressing the poet's insistence on a particular idea, and on the other hand, it acts as an attacking device in which the reader is able to capture the semantics of the text. This research took it upon himself to tackle the subject of motifs by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and by selecting motifs of 'grass, wind, and songs' from the poetic lexicon and studying them under the shades of semiotics, whose tasks include studying the system of signs. What emerged from this research is that these motifs are an insignificant part of the poetic composition, and some of them have mythological and epistemic roots, and are the poet's means of creating poetic decor. Such as: the herb or to build the paradox between the past and the present, and the herb is the herb of immortal Gilgamesh, to which the poet depends to embody the destabilization of Arab reality or the fading of Arab will. The death of the song and the wind are frequent motifs in the poet's poetry, which carry different indications. The poet used the motif of the song in the framework of the so-called correspondence between the senses to embody the Arab place of death, loss and dispersion. And the wind is a symbol of a yearning for life and a yearning for sweet memories in his childhood.
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