List of articles (by subject) FOREST ecology Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of fire on the relative importance (SIV) index and frequency distribution models of plant species in the Zagros forests Saeideh karimi Hassan Pourbabaei Yahya Khodakarami Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Impact of Tamarix aphylla and Atriplex canescens plantations on some Physico-chemical properties of the soil in Zahak region, Sistan Einollah Rouhi Moghaddam Ali Heidari Sadegh Akbar Fakhireh Zeinab Noori Kia Soheila Noori Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Overview of Forestry Projects in Iran and Reasons for a Transformation from an Economic to Ecological Perspective Hanifreza Golzar Elham Sedighi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Effect of Conservation on Physical and Chemical Properties of Gisum Forest Park Soil and Dr. Dorostkar Warehouse in province Guilan sajedeh rezaipoorjolandan Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Evaluation of fire effect on distribution of vegetation using ordination method, Case study: Bazzakhstan Strait in Kermanshah Province saeideh karimi Hassan Pourbabaei Yahya Khodakarami