The effect of fire on the relative importance (SIV) index and frequency distribution models of plant species in the Zagros forests
Subject Areas : FOREST ecologySaeideh karimi 1 * , Hassan Pourbabaei 2 , Yahya Khodakarami 3
1 - MSc.Graduate , Department of Natural Resources, University of Guilan
2 - Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan
3 - PhD. Forest Ecology, Center of Natural Resources Researches , Kermanshah city
Keywords: Diversity, Fire, Zagros, SIV, parameter indices,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the effect of fire on changes in the relative importance (SIV) index of woody species in the Strait of Bzazkhaneh forest zone in the North East of Kermanshah. For this purpose, 80 plots (In each of the 40 sample plots) 1000 square meters in circular shape with dimensions of 100 × 100 m grid systematic sampling in the forest area got out. Within each plot, type and the number of woody species record and for the species of herbaceous after determining the samples area using minimal area method, 40 sample plots in each areas, burned and unburned (controls) were chosen. The results showed that in both regions, the abundance of tree species for trees layers and regeneration for geometric distribution and for shurbs layer in the form of geometric distribution and in the control rod is broken. The shape of the curve for the herbaceous layer species for log-normal distribution in both regions, The tree layer and regeneration highest value of SIV belonged to Q.brantii and shurbs layer respectively in the fire and control belong to the species of Cerataeg aronia and Cerasus microcarpa and the layers of herbaceous species Avena Factua in both regions the highest amount of relative importance compared to other species is allocated to the data. From the above results it can be concluded that Habitat diversity of wood species is not in good condition, So protective measures to prevent fires In this area is essential.
1. Abedi, R., 2009. Investigation of Gilan Rural Heritage Museum vegetation, forestry master's thesis, Department of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, 79 p. (In Persian).
2. Adel, M. N., 2011. Investigation effect of fire on the structure, composition and diversity of plant species inRoudbar Gilan, forestry master's thesis, Department of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, 88 p. (In Persian).
3. Adel, M.N., H. Pourbabaei, A. Omidi& D.C. Dey, 2012. Forest structure and woody plant species composition after a wildfire in beech forests in the north of Iran. Journal of Forestry Research, 24 (2): 255- 262.
4. Banj Shafiei, A & M. Akbarinia, 2006. Effect of fire on herbal layer biodiversity in a temperate forest of fire Northen Iran. Pakestan Journal of Biodiversity Sciences, 9 (12): 2273-2277.
5. Barnes, B.V., D. R. Zak, S.R. Denton & S.H. Spurr, 1998. Forest Ecology. John Wiely and Sons, USA, 187p.
6. Bowman, D.M., J.K. Balch, P. Artaxo, W.J. Bond, J.M. Carlson, M.A. Cochrane, C.M. D’Antonio, R.S. DeFries, J.C. Doyle, S.P. Harrison & F.H. Johnston, 2009. Fire in the Earth system. science, 324 (5926): 481-484.
7. Chuvieco, E & J. Salas, 1996. Mapping the spatial distribution of forest fire danger using GIS. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, 10: 333–345.
8. DeFalco, L. A., T.C. Esque, J.M. Kane & M.B. Nicklas, 2009. Seed banks in a degraded desert shrubland: Influence of soil surface condition and harvester ant activity on seed abundance. Journal of Arid Environments, 73(10): 885-893.
9. Ejtehadi, H., A. Sepehri & H.R. Ekkafi, 2009. The methods diversity measurement. The publication of Ferdowsi University. 228 p. (In Persian)
10. Ejtehadi, H., A. Sepehri & H. Akafi, 2012. Methods of measuring biodiversity, Ferdosi University of Mashhad publication, Mashhad, 228 p. (In Persian)
11. Ekkafi, H & H. Ejtehadi, 2007. the study of plant species diversity in two areas by abundance distribution model. Basic science journal of Islamic Azad University. 66: 63- 72. (In Persian)
12. Elliott, K.J, 1999. The effect of prescribed fire on biodiversity in mixed pine- hardwood forest in Nantahala Natural Forest. In: Kennard, D. 2002. Effects of fire on biodiversity, 1766.
13. Fattahi, B & A. Tahmasebi, 2010. Fire influence on vegetation changes of Zagros mountainous rangelands (Case study: Hamadan province). Rangeland, 4 (2): 228- 239. (In Persian).
14. Fearnside, P. M., 2005. Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: History, rates, and consequences Conservation Biology, 19 (3): 680-688.
15. Ghomi Avili , A., S. M. Hosseini, A. Mataji & S. Gh. M. Jalali, 2007. Evaluation of biodiversity and regeneration of woody species in community management in the area Kheyroudkenar Nowshahr. Journal of Ecology, 43: 101: 106. (In Persian).
16. Goudelis, G., P.P. Ganatsas, I. Spanos & A. Karpi, 2004. Effect of repeated fire on plant community recovery in Penteli, central Greece. Eco-and ground bio-engineering: the use of vegetation to improve slope stability. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Eco-engineering 13–17 September, 337–343.
17. Haghgoy Mardakhi, T., 2011. The evaluation of plant species diversity in ecological species group of broad-leaved forest (case study: Kandelat, Guilan). MSc thesis, forestry department, natural resources faculty, Guilan University.
18. Hamilton A & P. Hamilton, 2006. An Ecosystem Approach. Earthscan, 324 p.
19. Heydari, M & M. Faramarzi, 2014. Short-term effects fire with different intensity on composition and diversity of soil seed bank in Zagros forest ecosystem, city Sirvan, Journal of Applied Ecology, 3 (9): 57-68.
20. Jamshidi Bakhtar, A., Kh. Sagheb-Talebi, M.R. Marvi Mohajer. & M. Haidari, 2013. The impact of fire on the forest and plants diversity in Iranian Oak forest. International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, ISSN: 2322 - 4827, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 273-284.
21. Keeley, J. E., D. Lubin & C.J. Fortheringham, 2003. Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and aline plant invasions in the southern sierra Nevada, Ecological Applicationn, 13(5): 1355-1374.
22. KhalilPour, M., H. Jalilvand, M.R. Pourmajidian & M. Hojati, 2013. Investigation effects of fire on vegetation diversity in the Zagros forests (Case study: Dale protected area in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad), National Conference of environmental researches. (In Persian).
23. Khodakarami, Y., M. Khanhassani, Kh. Saghebtalebi, A. Zohrevandi, M. Pourreza & Sh. Mashayekhi, 2010. Evaluation of some ecological factors influencing distribution species Acer cineracens in the forests of Kermanshah, Iranian Journal of natural ecosystems, 1 (4): 63-69. (In Persian).
24. Khosravi, A., H. Jamshidzadeh, J. Mirzaei, A. Rostami, P. Samadi & R. Abdollahi, 2014. Effects of fire on plant species diversity and composition floor in Manesht & Qalarang Ilam, National Conference on sustainable development and renewable resources. (In Persian).
25. Krishnamurthy, Y.L., H.M. Prakasha, A. Nanda, M. Krishnappa, H.S. Dattaraja & H.S. Saresh, 2010.Vegetation structure and floristic composition of a tropical deciduous forest in Bhadra wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, India. J. Tropical Ecology, 51(2): 235-246.
26. Lahav, H., (1989). Renewal of Vegetation After Fire in a Natural Pine Forest on Mt. Carmel (M.Sc. Diss.) Tel Aviv University.
27. Lewis, C. E & T.J. Harshbarger, 1976. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation after 20 years of prescribed burning in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. Journal of Range Management, 29 (1): 13-18.
28. Lymberopoulos, N., C. Papadopoulos, E. Stefanakis, N. Pantalos & F. Lockwood, 1996. A GIS –based forest fire management information system. EARSel Journal–Advances in Remote Sensing, 4 (1): 68-75.
29. Lyon, J & M. Niocole, 2005. Pattern of plant diversity and plant- environmental relationships across three riparian corridors. Forest Ecology and Management, 204: 267- 278.
30. Mahmoudi, J., Gh. A. Zahedi, A. Adeli & R. Rahmani, 2005. Identification of plant ecological groups and their relationships with soil properties in the forests of Kelarabad. Iranian. Journal of Natural Resources, 58 (2): 363- 351. (In Persian).
31. Maingi, J.K & S.E. Marsh, 2006. Composition, structure, and regeneration patterns in a gallery forest along the Tana River near Bura, Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management, 236: 211-228.
32. Magurran, A.E., 2003. Measuring biodiversity. Blackwell Publishing, p 256.
33. Mirdavoodi, H.R., M.R. Marvi Mohadjer, G. h. Zahedi Amiri & V. Etemad, 2013. Disturbance effects on plant diversity and invasive species in western oak communities of Iran (Case study: Dalab Forest, Ilam). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (1): 1- 16. (In Persian)
34. Motamedi, J. & M. Souri, 2016. Efficiency of numerical and parametrical indices to determine biodiversity in mountain rangelands, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36(2): 108-112.
35. Mirhashemi, H., H. Pourbabaei, A. Mezbani, 2016. Assessment Changes the relative importance (SIV) woody species with increasing altitude in the forests of Zagros, case study: protected area of Kabirkouh, Ilam. International conference on sustainable development, strategies and challenges with a focus on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism, Tabriz, Iran.
36. Omidi,Gh., 2013. The effect of fire on regeneration and diversity of plant in Bankol forest rehion in Ilam. MSc thesis, forestry department, natural resources faculty, Kurdestan University. 60 p. (In Persian)
37. Pourbabaei, H & A. Ranjavar, 2013. Species diversity of woody plants in the district No.1 forests Kelardasht, Mazandaran province. Iranian Journal of Biology, 18 (4):307-322.
38. Pourbabaei, H., 2010. Application of Statistics in Ecology (Methods and basic calculations), University Press of Gilan, 280 p.( In Persian).
39. Pourbabaei, H., R. Cheraghi & S. Ebrahimi, 2015. The Study of Woody Species Structure and Diversity in the Persian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) Site, Dashtak, Yasouj, Western Iran. Journal of Zagros Forests Researches, 2(1): 1-15. (In Persian).
40. Pourreza, M., S.M. Hosseini, A.A. Safari Sinegani, M. Matinizadeh & S.J. Alavai, 2014. Herbaceous species diversity in relation to fire severity in Zagros oak forest Iran. Journal of Forestry Research, 25(1): 113−120.
41. Ravanbakhsh, M.., H. Ejtehadi, H. Pourbabaei & J. Ghoreshi-al-Hoseini, 2007. Investigation on plants species diversity of Gisoum Talesh Reservoir forest, Gilan province, Iran, Iranian Journal of biology, 20 (3): 218-229.
42. Saeb, K., 2011. Investigation and comparison of plant biodiversityin the ancient locality of Tol Guilan (Case study: Gorganrod of Talesh catchment, Guilan,Iran). Reaserch Journal of Forest Science and Engineering, 1(2): 1-11.( In Persian)
43. Sagheb Talebi, Kh., T. Sajedi, F. Yazdian, 2005. Overview of Iran's forest. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, 39: 27 p.( In Persian).
44. Sheikholeslami, A., Kh. Kia Pasha & A. KiaLashaki, 2011. A study of tree distribution in Diameter Classes in Natural Forests of Iran, Annals of biological research, (5): 283-290. (In Persian)
45. Sharifi, M & M. Ghafouri, 2009. Fundamentals of ecology and environment probles. JahadeDaneshghahi of Mashhad press, 400 p.
46. Waite, S., 2000. Statistical ecology in practice: a guide to analyzing environmental and ecological field data. Prentice Hall.
47. Tahmasi, P., 2013. The study of destructive effect and potential of water uses as a management tools for vegetation cover in semi-steppe pastures. Iranian journal of natural resource. 66 (2): 287-298.( In Persian).
1. Abedi, R., 2009. Investigation of Gilan Rural Heritage Museum vegetation, forestry master's thesis, Department of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, 79 p. (In Persian).
2. Adel, M. N., 2011. Investigation effect of fire on the structure, composition and diversity of plant species inRoudbar Gilan, forestry master's thesis, Department of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, 88 p. (In Persian).
3. Adel, M.N., H. Pourbabaei, A. Omidi& D.C. Dey, 2012. Forest structure and woody plant species composition after a wildfire in beech forests in the north of Iran. Journal of Forestry Research, 24 (2): 255- 262.
4. Banj Shafiei, A & M. Akbarinia, 2006. Effect of fire on herbal layer biodiversity in a temperate forest of fire Northen Iran. Pakestan Journal of Biodiversity Sciences, 9 (12): 2273-2277.
5. Barnes, B.V., D. R. Zak, S.R. Denton & S.H. Spurr, 1998. Forest Ecology. John Wiely and Sons, USA, 187p.
6. Bowman, D.M., J.K. Balch, P. Artaxo, W.J. Bond, J.M. Carlson, M.A. Cochrane, C.M. D’Antonio, R.S. DeFries, J.C. Doyle, S.P. Harrison & F.H. Johnston, 2009. Fire in the Earth system. science, 324 (5926): 481-484.
7. Chuvieco, E & J. Salas, 1996. Mapping the spatial distribution of forest fire danger using GIS. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, 10: 333–345.
8. DeFalco, L. A., T.C. Esque, J.M. Kane & M.B. Nicklas, 2009. Seed banks in a degraded desert shrubland: Influence of soil surface condition and harvester ant activity on seed abundance. Journal of Arid Environments, 73(10): 885-893.
9. Ejtehadi, H., A. Sepehri & H.R. Ekkafi, 2009. The methods diversity measurement. The publication of Ferdowsi University. 228 p. (In Persian)
10. Ejtehadi, H., A. Sepehri & H. Akafi, 2012. Methods of measuring biodiversity, Ferdosi University of Mashhad publication, Mashhad, 228 p. (In Persian)
11. Ekkafi, H & H. Ejtehadi, 2007. the study of plant species diversity in two areas by abundance distribution model. Basic science journal of Islamic Azad University. 66: 63- 72. (In Persian)
12. Elliott, K.J, 1999. The effect of prescribed fire on biodiversity in mixed pine- hardwood forest in Nantahala Natural Forest. In: Kennard, D. 2002. Effects of fire on biodiversity, 1766.
13. Fattahi, B & A. Tahmasebi, 2010. Fire influence on vegetation changes of Zagros mountainous rangelands (Case study: Hamadan province). Rangeland, 4 (2): 228- 239. (In Persian).
14. Fearnside, P. M., 2005. Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: History, rates, and consequences Conservation Biology, 19 (3): 680-688.
15. Ghomi Avili , A., S. M. Hosseini, A. Mataji & S. Gh. M. Jalali, 2007. Evaluation of biodiversity and regeneration of woody species in community management in the area Kheyroudkenar Nowshahr. Journal of Ecology, 43: 101: 106. (In Persian).
16. Goudelis, G., P.P. Ganatsas, I. Spanos & A. Karpi, 2004. Effect of repeated fire on plant community recovery in Penteli, central Greece. Eco-and ground bio-engineering: the use of vegetation to improve slope stability. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Eco-engineering 13–17 September, 337–343.
17. Haghgoy Mardakhi, T., 2011. The evaluation of plant species diversity in ecological species group of broad-leaved forest (case study: Kandelat, Guilan). MSc thesis, forestry department, natural resources faculty, Guilan University.
18. Hamilton A & P. Hamilton, 2006. An Ecosystem Approach. Earthscan, 324 p.
19. Heydari, M & M. Faramarzi, 2014. Short-term effects fire with different intensity on composition and diversity of soil seed bank in Zagros forest ecosystem, city Sirvan, Journal of Applied Ecology, 3 (9): 57-68.
20. Jamshidi Bakhtar, A., Kh. Sagheb-Talebi, M.R. Marvi Mohajer. & M. Haidari, 2013. The impact of fire on the forest and plants diversity in Iranian Oak forest. International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, ISSN: 2322 - 4827, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 273-284.
21. Keeley, J. E., D. Lubin & C.J. Fortheringham, 2003. Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and aline plant invasions in the southern sierra Nevada, Ecological Applicationn, 13(5): 1355-1374.
22. KhalilPour, M., H. Jalilvand, M.R. Pourmajidian & M. Hojati, 2013. Investigation effects of fire on vegetation diversity in the Zagros forests (Case study: Dale protected area in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad), National Conference of environmental researches. (In Persian).
23. Khodakarami, Y., M. Khanhassani, Kh. Saghebtalebi, A. Zohrevandi, M. Pourreza & Sh. Mashayekhi, 2010. Evaluation of some ecological factors influencing distribution species Acer cineracens in the forests of Kermanshah, Iranian Journal of natural ecosystems, 1 (4): 63-69. (In Persian).
24. Khosravi, A., H. Jamshidzadeh, J. Mirzaei, A. Rostami, P. Samadi & R. Abdollahi, 2014. Effects of fire on plant species diversity and composition floor in Manesht & Qalarang Ilam, National Conference on sustainable development and renewable resources. (In Persian).
25. Krishnamurthy, Y.L., H.M. Prakasha, A. Nanda, M. Krishnappa, H.S. Dattaraja & H.S. Saresh, 2010.Vegetation structure and floristic composition of a tropical deciduous forest in Bhadra wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, India. J. Tropical Ecology, 51(2): 235-246.
26. Lahav, H., (1989). Renewal of Vegetation After Fire in a Natural Pine Forest on Mt. Carmel (M.Sc. Diss.) Tel Aviv University.
27. Lewis, C. E & T.J. Harshbarger, 1976. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation after 20 years of prescribed burning in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. Journal of Range Management, 29 (1): 13-18.
28. Lymberopoulos, N., C. Papadopoulos, E. Stefanakis, N. Pantalos & F. Lockwood, 1996. A GIS –based forest fire management information system. EARSel Journal–Advances in Remote Sensing, 4 (1): 68-75.
29. Lyon, J & M. Niocole, 2005. Pattern of plant diversity and plant- environmental relationships across three riparian corridors. Forest Ecology and Management, 204: 267- 278.
30. Mahmoudi, J., Gh. A. Zahedi, A. Adeli & R. Rahmani, 2005. Identification of plant ecological groups and their relationships with soil properties in the forests of Kelarabad. Iranian. Journal of Natural Resources, 58 (2): 363- 351. (In Persian).
31. Maingi, J.K & S.E. Marsh, 2006. Composition, structure, and regeneration patterns in a gallery forest along the Tana River near Bura, Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management, 236: 211-228.
32. Magurran, A.E., 2003. Measuring biodiversity. Blackwell Publishing, p 256.
33. Mirdavoodi, H.R., M.R. Marvi Mohadjer, G. h. Zahedi Amiri & V. Etemad, 2013. Disturbance effects on plant diversity and invasive species in western oak communities of Iran (Case study: Dalab Forest, Ilam). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (1): 1- 16. (In Persian)
34. Motamedi, J. & M. Souri, 2016. Efficiency of numerical and parametrical indices to determine biodiversity in mountain rangelands, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36(2): 108-112.
35. Mirhashemi, H., H. Pourbabaei, A. Mezbani, 2016. Assessment Changes the relative importance (SIV) woody species with increasing altitude in the forests of Zagros, case study: protected area of Kabirkouh, Ilam. International conference on sustainable development, strategies and challenges with a focus on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism, Tabriz, Iran.
36. Omidi,Gh., 2013. The effect of fire on regeneration and diversity of plant in Bankol forest rehion in Ilam. MSc thesis, forestry department, natural resources faculty, Kurdestan University. 60 p. (In Persian)
37. Pourbabaei, H & A. Ranjavar, 2013. Species diversity of woody plants in the district No.1 forests Kelardasht, Mazandaran province. Iranian Journal of Biology, 18 (4):307-322.
38. Pourbabaei, H., 2010. Application of Statistics in Ecology (Methods and basic calculations), University Press of Gilan, 280 p.( In Persian).
39. Pourbabaei, H., R. Cheraghi & S. Ebrahimi, 2015. The Study of Woody Species Structure and Diversity in the Persian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) Site, Dashtak, Yasouj, Western Iran. Journal of Zagros Forests Researches, 2(1): 1-15. (In Persian).
40. Pourreza, M., S.M. Hosseini, A.A. Safari Sinegani, M. Matinizadeh & S.J. Alavai, 2014. Herbaceous species diversity in relation to fire severity in Zagros oak forest Iran. Journal of Forestry Research, 25(1): 113−120.
41. Ravanbakhsh, M.., H. Ejtehadi, H. Pourbabaei & J. Ghoreshi-al-Hoseini, 2007. Investigation on plants species diversity of Gisoum Talesh Reservoir forest, Gilan province, Iran, Iranian Journal of biology, 20 (3): 218-229.
42. Saeb, K., 2011. Investigation and comparison of plant biodiversityin the ancient locality of Tol Guilan (Case study: Gorganrod of Talesh catchment, Guilan,Iran). Reaserch Journal of Forest Science and Engineering, 1(2): 1-11.( In Persian)
43. Sagheb Talebi, Kh., T. Sajedi, F. Yazdian, 2005. Overview of Iran's forest. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, 39: 27 p.( In Persian).
44. Sheikholeslami, A., Kh. Kia Pasha & A. KiaLashaki, 2011. A study of tree distribution in Diameter Classes in Natural Forests of Iran, Annals of biological research, (5): 283-290. (In Persian)
45. Sharifi, M & M. Ghafouri, 2009. Fundamentals of ecology and environment probles. JahadeDaneshghahi of Mashhad press, 400 p.
46. Waite, S., 2000. Statistical ecology in practice: a guide to analyzing environmental and ecological field data. Prentice Hall.
47. Tahmasi, P., 2013. The study of destructive effect and potential of water uses as a management tools for vegetation cover in semi-steppe pastures. Iranian journal of natural resource. 66 (2): 287-298.( In Persian).