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    Guide for Authors

    Dear author, please download the article submission guide file from here to learn about the process of submitting an article to the Journal of Management Studies and Sustainable Development.

    All dear researchers who wish to submit their manuscripts for review and publication in the Quarterly Journal of Management and Sustainable Development Studies, are requested to read the content of this page, which includes the following seven topics:

    1- Conditions for acceptance of articles, 2- Required files, 3- Types of accepted articles, 4- General structure of the article, 5- Article Processing Charges, 6- Important points, 7- Themes of the journal

    1. Conditions for acceptance of articles
    • To prevent disruption in the process of following the articles, register in the system only once and submit each article only once.  
    • Due to the impossibility of changing the author in charge of the article, please specify it before uploading the article. Also, it is essential that all authors have ORCID.
    • As there is no possibility of any change in the authors' details after the publication of the article, please refer to the authors' details (name, organizational affiliation, etc.) as well as the order of the authors 'names on the quarterly site and in the authors' file, as follows: Insert correctly and uniformly.
    • The article should have scientific-research value and be relevant to the field of activity of the Quarterly Journal of Management Studies and Sustainable Development (thematic axes). The field of activity of this quarterly is management and sustainable development, and the most important topics are listed in the continuation of this page.
    • The submitted article must be the result of original research work (the result of the study, experience, and first-hand research of the author) and has not been published in domestic and foreign journals or articles of seminars and scientific conferences, or has not been previously or simultaneously submitted to another quarterly. If it is found that an article has already been published in another journal (duplicate publication), the editor of the journal will cancel the article and inform the authors/universities of the article about the names of the authors and the title of the article.  
    • Avoid submitting articles that are not accepted in the quarterly, articles related to the subject of this quarterly.
    • Every year, only one article from respected authors is included in the judging and publishing process.
    • The maximum number of accepted pages for the submitted article is 20 pages. Do not use any word style in the submitted text.
    • Receiving the article is done only electronically and by referring to this address: https://sanad.iau.ir/fa/User/Author/SendArticle?step=1&journaluserId=3462

    2- Required files

    Please send the following files when submitting the article:

    1- Authors' profile form (download here).

    2- Manuscript Main File (download here). Note: The names of the authors should not be written in this file. 

    3- Authors' commitment form (download here) scan and send this file after completion and signing.

    4- Conflict of interest form (download here) scan and send this file after completion and signing.

    3- Types of articles 

    In this journal, the following types of articles are reviewed and accepted:

    1. Research article: Research articles are the result of the author's own research. The researcher expresses the findings and results of his experiments in the form of an article. In the research paper, we deal with topics that have not been researched before, and in fact, it was an unanswered question. Researchers and scholars are more receptive to these types of articles.
    2. Review article: As the name suggests, review articles and research on a specific topic and finally provide a summary of the topic. The purpose of the researcher is to examine the issues and publish a review article, analyze the research, existing differences, and problems that have hindered the progress of the issue.
    3. Analytical Essay: Analytical Essay is such that the author presents his theory with the help of previous research sources. In this type of scientific article, the researcher can expand the previous theories with strong arguments; Or in other words, describe them in detail. In the analytical article, even the theories that already existed can be considered.

    4- Paper structure

    The main body of the article should include the following sections:

    • Abstract (including introduction and objectives, methodology, findings, conclusion),
    • Keyword   
    • Introduction (In the introduction of the article, there should be at least three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, explain what we know about the subject under discussion. In the second paragraph, the unknowns of that area, and in the third paragraph, the purpose of conducting research and writing the article. ),
    • Theoretical foundations (theoretical framework) and research background   
    • Research method (method and type of research, data collection tools, data analysis techniques, definition of studied variables and their operational definition, statistical population, sample size and sampling method),    
    • Analysis of Findings   
    • Discussion and conclusion
    • Suggestions   
    • Amount of participation of the authors   
    • Acknowledgments
    • Ethical Approval   
    • Conflict of Interest  
    • References.


    Resources list (at first, Persian and then foreign resources) should be presented on a standalone page, according to the following pattern:

    - Compiled book: author’s surname, first name, (year of publication), the title of the book (edition version), place of publication, and publisher's name.

    - Translated book: author’s surname, first name, (date of translation), the title of the book in Persian, (Translator's first name and surname), Place of publication: Publisher.

    - Article: author’s surname, first name, (date of publication), title of the article, journal name, volume number, issue number, month, year, and page numbers.

    - Internet Resources: author’s surname, first name, the title of the article, [full date of publication], [mentioning online], > full internet address of the resource < [full date of access to the article].

    - In-text citation in APA style (author's surname, year: page).  Example: (Megginson, 2001: 8)

    One of the requirements for accepting the article is using new resources. (At least 70% of the resources should be related to the past 5 years from reputable journals).

    - For complete information about the APA citation method accepted by this journal, download and read this file.

    5- Article Processing Charges (APCs)

    According to the executive instructions for the financial support of scientific publications of Islamic Azad University No. 10/62815 dated 10/4/2018, it was decided that in case of initial approval by the editor; 1,500,000 rials for each article sent for refereeing, and after final approval, another 3,500,000 rials for the publication of the article should be received from the respected authors. (It should be noted that if the article is declared rejected by the respected referees, the initial amount of 1,500,000 rials cannot be returned to the author). 

    • Note: Authors outside Iran will not be charged any fee for refereeing and publishing the article.
    • Please transfer the costs of refereeing and publication of articles to the account number 0115860821001 of non-tuition income of Islamic Azad University, Zahedan branch, at Saderat Bank.
      SHABA Number: IR870190000000115860821001

    6- Other Tips

    • The article file without authors' names should be uploaded in doc or docx format.
    • The refereeing of the articles in this journal is done anonymously, so it is necessary to upload the authors' details in English (including the authors' first and last names, respectively, with the academic rank and organization of the authors) in a separate file. The address (postal address and zip code), telephone, and e-mail of the corresponding author should be specified in the specification file.
    • The authors' names should not be included in the name of the main file of the article or the file of the response to the referees.
    • Respected authors can specify their proposed referees when submitting the article in order to speed up the process of judging the articles. These proposed referees must be professors outside the university where the authors are teaching or studying. Note: It is mandatory to introduce at least one suggested referee at the time of submitting the article.
    • Respected authors can choose a short title for their article when submitting an article. Please select this short title carefully because this title will be inserted at the top of the pages of your article (due to the limitation of writing space, the titles of the articles will not be inserted completely at the top of the pages).
    • When writing articles, use sources that have a DOI and write this identifier at the end of each reference when writing references. This will be very helpful in increasing the credibility of your article as well as ease of acceptance.
    • Considering that the Quarterly Journal of Management and Sustainable Development Studies plans to be indexed in international databases in the future, the extended abstract will be received in English and all sources (even Persian sources) must be included in English in the published articles. Therefore, when searching for sources to write your article, please refer to the English page of the source on the site of Persian magazines and get the title of the article and the details of the authors in English.
    • Considering that the Quarterly Journal of Management and Sustainable Development Studies intends to be indexed in international databases in the future, all authors (especially the responsible author) are requested to include their ORCID ID in their personal information section.
    • If the responsible author withdraws after sending the articles to the referee for unjustified reasons, the Quarterly Journal of Management and Sustainable Development Studies will not review and publish the articles of which the responsible author is one of the authors (articles that are in the process of refereeing and publication or are sent after that), Will refrain.
    • The article should be typed in Word Software  (Text font Times New Roman 13, Title font Times New Roman 16, margins: 3.5 from the top, 3.5 from the bottom, 4.6 from left, 4.5 from right) in Max. 20 pages and sent to the journal website (https://msds.zahedan.iau.ir/) with a Latin abstract. Moreover, articles appendixes such as tables, charts, photographs, etc. should be provided with optimal quality.

    7- Themes of the journal

     Governmental Management

    •     Public administration in the postmodern era
    •     Government and market management
    •     Citizenship and government management
    •     Technology and the public sector
    •     Good governance and sustainable development
    •     Public administration and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to public administration

    Business Management

    •     Marketing investigation and Sustainable Development
          Sales Management and Sustainable Development
    •    Consumer behavior and Sustainable Development
    •     Other new topics related to business management and Sustainable Development

     Financial Management

    •     Capital market management and sustainable development
    •     Financial management of enterprises and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to financial management

     Tourism management

    •     Religious tourism and sustainable development
    •     Social sciences, tourism, and sustainable development
    •     Development Planning and Tourism Economics
    •     Tourism management and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to tourism management

    IT management

    •     IT management and sustainable development
    •     IT service management and sustainable development
    •     Smart business management and sustainable development
    •     Information Security Management and Sustainable Development
    •     Other topics related to IT management

    Human resources management

    •     New theories of human resource management
    •     New perspectives on motivation in human resource management
    •     Designing new administrative models of organizations with a focus on human resources
    •     Human resource management in an age of change
    •     New models and strategies for attracting, training, and retaining human resources
    •     Organizational culture management
    •     Human resource management and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to human resource management

     Development Management

    •     Research and development management
    •     Technology-based development management
    •     Futurology and Development
    •     Sustainable development management
    •     Sustainable development models
    •     New governance and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to development management and sustainable development

      MBA Management

    •     Strategic management and planning
    •     Strategic management and sustainable development
    •     Other new topics related to executive management and MBA

      Entrepreneurship and business management

    •     Business management and development
    •     Entrepreneurship education and business research
    •     Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
    •     Other new topics related to entrepreneurship and business management and sustainable development

     Insurance Management

    •     Risk management and insurance
    •     Applied research in insurance management
    •     The role of insurance in sustainable development
    •     Organization and management of insurance companies
    •     Other new topics related to insurance management and sustainable development

    Knowledge management and interdisciplinary studies

    •     Knowledge management theories and models
    •     Knowledge management systems, tools, and techniques
    •     Knowledge management and business intelligence
    •     Knowledge management and e-business
    •     Knowledge and network management
    •     Knowledge management and organizational competitive advantage
    •     Knowledge management and sustainable development

    This is an interdisciplinary journal; But the articles that are exclusively related to the fields of economics, accounting, etc., and are not related to management science, will not be judged and published in this chapter.