Khadijah's Interacting with Spouse Style in Three Cultural, Psychological and Behavioral Fields
Subject Areas : Morality
Reza Baniasadi
Maryam Baghrrinejad Yazdi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Department of Islamic Knowledge, Faculty of Medicine, Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Graduate of Level 2, Department of Islamic Studies, Zainab Kobra Sisters Seminary, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Hazrat Khadijah (pbuh), Behavioral field, Cultural field, Psychological field, Interacting with spouse style,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the interacting with spouse style of Hazrat Khadijah (PBUH) in three cultural, psychological and behavioral fields. The research universe included all the texts and sources related to Hazrat Khadijah (PBUH). The sample of the research was the texts related to the interacting with spouse style of Hazrat Khadijah (PBUH) and the cultural, psychological and behavioral analysis about this contents. This research was descriptive and analytical. Data was collected using documentary and library methods via reviewing the texts on interacting with spouse style of Hazrat Khadijah (PBUH and cultural, psychological and behavioral subjects and note taking on index cards. Then the obtained data were analyzed. The results of the research showed that Hazrat Khadijah (PBUH), the unique lady of Hijaz, acted very admirably in her way of interacting with spouse to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in three cultural, psychological and behavioral dimensions, and she should be a perfect model not only for all faithful women, but also for absolute all women. She that was taken under consideration of others during her lifetime and after her death, developed the attitude toward matrimony, the impact of age on marriage and non-insisting on luxury in cultural field. On psychological domain she held traits akin love and perception, deep confidence on her spouse and understanding the life difficulties. Also, in the field of behavior, she had characteristics such as chastity, generosity, honoring her spouse, supporting her husband, and creating a safe and relaxing atmosphere at home. Therefore, it could be reported that the use of all these components by women would improve their status with their husbands and, as a result, strengthen the family and achieve common goals.
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