A Study of the Common Attributes of Righteous Women in the Holy Quran and the Bible
Subject Areas : Morality
Maliheh Bagherinejad Yazdi
Reza Baniasadi
1 - Imam Hussein Sisters Seminary Yazd, Department of Holy Quran Interpretation, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd, Department of Islamic Studies, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: The Bible, The holy Quran, Attributes of righteous women,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to explain the common characteristics of righteous women in the Holy Quran and the Bible. The understudied universe was the verses of the Holy Quran and the Bible. The sample of the research particularized the divine verses of the Holy Quran and the Bible in relation to the common attributes of righteous women in the Holy Quran and the Bible. This research was descriptive-analytical and the data was obtained through documents and libraries. The analysis was performed using the data obtained from Quranic verses and the Bible. The results of the present study indicated that in the Holy Quran and the Bible, attributes were expressed for competent women in both individual and family domains. According to the Holy Quran and the Bible, righteous women in the personal sphere have attributes such as faith, righteous deeds, piety, chastity, truthfulness, modesty, hijab, refraining from showing off and being none lascivious. Also in the family field, competent women were introduced with traits such as being nice in the life with husband, housekeeping and parenting.
The Holy Quran
Matthew Gospel
Old Testament
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