Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement for the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Compliance with cope rules:
“This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”.
All participants are expected to stick to the mentioned ethics. It is clear that any plagiarism or other unethical behaviors will lead to the elimination of the paper from the reviewing process. This code of ethics has been designed for delineating the responsibilities and commitments of the authors, editor in chief, editorial board, and reviewers:
Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board
Acceptance of the papers: The editor in chief is responsible for accepting or rejecting the papers. The editor in chief with the consultation of the editorial board, reviewers, and editors while considering copyright, plagiarism, and other related issues decides on the acceptance of the papers.
Fairness: The editors in chief have the responsibility of judging the papers only according to their scientific features and should act without any bias, personal hatred; nor should they act with a bias to nationality, gender, or religious and tribal, racial, and political issues
Privacy: During the reviewing process, the editor in chief and members of the editorial board should not reveal any material about the article to anybody except the reviewers, authors, and editors.
Confidentiality and not using the paper for personal use: All or part of the materials that have not been published should not be used in the editor in chief’s or editorial board’s personal research without the author’s written consent. The confidential information or ideas obtained through reviewing the papers should be kept in confidence and should not be used for their personal interests.
Acceptance of the Papers: The reviewers help the editor in chief and editorial board in making decisions about the acceptance or rejection of the papers, and contribute to the improvement of the submitted papers by sending corrections to them.
The right of refusals and non-acceptance: Refusal and rejection of a paper review is necessary according to the time and setting. The reviewer who feels disqualification for reviewing a research paper should refuse the review.
Confidentiality: The reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the reviewing process and should not yield any information about the paper to anyone except the editor in chief without the written consent of the writer.
Being Unbiased: The reviewers should review the papers objectively and in an unbiased and just manner. They should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments.
References: The reviewers should identify and examine the writer’s references. Any conclusion or discussion already proposed should be accompanied by the source. Moreover, in case of observing any similarity or overlap between the submitted paper and another paper, the reviewer should report it to the editor in chief.
Conflict of interests: The reviewers should not use the information or ideas they obtain during the review process for their own interests. Moreover, the reviewers should avoid reviewing the papers that, in their opinion, entail a conflict of interests including common, organizational, or personal financial interests or any link with the companies, institutions, or the people related with the papers in one way or another
Reporting the results: The corresponding author is the person held responsible for the contents of the paper. The authors are responsible for the comprehensive and complete report of their findings, and they should be particularly careful in reporting the results and interpreting them. The paper should include enough details and sources so that other researchers will have access to similar data for replication of the study.
Plagiarism: The corresponding author should make sure that all the material in the paper is the product of his/her and his/her colleagues’ research, and he/she should ascertain the origin and genuineness of all the data used in the study.
Originality: The study should be new and genuine work. The writer is not allowed to send all or part of the paper that is under review process in another place to the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
Acknowledgment: The author(s) should mention the name of the centers or people who have affected the completion of the study and should express their appreciation of their help. Moreover, if the study has a financial sponsor, it should be mentioned and appreciated in this section.
Writing the paper: All authors mentioned in the article should have real cooperation and contribution in writing the paper and should be responsible for its results. The authorship validity or score should be determined according to the authors’ share in preparing different parts of the paper. The authors should accept the responsibility of the paper. The corresponding author who sends the article to the paper should send a copy or a draft of the paper to all authors and colleagues and should have their written consent for sending the paper to the journal and publishing it.
Conflict of interests: The authors are required to mention any conflict of interests that have affected the research results or their interpretation and refer to the financial sources which sponsor the study.
Revising the paper: If the author(s) notice any error or major carelessness in his/her work, he/she should report it to the editor in chief of the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and should cooperate in the process of revising and making corrections.
The ethical principles charter of the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology regarding working with animals in an experimental context
Experiments on animals are an effective aid to the science of veterinary and human welfare that has made important contributions to the treatment and prevention of diseases. Many important advances in the field of medical knowledge that are either fundamental, practical or foundational-practical are needed for the prevention and treatment of diseases, yet they may currently not have proper control procedures in place and therefore require experimental research on animal models. In other words, the medical and veterinary sciences are based on these experimental efforts involving animals.
For any animal-based experiments, all work has to be conducted based on the declaration of CODEX guidelines for research which can be obtained via URL (
On the other hand, according to international ethical rules, new materials or tools (equipment) must not be tested on humans for the first time unless their safety has been reported in previous experiments conducted on appropriate laboratory animals. Hence, observing the following steps is necessary for publishing an article in the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology:
A) Protection of human and animal health needs experiments on different animal species that use appropriate models and species for each case.
B) If there is a need for using methods such as mathematical models, computer simulations and in vitro biological systems, these should be tested on animals prior to being used properly.
C) It should be completely clear that the experiment has a significant role in human or animal health or in the advancement of biological knowledge.
D) Selected animals for the experiment should be healthy; if there is a need for them to be modeled, the minimum number required for obtaining scientifically acceptable results should be considered.
E) All researchers should treat animals as understanding and sensitive creatures; in this context, they must be maintained properly to avoid or minimize suffering, pain, and anxiety.
F) Researchers should consider that methods that cause pain in humans will also cause pain in other vertebrate species.
G) Methods that cause severe pain or anxiety in animals should be conducted using the appropriate anesthetics and sedation, or anesthesia in accordance with accepted veterinary techniques. Surgery or other painful procedures should not be performed on an alert animal or by using topical anesthetics.
H) If it is necessary to ignore item 7, the researcher should receive permission from the ethical committee of the unit and send a copy of this permission along with the article manuscript to the office of the Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
It is worth noting that this ignorance should only occur for educational purposes.
I) Animals that might experience chronic pain, anxiety or incapacity during experiments and are not able to be treated should be killed in a painless manner at the end of the experiments, or at the appropriate time.
J) The best possible living conditions should be provided for animals that are kept for biomedical purposes. Generally, animals must be kept under the supervision of veterinarians who have experience of working with laboratory animals.
K) The manager of the department where animals are being used is the guarantor of the competence and experience of his/her personnel to perform experiments on animals. The department’s manager should periodically train all those who work with laboratory animals and send a copy of the training confirmation to the ethics committee of the unit.
L) For further information on regulations pertaining to animals, institutes of specific animal products are the best sources for the supply and delivery of common laboratory animals.
M) The department’s manager is the guarantor of human and animal health during the transfer process of laboratory animals.
N) Animal residence should ensure the general health of the animal and should avoid unnecessary stress.
Allocated space provided to each animal according to species is a necessary and appropriate standard and aspects such as protection against hunters, vermin and other pests should be provided. In addition, the space and structure provided should be considered for quarantine and isolation if necessary. Only authorized persons should have access to these areas.
O) Environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, and social interaction should be consistent with the needs of the kept species. Adequate facilities should be available to animals and animal waste must be properly disposed of.
P) Animals should be given enough food at the proper volume and quality according to their needs in order to protect their health unless the experiment subject pertains to studies regarding nutritional needs changes; additionally, animals should have free access to drinking water.
Q) Programmes of health monitoring and disease prevention should be available to the institute of animal production and to the consumer department of animals for biomedical purposes and should be provided by the ethics committee of the unit. Sick or injured animals should receive proper care according to the relevant conditions or they should be killed in a painless manner.
R) Reports of experiments on animals should be recorded and should be available for inspection and surveillance.
Information should include the performed methods and the results of experiments after death.
S) If there is a suitable alternative instead of living animals for experiments, those methods should be used in order to reduce the use of laboratory animals (such as biological and non-biological methods).
Non-biological methods include methods based on mathematical models, structure-activity relations based on the chemical and physical properties of drugs and other chemicals, and computer projections of non-biological processes. Additionally, retrospective and prospective epidemiological methods on human and animal populations can be used in this case. In this regard, implementing supplemental and/or alternative methods for using healthy animals and expanding their use should be promoted for scientific and humanitarian reasons.
Biological methods involve the use of microorganisms, preparations in vitro (sub-cellular interactions, whole cellular systems, organ perfusion, short-term and organs, and cell cultivation) and in some environmental conditions, vertebrate and invertebrate embryos.
T) In the case of experiments on animals, author(s) must provide a full description concerning all works conducted with animals, the use of anesthesia, drugs and the surgical methods that were applied.
U) The author(s) must take all possible measures to avoid harming animals at all stages of the conducted experiments.
● Copyright:
The author(s) hereby permanently assign all material and intellectual rights in the above article to the journal of veterinary Clinical Pathology and make no claims to it (it is to be noted that any author may copy and submit his/her article citation).
Conflict of Interest form for Journal of Veterinary Clinical pathology
The originality of the Paper
(Note of Originality)
journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
In the Name of God
Commitment Form of the journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Journal by the Authors
- Title of the paper:
- Corresponding Author:
- The authors respectively:
- Work and home address of the corresponding author:
- Home telephone number and area code of the corresponding author:
- The cell phone number or fax number of the corresponding author:
- The email address of the corresponding author:
- This is to verify that this side …………….. is the corresponding author of the above-mentioned paper, and I do accept that this paper has not been previously published or presented in any other national or international journal or seminar. I also do accept to refrain from submitting the paper to any other journal until I have received the final decision from the Clinical Veterinary pathology Journal regarding my paper, and if the paper is rejected at any time point, I will have no claim on it. I do take full responsibility for the above-mentioned paper (All authors should sign this form since it is not possible to change the authors’ name or their order of mentioning).
Important Note:
If the paper is extracted from a thesis or research project, great care should be taken in writing the names of the authors and their order, and it is recommended that you consult with the research office of your faculty in this regard.