بسمه تعالی
Instructions for Authors of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
The journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology aims to publish scientific and research articles on veterinary clinical pathology. Clinical and laboratory reports, review articles on a technical issue (analytical papers), and short scientific papers can also be published in this journal. Submitted articles will be published after initial evaluation and expert peer review and final verification by the editorial board. The papers should not have been previously published nor simultaneously sent to other national or international journals. Articles will be published in the order they are received or processed. The scientific and moral responsibility of the articles lies with the author(s). It should be added that besides the comments of the reviewers, the editorial board has the right to exercise its views regarding the scientific, structural, and typographical features of the papers and makes the final decision about the acceptance or rejection of the papers.
All reviewing and publication steps of the papers are full papers are open to access at the university website.
Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology carries a manuscript submission fee of 5,000,000 Iranian Rial (IRR) and a manuscript processing fee of 10,000,000 IRR upon submission of each new manuscript.
دریافت فرم تعهدنامه مجله آسیبشناسی درمانگاهی دامپزشکی
فرم تعارض منافع نویسندگان مجله آسیبشناسی درمانگاهی دامپزشکی
پایگاه مشابهتیاب"همیاب سیناوب" جهت کنترل عدم همپوشانی مقالات فارسی (plagiarism checker):
پایگاههای مشابهیاب جهت کنترل عدم همپوشانی مقالات انگلیسی (plagiarism checker):
Manuscript structure
- Title Page
In the title page, only the title of the paper, first and last name, and affiliation of the author(s) including scientific rank, department, the name of research center or faculty, and the name of the university should be mentioned. Moreover, the electronic mail and telephone number of the corresponding author should be written in both Farsi and English. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk. The corresponding author should not be a student.
- Main Text
- Research articles:
1.1. Article Text
The research texts should be written in fluent Farsi while observing grammar rules. It should have a title, Farsi and English abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, and references.
1.2. Article Title
It should be fluent and brief and should be comprehensive and in line with the purpose and research methodology. The Farsi title should match the English title. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
1.3. Abstract
It should include a. Background and Purpose, b. Materials and Methods, c. Results, d. conclusions, e. key words. In the abstract, the use of foreign words and expressions that have precise and fluent equivalents in Farsi should be avoided, and when an abbreviation is used for the first time, the completed form should be mentioned inside parentheses. The statistical tests for comparing the groups and significance levels should be written, and if there are significant differences between the groups, p-values should also be mentioned inside parentheses. The Farsi abstract should closely match the English abstract. At the end of the abstract, discussion and suggestions should be avoided. Farsi and English abstracts should be between 150-250 words.
1.4. Keywords
should appear immediately after both Farsi and English abstracts, and they should not be more than 3-5 words.
1.5. Introduction
In the introduction, statement of the problem (the problem under study), significance of the problem and its implications, proposing the solution and how to solve the problem, research background and scientific empirical background inside and outside the country, and finally the purpose, significance, and application of the findings are elaborated upon.
1.6. Materials and Methods
This section may include some subsections including sampling procedure, the procedure for preparing the solutions and chemicals, the procedure for conducting different tests, research design, statistical analyses of the data and etc. In materials and methods, the type, place, and time of the study should be mentioned. In this section, the sentences are written in past and passive voice, and the procedure should be explained completely. Explaining the commonly used methods is not necessary and only references should be cited but if a new method is used, it is necessary to explain it completely. Concerning the technical instruments and materials, it is necessary to mention the instruments model number, manufacturing company and country of origin inside parentheses. Concerning specific drugs, the generic names should be mentioned in the text, and the proprietary names, the manufacturing company and country of origin inside parentheses. The procedure for calculating sample size, the number of animals and groups, randomization of the groups, breed, age, gender, and weight of the animals, and their maintenance conditions and ethical issues need to be mentioned. The exact criteria for inclusion or exclusion of the subjects in the experiment should be specified. The control for background variables and homogenizing them and controlling the intervening variables should also be explained. The groups should be compared logically using appropriate statistical methods. In data analysis, it should be specified how data are presented (in the form of mean±standard error of the mean or mean ± standard deviation). The significance level should also be mentioned.
1.7. Results
In this section, only the results are presented, and any type of discussion or conclusion is avoided. The results can be presented in the form of tables, diagrams, and figures along with their respective explanations. Presentation of the results through both tables and figures or graphs should be avoided. The number of tables, diagrams, or figures should be proportionate with article length. Their numbers should be mentioned in the main text of the article. In statistical comparison of the data, the exact p-values should be given inside parentheses.
The tables should be designed using ‘insert the table’ option in the toolbar in a simple way without any background. In designing the tables, oblique lines should not be used. The tables should be written in Farsi and they should be arranged from right to left. In the table data, putting extra spaces between the numbers, digits, and signs should be avoided, and comma or oblique line should not be used for fractions (65.32±4.25a). The table title should appear above it, and extra information should be given immediately below the table. Abbreviations should be avoided in captions. The results of statistical analysis should be reflected in the tables and graphs by using one of the scientific methods, except for the cases raw numbers need to be mentioned. Therefore, if we need statistical analysis in the tables, the significant differences between the groups should be identified by (* or #) or letters (a, b, c, …), and below the tables, the necessary statistical descriptions should be written.
The title and statistical descriptions about the graphs should appear below them. Abbreviations should also be avoided in graph captions. The graphs should include error bars, and the statistical differences between the groups should be identified with suitable punctuation. The graphs should be simple, and color graphs with a background or three-dimensional graphs should be avoided. Instead, black, white, or grey graphs should be used.
Complete descriptions should be given below the figures. The figures should be clear enough, and the punctuation marks (e.g., arrows, asterisks, …) should be stabilized on the figure (using Photoshop program). In microscopic figures, the type of histologic staining and magnification should be identified.
e.g. Figure 1- description of the figure (hematoxylin-eosin staining, magnification: ×100)
The SI unit of measurements should be used in tables, diagrams and figures.
1.8. Discussion and conclusion
This part starts with presenting a summary of the results. The main topic of the study and the hypotheses introduced in the Introduction and the obtained results are focused upon and analyzed. The congruence or incongruence of the results of the study with the previous ones is discussed. The theoretical basis of the discussion and the study should match each other, and there should be a logical relationship among different parts of the study. Discussion and interpretations should be presented regarding all research parameters. For the studies contradicting the results of the previous studies, logical explanations and justifications should be provided. The probable mechanisms involved in the changes should be discussed. Finally, the limitations of the study should be mentioned, and the suggestions, comments, and new strategies should be discussed. Later, after drawing general conclusions, the scientific implications and applications of the study should be emphasized.
1.9. Acknowledgments
If necessary, for thanking the people or organizations, after discussion and conclusion, a separate heading called “acknowledgments” should be included. All the people who were involved in the study in one way or another, but did not have authorship criteria are mentioned in this section.
1.10. Conflict of interests
The authors should clarify all affiliations that may probably be considered as a conflict of interests, and if there is no conflict of interests, it should be definitely mentioned.
e.g.: the authors acknowledge that there is no conflict of interest.
English examples (at the end of the English abstract).
1.11. Writing the references
References are cited in the text using the Harvard System: Author-Date Scheme. If the work has been written by one person, the last name of the writer as well as its year of publication should be given at the end of the sentence inside parentheses. If the work has been written by two authors, their last names and year of publication should be mentioned. If the source has been written by more than two authors, the first writer’s last name should be written followed by ‘et al’ in italics.
Note: The parentheses () in the Farsi text should be written in B Lotus.
In quoting materials in the main text of the paper, the English names should be written in Farsi.
e.g., According to the studies by Harrison et al., in 2012 it was found that ….. (Harrison et al., 2010)
In the references list, Farsi sources should be translated into English, and [In Persian] should be added at the end. References should be arranged in alphabetical order (without numbering them). The respected authors should make sure that all of the sources mentioned in the list of references should appear in the paper and vice versa. If an author has several papers in one year, they should be distinguished by using a, b, …. beside the date of publication of the paper. In writing the references, the following order should be observed:
Author(s)’ last name, Author(s)’ first name initials, year of publication, the title of the article or book, (edition series for books), Journal’s title or publisher’s name, volume, page numbers of the paper or book.
If there are more than six authors in a publication, after the 6th author’s name “et al” in italics should be used.. The journal titles should be written completely and abbreviations should be avoided. Theses and invalid web pages should not be used as references.
Note: While writing references, the punctuation marks (period, comma, …) should be noted, and special attention should be paid to the spaces between the words, letters, and punctuation marks.
Examples of references:
Journal article:
- Haksar, A., Sharma, A., Chawla, R., Kumar, R., Arora, R., Singh, S., et al. (2006). Zingiber officinale exhibits behavioral radioprotection against radiation-induced CTA in a gender-specific manner. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 84(2): 179-188.
- Pourmahdi Borujeni, M., Gharibi, D., Goorannejad, S. and Zamiri, S. (2013). Seroprevalence of coxiellosis in Ahvaz sheep. Iranian Veterinary Journal, 9(1): 11-18. [In Persian]
- Ho, M.T. and Saunders, C.E. (1990). Current Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment. 3rd ed., New Jersy: Appleton and Lang, pp: 25-29.
Chapter in a book:
- Champion, R.H. (1998). Disorders of sweat glands. In: Rook Textbook of Dermatology. Champion, R.H., Burton, J.L. and Burns, D.A. editors. 6th ed., Oxford: Blackwell Science, pp: 1985-2002.
Book with a single editor:
- Gunstone, F.D. (Editor). (1986). Chemical Properties in the lipid Handbook. UK: London, Chapman and Hall, pp: 449-484.
Books or information published by an institute:
- Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran (1993). Preparation of food samples for microbial analysis. 10th ed., No: 356.
Conference papers:
- Lanktree, C. and Briere, J. (2011). Antibiotics residues in animal origin foods. Paper Presented at the Second International Congress of Food Hygiene, Tehran, Iran.
Proceedings book:
- Noel, S. and Collin, S. (1995). Trans-2-nonenal degradation products during mashing. In proceeding of the 25th European Brewery Convention Congress, Oxford: IRL Press, pp: 483-490.
Institutional web page:
- Food and Agriculture Organization. (2011). Antibiotic Growth-Promoters in Food Animals- FAO. www.fao.org/DOCREP/ARTICLE
Patented research:
- Sen Gupta, A.K. (1985). Refining. U.S. Patent 4: 501-533.
- Clinical and laboratory-based Reports
They should be in Farsi and should include a title, Farsi and English abstract, keywords, introduction, clinical explanation, discussion and conclusion, and references. The reports should include rare cases and consequences. The page numbers should not exceed three journal pages.
- Short journal articles
They should be written in Farsi and should include a title, Farsi and English abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, and references. The page numbers should not exceed five journal pages.
- Analytical Articles
Analytical articles are reviewed by the authors. The author(s) who have already published three national/international research papers on the topic of study can present analytical papers. The page numbers should not exceed five journal pages.
Typographical rules
The Farsi text of the manuscript should be written in B Lotus 13 font with single line spacing and the English text should be written in Times New Roman, font 11. The text should be typed in A4 paper with margins of 2 cm using Word 2013. The titles of different parts of the manuscript should be written with the same font size in bold. The maximum page numbers of the article (including the references) should not exceed 15 journal pages.
The sentences should be understandable and fluent. The space between the words as well as the space between the periods and commas and the neighboring words should be observed (periods and commas are near to their preceding word and have no space with them, and their space with the following words is as much as one character). In Farsi and English texts, appropriate commas (“،” and “,”) should be used. In the case of using several English words in the Farsi text, the comma between the English words should be written in Farsi, and it should be near the previous word while having a one-character space with the following word. Before using the last English expression, the Farsi connective of “and” should be used while observing the space (e.g., Escherichia coli، Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
In the Farsi text, especially when giving references, the parentheses should be written with B Lotus font 13. Then the English expression is written with Times New Roman, Font 11 inside parentheses. e.g. (Jubb, 2007). In writing fraction numbers in Farsi, periods and commas are not allowed to be used for “/” (e.g., 56.25). In writing numbers in the form of percentages, instead of “%”, the word “percentage” should be used (e.g., 25 Percent).
For showing temperature, instead of using "oC" sign, "Celsius degree” should be used (e.g., 25 Celsius degree). In statistical comparisons, for showing significant differences, p is used in italic small letters, and their values should be written without any extra space). E.g., (p=0.01) or (p<0.05).
Footnotes should be totally avoided. Avoid using the foreign expressions which have precise meaningful equivalents in Farsi. Regarding the words or expressions which are used as abbreviations, in their first mentioning, the full form should appear inside parentheses. For example, ROS should be written as (Reactive Oxygen Species). The original English word for the Farsi equivalents should be mentioned inside parentheses in the first mentioning in a way that only the first letter of the word or expression is written in capital letters. For example, (Malondialdehyde).
Concerning the scientific name, material, and species of the plants, animals, and microorganisms, the first letter of the material should be capitalized, and the initial letter of the species should be written in small letters, and generally, it should be written in italics (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa). In the first mentioning, these names are written completely, but later only the first letter of the material is written (e.g., as Escherichia coli for the first time, but E. coli in the subsequent times of mentioning). Avoid using English expressions such as second, minute, hour, and gram in Farsi text. In case such expressions are used, in English abstract, they should be marked as sec, min, hr, and g. The expressions In vitro, and In vivo should be always italicized. In the text, mg/kg and mg/dl should be written in small letters. Drug injection methods should be written as IM, IV, and IP in capital letters in the English abstract, and in Farsi text, they are written as “Intravascular, Intramuscular and Intraperitoneal injection”. The acidity of the solutions should be shown with pH (e.g., pH=6.5).
Note: If the aforementioned typographical rules are not observed, manuscripts will not be accepted for peer review.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts can be submitted via the journal website through the following steps:
- Refer to the scientific journals website of Islamic Azad University: Tabriz Branch and Clinical Veterinary Pathology Journal in the following internet address: http:// jvcp.iaut.ac.ir
- Click on “Enter the system” option, and later register the necessary information.
- After registration, the membership page and the password will be written on the website, and the manuscript should be sent.
Note: If the journal website is inactive, contact the journal staff through iaut.jvs@gmail.com
Journal Address:
Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Office of Veterinary Clinical Pathology journal, Tabriz, Iran. P.O. Box: 5157944533
Direct phone number of the journal: 0098-413-6376934
Phone number of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: 0098-413-6372274, Extension number: 2314
Telefax: 041-36376934
Web site: http://jvcp.iaut.ac.ir/
Email: aut.jvs@gmail.com - vcpj@iaut.ac.ir