Analysis of the dimensions of educational pragmatism in compiling the subject of math textbooks
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
reyhaneh sadat mehdizadeh
ebrahim reyhani
سعید haghjoo
1 - M.A Student, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Faculty member, Mathematics Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. Student of Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Function, and textbook, mathematics, educational pragmatism, Secondary School,
Abstract :
The main goal of this research is to analyze changes in the dimensions of educational pragmatism in the function chapter of mathematics textbooks using a mixed (quantitative-qualitative) method. The study focuses on the "function" chapter of two textbooks: "Mathematics (1) 10th grade of the second high school Period" published in 2020 and "Mathematics (3) and (4) of the second year of the New secondary education system" published in 1997. The statistical population of the research consists of mathematics teachers who have taught the two mentioned textbooks, and the sample was selected non-randomly from available mathematics teachers and educational leaders. To begin, the content of the textbooks was analyzed using a quantitative method based on John Dewey's "educational pragmatism" theory. A total of 87 completed questionnaires designed as a Likert scale were analyzed and the questionnaire was adapted from Jarrah et al.'s research and localized. The reliability of the questionnaire was verified using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.86. Following this, a qualitative method was used, in which a five-person expert group analyzed the contents of the chapters of the two textbooks under the four dimensions of pragmatism: usefulness, interest, experience, and integration. The expert group coded the results. The joint analysis of the questionnaire and coding showed that the textbook published in 2020 had a more favorable situation in terms of the components and dimensions of pragmatism compared to the textbook published in 1997. Finally, suggestions for future editions of the textbook are presented, with an emphasis on the experience dimension.
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