Identifying teaching methods and components and compiling its interpretive model based on teachers' lived experiences in order to discover the talent of experimental sciences of elementary students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningmohammadreza nazarian 1 , Ali Mehdad 2 * , ahmad abedi 3 , mohammad ali nadi 4
1 - PhD. Student of Educational Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan(Khorasgan)Branch,Isfahan,Iran,
2 - Associate Professor. Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran,
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, IsfahanUniversity, Isfahan, Iran,
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational sciences, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan(Khorasgan)Branch,Isfahan,Iran,
Keywords: lived experiences, Talent of experimental sciences, phenomenology, Teaching Model, elementary,
Abstract :
The purpose of current study was to identify the methods and components of teaching and to develop an interpretive model based on the lived experiences of teachers in order to discover the talent of experimental sciences of elementary students in Isfahanin 98-99 academic year.Method of research is qualitatively phenomenological and statistical population was all primary school teachers in fourth grade and sample included 68 of themby purposeful sampling method and up to saturation stage among experienced, tasteful and capable teachers in the field of identifying and identifying students and by introducing the departments of the six districts of Isfahan were chosen.Research tool was a semi-structured interview and data analysis was performed based on seven Collaizzi’ steps.To assess the validity of research findings, content validity was used and to assess its reliability, the expert panel method was used. In this way, final approval was obtained from 5 experienced and knowledgeable professors.Validation of this model was done by referring to each sample and asking about the findings.In general, the research results showed; Proposed teaching model tailored to identify the talents of experimental sciences including 4 methods (metacognitive methods, workshop, exploration and laboratory) and 16 components analogy, research, presentation, activity and work , Participation, nature, imagination, observation and curiosity). By identifying the dimensions and components of teaching model, teachers can be empowered to provide active teaching methods appropriate to the methods of identifying students' talents.
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