The Analysis of the Requirements for the Proper Implementation of the Applied Research Curriculum in Primary Schools
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
abbas Hazrati
seyyed ahmad hashemi
Abbas Gholtash
Ali Asghar machinist
1 - 1 PhD Student of Curriculum Scinces, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Department of Educational Sciences, Lamerd Branch. Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor Department of Educational Sciences. Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor Department of Educational Sciences. Lamed Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.
Keywords: Curriculum, applied research, Primary schools,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze requirements for proper implementation of applied research curriculum in primary schools. In this combined study, first in qualitative part with Grounded Theory method, the proposed model in form of four elements of Zeiss curriculum through semi-structured and exploratory interviews and achieving theoretical saturation of findings with participation of 15 professors and experts in field of educational sciences that were selected purposeful, was designed by analyzing data using three-step coding method of Strauss and Corbin (1992). Then, in quantitative part, using a descriptive-field method to validate proposed model, a questionnaire has been designed with 46 locutions and provided to 384 teachers in Shiraz by stratified random sampling and 15 professors and specialists in the field of educational sciences by purposeful selection was placed in Aban 98 and then chi-square test was used to test hypotheses. Based on results, the proposed model is valid for research community viewpoint and the applied research curriculum as a central category, based on causal conditions of applied research curriculum as a central category, teaching method and evaluation will be realized, if providing incentives research-focused students and linking them with scientific sources as a strategy and if school structure design is based on research activities and support of managers and trained teachers as facilitators, also motivation, attitudes and values, and developing research skills as infrastructure, despite the obstacles, it leads to realize outcomes of increasing life skills, strengthening critical and creative thinking, and student achievement.
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