The role of technological literacy on Entrepreneurial intention in engineer students: findings of a mixed method research
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningAli Torkashvand 1 , farhad Seraji 2 *
1 - Department of Education, humanities faculty, Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2 - Associate professor of curriculum studies, department of education, humanities faculty, Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Technology, Engineering, Technological Literacy, Technological entrepreneurship,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to investigate the role of technological literacy in the to investigate the role of technological literacy in the entrepreneurial intention in engineer students. This research was done with mixed method approach and with exploratory design. In qualitative phase of research 15 Entrepreneur engineer students were selected based on criteria oriented sampling and participated on semi structured interview and data were analyzed by seven keluize stages. Interview questions were designed around the dimensions of technology literacy and its relationship with entrepreneurship. To ensure the validity of the questions, the opinions of seven experts were used. To ensure the quality of data analysis, the findings were referred back to the interviewees after re-analysis to avoid possible deviations. Findings from the interviews indicated that technology entrepreneurs have a deep understanding of the nature, design, production, application and relationship of technology to society. In order to developing data based on stratified random sampling. 200 last semester engineer students were selected. Seraji and khavari(2015) technological literacy questioner and (2009) Liñán & Chen (2009) Entrepreneurial intention questioner with appropriate reliability were used for data gathering. The data were analyzed using pearson correlation and multiple regression. Findings indicted that entrepreneur engineer students have a appropriate understanding of the relevance of technological literacy and entrepreneurship. There is a correlation between students' technological literacy and the entrepreneurial intention in engineer students. The regression results showed that between dimensions of technological literacy, understanding nature of technology and relevance of technologies with the world around can explain 19/7 present of the variance of change in entrepreneurial intention in engineer students. In order to develop the entrepreneurial competencies in students, we propose to develop students’ technological skill in design and implementation of curriculum stages.
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