The Evaluation of (substantiation, Impelement, usefulness) HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Curriculum for the Secondary School Health Educators in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planninghamideh kholghifard 1 * , Rahmatollah Marzooghi 2 , Mehdi Mohammadi 3 , mohamad ali davarpanah 4
1 - Ph.D. in Curriculum, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Department of Management and Educational Planning, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Management and Educational Planning, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Curriculum, Impelement, HIV / AIDS prevention education, usefulness,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design a curriculum on HIV / AIDS prevention education for the secondary school health educators in the Iran. Taxonomy model of exploratory sequential mixed method was used for this study in which qualitative and quantitative stages done by case study method and descriptive-survey method respectively. Potential participants in qualititative section were 10 health professionals from Universities of Medical Sciences; and those in quanitative section were health education professionals in all medical sciences universities.In the qualitative section, a sampling approach and focus groups and a saturation criterion were used and in the quantitative section, 30 experts were selected and studied using focuse groups and criterion technique. In order to validate the results, reliability through data matching used in the qualitative and data analysis method used in the quantitative section. The analysis methods in the qualitative and quantitative sections were thematic analysis using the N-vivo 8.8 software and inferential statistics respectively. The results of the qualitative section of the study were 3 organizer contents in the form of the goals, content, and educational materials; and 44 basic themes and comprehensive them of HIV / AIDS prevention curriculum for secondary school health educators. The results showed that the HIV / AIDS prevention education curriculum is valid but three elements of goals(mean 1.66 and 1.74), content(mean 2.12 and 2.17), and teaching-learning methods(mean 2.12 and 2.79) were lower than the mean (3). Have been evaluated and therefore have little Impelement and usefulness.
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