The study effect of using educational games in the teaching of geometry in achievement and creativity of the female students in third grade
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningCobra Emamirizi 1 * , Fariba Haghani 2 , Alireza Yousefy 3
1 - PhD Graduate student, Department of Educational Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Department of education, Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Department of Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
3 - Professor Department of Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: educational game, Creativity, Educational Achievement,
Abstract :
The present study has aimed the effect of using educational games in the teaching of geometry in achievement and creativity of the female students in third grade. This study is semi experimental scheme with a control group and an experimental group was used, who underwent a pre‑test and a post‑test. Then 50 female students in the third grade were selected through random cluster sampling and then randomly divided into two control and experimental group. The data collection instrument was an educational achievement researcher made test and Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, form B, and was applied. At first, the two control and experimental groups took the pre‑test. Afterwards, the latter underwent fifteen 1‑hour educational sessions according to the educational game, while the control group underwent an ordinary equivalent course. Finally, the post‑test was held. The obtained data were compared via covariance analysis. The research findings were indicative of the positive effect of the educational game on the students’ educational achievement and creativity.
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