Analyze the contents of social science books in the third and fourth grades of the elementary school according to the components of context-base approach
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningMaryam Rezaie 1 * , Parasto Belmane 2 , Gholam Ali Ahmadi 3
1 - Doctoral student in curriculum studies at Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
2 - MA student in curriculum studies at Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University,Iran.
3 - Assistant professor and faculty of Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
Keywords: elementary school, Content Analysis, context-base approach, social sciences,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the contents of social science books in the third and fourth grades of the elementary school according to the components of context-base approach. The research method in this study was content analysis. The populations of study were the social science books in the elementary school in the academic year 93-94. The sample of study was the social science book contents in the third and fourth grades of the elementary school. The instrument of data gathering in this study is the content analysis form. It is made according to the components of context-base approach. Educational experts’ ideas were used to determine the reliability of the instrument. The reliability of the instrument was calculated 90% through the Holsti formula. One coding form was used to analyze contents of social science books in the third and fourth grades of elementary school. At the first stage, active and inactive units of the social science books were determined in the two grades. At the second stage, the inactive units were omitted and at the next stage, the active units were coded according to the components of field-centered approach. At the next stage, the obtained data from the research were analyzed through the descriptive statistics. The results of this study showed that the context-base approach was averagely focused in both books. The components of field-centered approach were focused asymmetrically in both books in a way that in both books more attention is paid to the components of meaningful learning, scientific competence, providing problem solving situations and less attention was paid to the components of involving students in group works and providing scientific reasoning training background.
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