The content analysis of 7th grade science textbook's exercises based on Suchman inquiry model
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningRazieh Karimi 1 * , Mohsen khademi 2
1 - Ph.D Student of Educational Administration, Shiraz University, Iran.
2 - Assistant of Shiraz University, Iran
Keywords: Content Analysis, experimental science textbook, inquiry, 7th grade,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was the content analysis of 7th grade science textbook's exercises based on Suchman's inquiry model. The method of this research was content analysis and the statistical population were the exercises of 7th grade science textbook (activity, discussion, collecting information, testing yourself, thinking, experiment). Exercise was the unit of analysis and the criteria were phases of inquiry model. The result showed that among 156 exercises only 49 exercises (31%) were based on inquiry model; among the six exercises, experiment with the frequency of 24(48/97%) and testing yourself with no frequency had the most and the least frequency. Other result showed that among those 49 exercises, gathering data with frequency of 17(34/69%) had the most frequency; collecting information with frequency of 2(4/08%) and hypothesizing with frequency of 5(10/20%) had the least frequency. Totally, the result shows that the book hasn't regarded inquiry model very much so it's necessary to pay more attention to "inquiry model" and preparing students for real life.
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