Explaining the objectives of the Elementary Schools Moral Intelligence Education Curriculum
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Saeed Vaziri Yazdi
Alireza Yousefi
Narges Keshtiaray
1 - Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, , Iran
2 - 2 Professor Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, , Iran
3 - Associate Professor Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Curriculum, Moral intelligence, elementary school, Objective,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to evaluate the process of formulating moral intelligence education curriculum objectives. In this study inductive content analysis and model-based categorization system, as well as Mayring’s model were used. The study area includes printed and electronic texts extracted from the works of thinkers and theorists in the fields of Moral Intelligence and Reconceptualist Curriculum, which were sampled by purposive sampling, and data were collected by way of taking notes. By selecting ‘paragraph’ as the unit of analysis, codification was conducted, and the concepts and topics were extracted. The results indicated that ethical performance development, development of moral thinking (moral reasoning), the creation of executive and moral character, growth of religious beliefs, development of aesthetic vision to moral education, fostering freedom of thought and behavior, creative thinking, critical thinking, development of upstanding and law-abiding citizens, creating the belief in democracy, development of internal motivation (spontaneity), fostering a spirit of caring and compassion, raising awareness and evolution of social behavior, development of work ethic (conscientiousness), development of virtue, compassion and empathy, development of perfection-seeking motivation, nurturing the attitude of legal positivism, self-care development and the development of moral conscience, and deep and philosophical thinking about oneself and phenomena were the determining factors in the objectives of Elementary Schools’ Moral Intelligence Education Curriculum.
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