The relationship between hidden curriculum and students' instructional burnout
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningsadaf imani 1 , ابوالقاسم یعقوبی 2 *
1 - 1و 4 و 5 کارشناس ارشد روانشناسی تربیتی. دانشگاه بوعلی سینا، همدان، ایران
2 - 2و 3 دانشیار رشته روانشناسی، دانشگاه بو علی سینا، همدان، ایران
Keywords: instructional burnout, Students, hidden curriculum,
Abstract :
Focusing on the students of Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan, this study was carried out to investigate about the relationship between hidden curriculum and students' instructional burnout. The method used was of a descriptive –correlation type. 1359 senior students studying in the academic year 1391-1392 were selected as the statistical population. Based on Morgan table of sampling, 302 participants, as the statistical sample, were selected through stratified random sampling. Data using a questionnaire were collected, then. In order to analyze the data, once taking all the hypotheses into account, Pearson Correlation and Multivariate regression were used. The findings showed that between hidden curriculum and students' instructional burnout, there was a negative significant relationship. Also, such a negative relationship was found between hidden curriculums and different dimensions of instructional burnout (emotional exhaustion, pessimism, inefficiency)
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