An Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Components in the Experienced Curriculum from Perspective of Undergraduate: Case Study at the Kabul University
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningMustafa Rezaei 1 , Rahmatollah Marzoghi 2 *
1 - Faculty Member of Kabul University, and Educational Administration of Shiraz University. Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Professor of Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Component and Entrepreneurship, Experienced Curriculum,
Abstract :
Abstract The goal of study was the evaluation of the entrepreneurship components in the experienced curriculum from perspectives of fourth year undergraduate students at Kabul university in the academic year of 2013-14. The statistical populations were the undergraduate students from the Kabul University (4590). The method of sampling was classified random sampling. 346 students were selected as a sample size on the basis Cochran formula and data were collected through researcher made questionnaire. The first step was to develop a conceptual framework for evaluating entrepreneurship components and in the second step the research tools were made based on that. The reliability of the instrument using Cronbach's alpha test was 88/0 and validity was confirmed by experts. In statistical part, mean, standard deviation, t-tests, repeated measures and Confirmatory factor analysis were used. Due to SPSS and LISREL software, data were analyzed. Research findings indicated that framework of the entrepreneurship is valid. The dominant aspect of perception entrepreneurship in the curriculum from the perspective of students was the component of “situation recognition”. The overall condition of perception of entrepreneurship was at an average level. Also the finding showed that there is no difference between perception of entrepreneurship in the experienced curriculum by male and female students, but there is a difference between the perceptions of entrepreneurship of students in various faculties. The most prevalent components in the experienced curriculum was the components of creativity and innovation, and the least was relevant the concept of internal control.
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