Localized curriculum,undeniable necessity for multigrade classes
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningsamane taherizade 1 * , rasoul shabany 2
1 - Farhangian University, Shahid Bahonar Campus, Arak, Iran.
2 - Department of Education of Delijan County, Delijan, Iran.
Keywords: localized curriculum, multigrade class, neglected curriculum, National Curriculum,
Abstract :
The curriculum planning of multigrade classes is a challenging topic in advanced and developing countries. In these countries, curriculum planning of multigrade classes is considered to be essential in terms of necessity, efficiency and practicality. This review article is based on a library methodology and review articles that are based on databases such as Irandoc, sid, Magiran, Noormags and Googol Scholar was searched and by presenting some theoretical concepts and the results of research in this field, the reasons for the need to pay more attention to the national curriculum into multigrade classes and the formulation of a special curriculum for these classes has been explained. The paper studies concluded that multigrade classes are one of the neglected aspects of the national curriculum, and given the existence of these classes in our country's formal education system, it is necessary to provide the necessary structures and supports for qualitative education in these conditions. Therefore, the provision of a localized curriculum for these classes is an indispensable necessity.
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