The effect of employee empathy on job burnout according to the mediating role of job satisfaction and attachment (case study: employees of the General Directorate of Ports and Maritime Affairs of Gilan Province)
Subject Areas : Growth and development of public programs and services
mehrangiz ebrahimzadeh
Mehrdasd Hasangholipour Yasouri
1 -
2 - Management Faculty. Bandar Anzali Branch. Islamic Azad University. Bandar Anzali. Iran.
Keywords: job burnout, organizational attachment, job satisfaction, empathy, Gilan province.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is the effect of empathy on the analysis of job burnout of employees with regard to the mediating role of job satisfaction and attachment. This research is in the category of applied research according to the classification of research according to the purpose. According to the classification of research according to the method of data collection, this research is in the category of descriptive research. Considering that in this research the relationship between the variables is analyzed based on the objective, this research is a correlational research in terms of method. The sampling method in this research is non-probability sampling. The final sample in this research is 145 employees of the General Directorate of Ports and Maritime Affairs of Gilan province. The researcher has distributed 160 questionnaires among the employees, of which 150 questionnaires have been returned to the researcher. The tool of data collection in this field research was a questionnaire, which was used to check the validity of the content in the opinion of the respected instructor. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also used to check the reliability. The acceptable amount of Cronbach's alpha is between 0.7 and 1 and since the value of Cronbach's alpha is higher than 0.7 for all variables, therefore the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. After collecting the data, analysis and Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS and PLS software. The fourth chapter of the research was analyzed in line with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Examining the results of research hypotheses showed that empathy and attachment did not affect the analysis of attachment and the mediating role of attachment was not confirmed and other research hypotheses were confirmed.
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