The Impact of Social Media Advertising Features on Costumer Purchase Intention
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementAmirreza Ahmadnejad Masti 1 , kambiz heidarzadeh hanzaee 2 * , fereshteh lotfizadeh 3
1 - Master of Business Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Keywords: Costumers, marketing, Advertising, Purchase Intention, Social media,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to the impact of social media advertising Features on costumer purchase intention. This research, in terms of goal, is an applied research and in terms of data collection method is descriptive. In order to gather information in this research, library and field method and a standardized questionnaire were used. Statistical population of the present research was composed of all students studying at Science and Research Branch of the Islamic Azad University, with the statistical sample taken through neither the Cochran’s formula nor Morgan’s table but rather based on structural equations modeling (SEM) with a covariance fitting approach. The statistical sample was made up of 439 students studying at Science and Research Branch of the Islamic Azad University (Tehran, Iran). The collected data was analyzed by SEM as implemented in the AMOS and SPSS software packages, based on which results the research hypotheses were confirmed at 95% confidence level. The perceived relevance, habit, interaction, and in formativeness were herein considered as independent variables, and the performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and purchase intent were taken as mediating and dependent variables. The results showed that the hedonic motivation, interactivity, performance expectancy, in formativeness, and habit impose direct effects on the purchase intent. It was further found that the interactivity affects the hedonic motivation and anticipated performance expectancy, and that the perceived relevance imposes direct impacts on the anticipated performance expectancy and purchase intent. The in formativeness was also found to affect the performance expectancy directly. Finally, based on the obtained results, the advertisement agents specialized in social media advertising are recommended to pay increasingly more attention to the advertising on social media by employing marketing researchers and experts to improve their customers’ purchase intent. Therefore, the present study was performed to extend the present deal of knowledge about the principle aspects of advertising on social media and their effects on the customers’ purchase intent. An accurate review of the relevant literature led to the identification of six factors (performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, habit, interactivity, in formativeness, and perceived relevance) as the main predictors of the purchase intent.
Alalwan, A.A., Rana, N.P., Dwivedi, Y.K. & Algharabat, R. (2017). “Social Media in Marketing: A Review and Analysis of the Existing Literature”, Telematics and Informatics, Vol, 34(7), PP. 1177-1190.
Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Algharabat, R. (2018). “Examining Factors Influencing Jordanian Customers’ Intentions and Adoption of Internet Banking: Extending UTAUT2 With Risk.”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 40, PP. 125-138.
Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Williams, M.D. (2016). “Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking in Jordan: Examining The Role of Usefulness, Ease of Use, Perceived Risk and Self-Efficacy”, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(1), PP. 118-139.
Alalwan, A.A., Rana, N.P., Algharabat, R. & Tarhini, A. (2016). “A Systematic Review of Extant Literature in Social Media in The Marketing Perspective”, Conference on eBusiness, e-Services and e-Society, PP. 79-89.
Braojos-Gomez, J., Benitez-Amado, J. & Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2015). “How Do Small Firms Learn To Develop A Social Media Competence?”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 35(4), PP. 443-458.
Campbell, D.E. & Wright, R.T. (2008). “Shut-Up I Don’T Care: Understanding The Role of Relevance and Interactivity on Customer Attitudes Toward Repetitive Online Advertising”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 9, PP. 62-76.
Chang, Y.T., Yu, H. & Lu, H.P. (2015). “Persuasive Messages, Popularity Cohesion, and Message Diffusion in Social Media Marketing”, Journal of Business Research, Vol, 68(4), PP. 777-782.
Drossos, D. & Giaglis, G.M. (2005). “Factors That Influence The Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising: The Case of SMS. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics”, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, PP. 278-285.
GAO, Y. & Koufaris, M. (2006). “Perceptual Antecedents of User Attitude in Electronic Commerce”, Acm Sigmis Database, Vol. 37(2-3), PP. 42-50.
Hart, M. & Porter, G. (2004). “The Impact of Cognitive and Other Factors on the Perceived Usefulness of OLAP”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 45(1), PP. 47-56.
Hawkins, K. & Vel, P. (2013). “Attitudinal Loyalty, Behavioural Loyalty and Social Media: An Introspection”, the Marketing Review, Vol. 13(2), PP. 125-141.
Ho, S.Y. & Bodoff, D. (2014). “The Effects of Web Personalization on User Attitude and Behavior: An Integration of The Elaboration Likelihood Model and Consumer Search Theory”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 38(2), PP. 497-520.
Jung, J., Shim, S.W., Jin, H.S. & Khang, H. (2016). “Factors Affecting Attitudes and Behavioural Intention Towards Social Networking Advertising: A Case of Facebook Users in South Korea. International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 35(2), PP. 248-265.
Kamboj, S., Sarmah, B., Gupta, S. & Dwivedi, Y. (2018). “Examining Branding Co-Creation in Brand Communities on Social Media: Applying The Paradigm of Stimulus-Organismresponse”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, PP. 169-185.
Kim, N. & Kim, W. (2018). “Do Your Social Media Lead You To Make Social Deal Purchases? Consumer-Generated Social Referrals for Sales via Social Commerce”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, PP. 38-48. ijinfomgt.2017.10.006.
Kim, H. & Niehm, L.S. (2009). “The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value, and Loyalty Intentions in Apparel Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 23(3), PP. 221-233.
Kolodinsky, J.M., Hogarth, J.M. & Hilgert, M.A. (2004). “The Adoption of Electronic Banking Technologies by US Consumers”, the International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 22(4), PP. 238-259.
Lee, J. & Hong, I.B. (2016). “Predicting Positive User Responses to Social Media Advertising: The Roles of Emotional Appeal, Informativeness, and Creativity”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 360-373.
Limayem, M., Hirt, S.G. & Cheung, C.M.K. (2007). “How Habit Limits The Predictive Power of Intentions: The Case of IS Continuance”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 31(4), PP. 705-737.
Liang, T.P., Chen, H.Y., Du, T., Turban, E. & Li, Y. (2012). “Effect of Personalization on The Perceived Usefulness of Online Customer Services: A Dual-Core Theory”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13(4), PP. 275-288.
Lin, C.A. & Kim, T. (2016). “Predicting User Response To Sponsored Advertising on Social Media Via The Technology Acceptance Model”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 64, PP. 710-718.
Oh, J., Bellur, S. & Sundar, S.S. (2015). “Clicking, Assessing Immersing, and Sharing: An Empirical Model of User Engagement With Interactive Media”, Communication Research. Vol. 45(5),
Pavlou, P.A. & Stewart, D.W. (2000). “Measuring The Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising: A Research Agenda”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol. 1(1), PP. 62-78.
Rafaeli, S. (1988). “Interactivity: From New Media to Communication. In R.P. Hawkins, J.M. Wiemann, & S. Pingree (Eds.)”, Advancing Communication Science: Merging Mass and Interpersonal Processes (PP. 110-134). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Rana, N.P., Dwivedi, Y.K., Lal, B., Williams, M.D. & Clement, M. (2017). “Citizens’ Adoption Of An Electronic Government System: Towards A Unified View”, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 19(3), PP. 549-568.
Rathore, A.K., Ilavarasan, P.V. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2016). “Social Media Content and Product Co-Creation: An Emerging Paradigm”, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 29(1), PP. 7-18.
Rotzoll, K.B. & Haefner, J.E. (1990). “Advertising in Contemporary Society (2nd Ed)”, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing.
Shareef, M.A., Mukerji, B., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Islam, R. (2017). “Social Media Marketing: Comparative Effect of Advertisement Sources”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 46, PP. 58-69.
Shareef, M.A., Baabdullah, A., Dutta, S., Kumar, V. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2018). “Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking Services: An Empirical Examination of Factors According To Adoption Stages”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 43, PP. 54-67. http:// Available at.
Shareef, M.A., Mukerji, B., Alryalat, M.A.A., Wright, A. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2018). “Advertisements on Facebook: Identifying the Persuasive Elements in the Development of Positive Attitudes in Consumers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 43, PP. 258-268.
Shilbury, D., Westerbeek, H., Quick, S., Funk, D. & Karg, A. (2014). “Strategic Sport Marketing (4th ed)”, Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Statista (2017a). “Global Advertising Spending from 2010 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars)”, Available at: (Accessed 25 January 2017).
Statista (2017b). “Social Media Advertising Expenditure as Share of Digital Advertising Spending Worldwide From 2013 to 2017”, Available at: 271408/share-of-social-media-in-online-advertising-spending-worldwide/. (Accessed 25 January 2017).
Sundar, S.S., Bellur, S., Oh, J., Xu, Q. & Jia, H. (2014). “User Experience of on-Screen Interaction Techniques: An Experimental Investigation of Clicking, Sliding, Zooming, Hovering, Dragging, and Flipping”, Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 29(2), PP.109-152.
Sundar, S.S. (2007). “Social Psychology of Interactivity in Human-Website Interaction. in A. N. Joinson, K. Y. A. Mckenna, T. Postmes, & U.-D. Reips (Eds)”, The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology (PP. 89-104). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, D.G., Lewin, J.E. & Strutton, D. (2011). “Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do Ads Work on Social Networks?: How Gender and Age Shape Receptivity”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 51(1), PP. 258-275.
Usher, K., Woods, C., Casella, E., Glass, N., Wilson, R., Mayner, L., et al. (2014). “Australian Health Professions Student Use of Social Media”, Collegian Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, Vol. 21(2), PP. 95-101.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M., Davis, G. & Davis, F. (2003). “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward A UnifiEd View”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 27(3), PP. 425-478.
Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y. & Xu, X. (2012). “Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology: Extending The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 36(1), PP. 157-178.
Voorveld, H.A., Van Noort, G. & Duijn, M. (2013). “Building Brands With Interactivity: The Role of Prior Brand Usage in the Relation between Perceived Website Interactivity and Brand Responses”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 20(7), PP. 608-622.
Wamba, S.F., Bhattacharya, M., Trinchera, L. & Ngai, E.W. (2017). “Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors in User Social Media Acceptance within Workspace: Assessing UNobserved Heterogeneity”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 37(2), PP. 1-13.
Zeng, B. & Gerritsen, R. (2014). “What Do We Know About Social Media in Tourism? A Review”, Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 10, PP. 27-36.
Zhu, Y.Q. & Chang, J.H. (2016). “The Key Role of Relevance in Personalized Advertisement: Examining Its Impact on Perceptions of Privacy Invasion, Self-Awareness, and Continuous Use Intentions”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 65, PP. 442-447.
_||_Alalwan, A.A., Rana, N.P., Dwivedi, Y.K. & Algharabat, R. (2017). “Social Media in Marketing: A Review and Analysis of the Existing Literature”, Telematics and Informatics, Vol, 34(7), PP. 1177-1190.
Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Algharabat, R. (2018). “Examining Factors Influencing Jordanian Customers’ Intentions and Adoption of Internet Banking: Extending UTAUT2 With Risk.”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 40, PP. 125-138.
Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Williams, M.D. (2016). “Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking in Jordan: Examining The Role of Usefulness, Ease of Use, Perceived Risk and Self-Efficacy”, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(1), PP. 118-139.
Alalwan, A.A., Rana, N.P., Algharabat, R. & Tarhini, A. (2016). “A Systematic Review of Extant Literature in Social Media in The Marketing Perspective”, Conference on eBusiness, e-Services and e-Society, PP. 79-89.
Braojos-Gomez, J., Benitez-Amado, J. & Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2015). “How Do Small Firms Learn To Develop A Social Media Competence?”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 35(4), PP. 443-458.
Campbell, D.E. & Wright, R.T. (2008). “Shut-Up I Don’T Care: Understanding The Role of Relevance and Interactivity on Customer Attitudes Toward Repetitive Online Advertising”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 9, PP. 62-76.
Chang, Y.T., Yu, H. & Lu, H.P. (2015). “Persuasive Messages, Popularity Cohesion, and Message Diffusion in Social Media Marketing”, Journal of Business Research, Vol, 68(4), PP. 777-782.
Drossos, D. & Giaglis, G.M. (2005). “Factors That Influence The Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising: The Case of SMS. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics”, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, PP. 278-285.
GAO, Y. & Koufaris, M. (2006). “Perceptual Antecedents of User Attitude in Electronic Commerce”, Acm Sigmis Database, Vol. 37(2-3), PP. 42-50.
Hart, M. & Porter, G. (2004). “The Impact of Cognitive and Other Factors on the Perceived Usefulness of OLAP”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 45(1), PP. 47-56.
Hawkins, K. & Vel, P. (2013). “Attitudinal Loyalty, Behavioural Loyalty and Social Media: An Introspection”, the Marketing Review, Vol. 13(2), PP. 125-141.
Ho, S.Y. & Bodoff, D. (2014). “The Effects of Web Personalization on User Attitude and Behavior: An Integration of The Elaboration Likelihood Model and Consumer Search Theory”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 38(2), PP. 497-520.
Jung, J., Shim, S.W., Jin, H.S. & Khang, H. (2016). “Factors Affecting Attitudes and Behavioural Intention Towards Social Networking Advertising: A Case of Facebook Users in South Korea. International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 35(2), PP. 248-265.
Kamboj, S., Sarmah, B., Gupta, S. & Dwivedi, Y. (2018). “Examining Branding Co-Creation in Brand Communities on Social Media: Applying The Paradigm of Stimulus-Organismresponse”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, PP. 169-185.
Kim, N. & Kim, W. (2018). “Do Your Social Media Lead You To Make Social Deal Purchases? Consumer-Generated Social Referrals for Sales via Social Commerce”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, PP. 38-48. ijinfomgt.2017.10.006.
Kim, H. & Niehm, L.S. (2009). “The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value, and Loyalty Intentions in Apparel Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 23(3), PP. 221-233.
Kolodinsky, J.M., Hogarth, J.M. & Hilgert, M.A. (2004). “The Adoption of Electronic Banking Technologies by US Consumers”, the International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 22(4), PP. 238-259.
Lee, J. & Hong, I.B. (2016). “Predicting Positive User Responses to Social Media Advertising: The Roles of Emotional Appeal, Informativeness, and Creativity”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 360-373.
Limayem, M., Hirt, S.G. & Cheung, C.M.K. (2007). “How Habit Limits The Predictive Power of Intentions: The Case of IS Continuance”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 31(4), PP. 705-737.
Liang, T.P., Chen, H.Y., Du, T., Turban, E. & Li, Y. (2012). “Effect of Personalization on The Perceived Usefulness of Online Customer Services: A Dual-Core Theory”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13(4), PP. 275-288.
Lin, C.A. & Kim, T. (2016). “Predicting User Response To Sponsored Advertising on Social Media Via The Technology Acceptance Model”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 64, PP. 710-718.
Oh, J., Bellur, S. & Sundar, S.S. (2015). “Clicking, Assessing Immersing, and Sharing: An Empirical Model of User Engagement With Interactive Media”, Communication Research. Vol. 45(5),
Pavlou, P.A. & Stewart, D.W. (2000). “Measuring The Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising: A Research Agenda”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol. 1(1), PP. 62-78.
Rafaeli, S. (1988). “Interactivity: From New Media to Communication. In R.P. Hawkins, J.M. Wiemann, & S. Pingree (Eds.)”, Advancing Communication Science: Merging Mass and Interpersonal Processes (PP. 110-134). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Rana, N.P., Dwivedi, Y.K., Lal, B., Williams, M.D. & Clement, M. (2017). “Citizens’ Adoption Of An Electronic Government System: Towards A Unified View”, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 19(3), PP. 549-568.
Rathore, A.K., Ilavarasan, P.V. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2016). “Social Media Content and Product Co-Creation: An Emerging Paradigm”, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 29(1), PP. 7-18.
Rotzoll, K.B. & Haefner, J.E. (1990). “Advertising in Contemporary Society (2nd Ed)”, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing.
Shareef, M.A., Mukerji, B., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P. & Islam, R. (2017). “Social Media Marketing: Comparative Effect of Advertisement Sources”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 46, PP. 58-69.
Shareef, M.A., Baabdullah, A., Dutta, S., Kumar, V. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2018). “Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking Services: An Empirical Examination of Factors According To Adoption Stages”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 43, PP. 54-67. http:// Available at.
Shareef, M.A., Mukerji, B., Alryalat, M.A.A., Wright, A. & Dwivedi, Y.K. (2018). “Advertisements on Facebook: Identifying the Persuasive Elements in the Development of Positive Attitudes in Consumers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 43, PP. 258-268.
Shilbury, D., Westerbeek, H., Quick, S., Funk, D. & Karg, A. (2014). “Strategic Sport Marketing (4th ed)”, Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Statista (2017a). “Global Advertising Spending from 2010 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars)”, Available at: (Accessed 25 January 2017).
Statista (2017b). “Social Media Advertising Expenditure as Share of Digital Advertising Spending Worldwide From 2013 to 2017”, Available at: 271408/share-of-social-media-in-online-advertising-spending-worldwide/. (Accessed 25 January 2017).
Sundar, S.S., Bellur, S., Oh, J., Xu, Q. & Jia, H. (2014). “User Experience of on-Screen Interaction Techniques: An Experimental Investigation of Clicking, Sliding, Zooming, Hovering, Dragging, and Flipping”, Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 29(2), PP.109-152.
Sundar, S.S. (2007). “Social Psychology of Interactivity in Human-Website Interaction. in A. N. Joinson, K. Y. A. Mckenna, T. Postmes, & U.-D. Reips (Eds)”, The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology (PP. 89-104). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, D.G., Lewin, J.E. & Strutton, D. (2011). “Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do Ads Work on Social Networks?: How Gender and Age Shape Receptivity”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 51(1), PP. 258-275.
Usher, K., Woods, C., Casella, E., Glass, N., Wilson, R., Mayner, L., et al. (2014). “Australian Health Professions Student Use of Social Media”, Collegian Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, Vol. 21(2), PP. 95-101.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M., Davis, G. & Davis, F. (2003). “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward A UnifiEd View”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 27(3), PP. 425-478.
Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y. & Xu, X. (2012). “Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology: Extending The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 36(1), PP. 157-178.
Voorveld, H.A., Van Noort, G. & Duijn, M. (2013). “Building Brands With Interactivity: The Role of Prior Brand Usage in the Relation between Perceived Website Interactivity and Brand Responses”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 20(7), PP. 608-622.
Wamba, S.F., Bhattacharya, M., Trinchera, L. & Ngai, E.W. (2017). “Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors in User Social Media Acceptance within Workspace: Assessing UNobserved Heterogeneity”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 37(2), PP. 1-13.
Zeng, B. & Gerritsen, R. (2014). “What Do We Know About Social Media in Tourism? A Review”, Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 10, PP. 27-36.
Zhu, Y.Q. & Chang, J.H. (2016). “The Key Role of Relevance in Personalized Advertisement: Examining Its Impact on Perceptions of Privacy Invasion, Self-Awareness, and Continuous Use Intentions”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 65, PP. 442-447.