The Effect of Affiliate Marketing on Purchase Intention of Customers: Investigation of the Mediator Role of Customer Trust and the Moderator Role of Customer Involvement and Customer Perceptions. (Case Study: Food Industry)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementMaedeh Masoumi 1 * , Asadollah Kordenaeij 2 , Asghar Moshabaki 3
1 - Master of Business Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Business Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Business Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Customer trust, Affiliate marketing, and customer perception, customer involvement, purchase intention of customer,
Abstract :
With the rapid development of modern technologies, there have been rapid changes in consumer behavior as well as in the development of digital marketing and digital marketing tools. Today, digitalization has led to an increase in consumer awareness, and thus retailers need to find effective ways to stand out. The use of digital marketing leads to better use of marketing management techniques to make significant changes in product design, packaging, efficiency and performance. This type of marketing encompasses all marketing processes and aims to make more profit. Accordingly, this study examines the impact of affiliate marketing as one of the dimensions of digital marketing on customers' intention to buy by considering the mediating role of customer trust and modulating customer involvement and perception using structural modeling technique among 385 users. Deals with food ordering applications. The results of this study show that representative marketing has a significant effect on customer trust and customer trust also has an effect on purchase intention. Also, the moderating effect of customer involvement and perception on the relationship between customer trust and purchase intention is confirmed.
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Hansen, T. (2005). “Consumer Adoption of Online Grocery Buying: A Discriminant Analysis”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 33(2), PP. 101-121, doi: 10.1108/09590550510581449.
Hansen, T. (2008). “Consumer Values, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Online Grocery Shopping”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 32 (2), PP. 128-137.
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Akdeniz, B., Calantone, R.J. & Voorhees, C.M. (2013). “Effectiveness of marketing cues on consumer perceptions of quality: The moderating roles of brand reputation and third‐party information”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 30(1), PP. 76-89.
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Gregori, N., Daniele, R. & Altinay, L. (2014). “Affiliate marketing in tourism: Determinants of consumer trust”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 53(2), PP. 196-210.
Gallaugher, John M., Pat Auger, & Anat BarNir. (2001). “Revenue streams and digital content providers: an empirical investigation”, Information & Management, Vol. 38(7), PP. 473-485.
Haq, Z.U. (2012). “Affiliate marketing programs: A study of consumer attitude towards affiliate marketing programs among Indian users”, International Journal of Research Studies in Management, Vol. 1(1), 127-137.
Park, C. & Lee, T.M. (2009). “Antecedents of online reviews' usage and purchase influence: An empirical comparison of US and Korean consumers”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 23(4), PP. 332-340.
Shiau, W.L. & Luo, M.M. (2012). “Factors affecting online group buying intention and satisfaction: A social exchange theory perspective”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 28(6), PP. 2431-2444.
Ghosal, I., Prasad, B. & Behera, M. (2020). “Impact of Affiliate marketing on e-buying behavior of Millennial–A TAM based Approach with Text Analysis”, Available at SSRN 3638929.
Pavlou, P.A., Liang, H. & Xue, Y. (2007). “Understanding and mitigating uncertainty in online exchange relationships: A principal-agent perspective”, MIS quarterly, PP. 105-136.
Lim, K.H., Sia, C.L., Lee, M.K. & Benbasat, I. (2006). “Do I trust you online, and if so, will I buy? An empirical study of two trust-building strategies”, Journal of management information systems, Vol. 23(2), PP. 233-266.
Hsin Chang, H. & Wen Chen, S. (2008). “The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator”, Online information review, Vol. 32(6), PP. 818-841.
Ponte, E.B., Carvajal-Trujillo, E. & Escobar-Rodríguez, T. (2015). “Influence of trust and perceived value on the intention to purchase travel online: Integrating the effects of assurance on trust antecedents”, Tourism Management, Vol. 47, PP. 286-302.
Yu, W., Han, X., Ding, L. & He, M. (2021). “Organic food corporate image and customer co-developing behavior: The mediating role of consumer trust and purchase intention”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 59, 102377.
Wang, Y. & Yu, Ch. (2017). “Social interaction-based consumer decision-making model in social commerce: The role of word of mouth and observational learning”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 37(3), PP. 179-189.
Asshidin, N.H.N., Abidin, N. & Borhan, H.B. (2016). “Perceived Quality and Emotional Value that Influence Consumer's Purchase Intention towards American and Local Products”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 35, PP. 639-643.
Turner, M., Kitchenham, B., Brereton, P., Charters, S. & Budgen, D. (2010). “Does the technology acceptance model predict actual use?”, A systematic literature review. Inf. Softw. Technol, Vol. 52(5), PP. 463-479.
Erlangga, H. (2021). “Effect of Digital Marketing and Social Media on Purchase Intention of Smes Food Products”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Vol. 12(3), PP. 3672-3678.
Fournier, S. (1998). “Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research”, Journal of consumer research, Vol. 24(4), PP. 343-373.
Ma, L., Zhang, X., Ding, X., & Wang, G. (2021). “How social ties influence customers’ involvement and online purchase intentions”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 16(3), PP. 395-408.
Atulkar, S. (2020). “Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 38(5), PP. 559-572.
Ranjbarian, B, Rashid Kaboli, M., Sanayei, A. & Haddadian, A.R. (2012). “Analysis of the relationship between perceived value, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in Tehran chain stores”, Business Management, Vol. 4.
Pappas, N. (2016). “Marketing strategies, perceived risks, and consumer trust in online buying behavior”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol.29, PP. 92-103.
Ventre, I. & Kolbe, D. (2020). “The impact of perceived usefulness of online reviews, trust and perceived risk on online purchase intention in emerging markets: A Mexican perspective”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 32(4), PP. 287-299.
Kim, S. & Park, H. (2013). “Effects of various characteristics of social commerce (s-commerce) on consumers’ trust and trust performance”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 33(2), PP. 318-332.
Qasemi, V. (2010). “Structural Equation Modeling in Social Research Using Amos Graphics”, Sociologists Publications.
Violato C, G.H.K. (2007). “How to Use Structural Equation Modeling in Medical Education Research: A Brief Guide”, Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal, Vol. 19(4), PP. 362-371.
Kupek. (2006). “Beyond logistic regression: structural equations modelling for binaryvariables and its application to investigating unobserved confounders”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, Vol. 6, P. 13.
Zhu, B., Walter, SD., Rosenbaum, PL. & Russell D J, R.P. (2006). “Structural equation and log-linear modeling: a comparison of methods in the analysis of a study on caregivers’ health”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, Vol. 6, P. 49.
Beran T, V.C. (2010). “Structural equation modeling in medical research: a Primer”, BMC Research Notes, 3, P. 267.
Che, J.W., Cheung, C.M. & Thadani, D.R. (2017). “Consumer Purchase Decision in Instagram Stores: The Role of Consumer Trust.