Identifying and ranking the variables affecting credit guarantees on the growth and development of the export market Using Group Decision Making Technique (MCDM)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing ManagementSomayeh Hozouri 1 , Mohammad ail abdolvand 2 * , Amir Hossein Yavari Nik 3
1 - PhD student in Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Graduate of Business Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Credit guarantees, Export, Export market growth, Exporter Target Markets,
Abstract :
The objective of this research is to evaluate the factors affecting credit guarantees on the growth and development of the export market. The method used in this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive, survey and correlation nature. The statistical population of this research was Q (311), using random sampling method. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.84, which indicates a high level of reliability. To data analysis, structural equation technique tests and for grouping of the mentioned factors from AHP, group decision making techniques (MCDM) have been used and other relevant tests, which are described in detail in this study, were analyzed to identify each of the components and sub-components To make .The results indicate that this research consists of 6 main components of Increase production capacity (with 7 Factors), Reduce the cost of goods and services (with 3 Factors), Creating foreign exchange earnings (with 3 Factors), Improving the competitiveness of export goods and services and exporters (with 5 Factors), Facilitate the process of economic growth and development (with 3 Factors), Provide favorable conditions through its guarantees for foreign buyers (with 3 Factors), And a total of 24 sub-criteria. By using structural equation and MCDM techniques and designing a specific questionnaire, effective factors of credit guarantees on the growth and development of the export market were ranked and prioritized. Finally, among the 24 existing subsets of “Provide favorable conditions through its guarantees for foreign buyers” Based on the MCDM technique and “Reduce the cost of goods and services” Based on structural equations ranked highest. The objective of this research is to evaluate the factors affecting credit guarantees on the growth and development of the export market. The method used in this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive, survey and correlation nature. The statistical population of this research was Q (311), using random sampling method. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.84, which indicates a high level of reliability. To data analysis, structural equation technique tests and for grouping of the mentioned factors from AHP, group decision making techniques (MCDM) have been used and other relevant tests, which are described in detail in this study, were analyzed to identify each of the components and sub-components To make .The results indicate that this research consists of 6 main components of Increase production capacity (with 7 Factors), Reduce the cost of goods and services (with 3 Factors), Creating foreign exchange earnings (with 3 Factors), Improving the competitiveness of export goods and services and exporters (with 5 Factors), Facilitate the process of economic growth and development (with 3 Factors), Provide favorable conditions through its guarantees for foreign buyers (with 3 Factors), And a total of 24 sub-criteria. By using structural equation and MCDM techniques and designing a specific questionnaire, effective factors of credit guarantees on the growth and development of the export market were ranked and prioritized. Finally, among the 24 existing subsets of “Provide favorable conditions through its guarantees for foreign buyers” Based on the MCDM technique and “ Reduce the cost of goods and services” Based on structural equations ranked highest .
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Durmuşoğlu, S.S., Apfelthaler, G., Nayir, D.Z., Alvarez, R. & Mughan, T. (2012). “The effect of government-designed export promotion service use on small and medium-sized enterprise goal achievement: A multidimen-sional view of export performance”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 41(4), PP. 680-691.
Navarro-García, A., Arenas-Gaitán, J., Rondán-Cataluña, F.J. & Rey-Moreno, M. (2016). “Global model of export performance: Moderator role of export department”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69(5), PP. 1880-1886.