Design the digital social entrepreneurship (DSE) model
Subject Areas :Iman Jafarinasab 1 , Alireza Shirvani 2 * , Seyyed Mohammadreza Davoudi 3
1 - Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Dehaqan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Dehaqan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaqan, Iran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Department of Management, Dehaqan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaqan, Iran
Keywords: entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship, digital social entrepreneurship.,
Abstract :
Social entrepreneurship often pursues broad goals in the social, environmental and cultural fields and is often connected and cooperated with the voluntary and non-profit sector. Social entrepreneurship is looking for useful methods to promote social justice and creatively solve problems and social challenges of the society. Feeling the need to create a balance between the two categories of economic development and social justice motivates the social entrepreneur to take advantage of opportunities and effective methods that have a more general social return. The current research aims to design a digital social entrepreneurship model and provide solutions to social problems through the digital platform and virtual space in order to develop social services and using a data-based approach based on three stages of open, central and selective coding. has been The statistical population of the research was all the businesses in the social and digital fields of the country, and considering the quality of the research, sampling was done by identifying very successful examples and expert entrepreneurs in these two business fields using the snowball method. and has been deeply studied and considering the lack of qualitative research in the field of digital social entrepreneurship, theoretical saturation has been reached based on interviews with11 successful experts and activists in these two fields.The findings of the research have led to the identification of 33 influential components in the form of categories of causal and contextual conditions, interveners and strategies for the realization of digital social entrepreneurship and the explanation of its consequences
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