The effect of wild malva sylvestris on physicochemical ،microbial and sensory properties of yogurt
Subject Areas : Microbiology
Zahra Samsami
سارا متینی
Pedram H.Heidari
1 - Master of scientist, Islamic Azad University, Khoy Branch, Khoy, Iran
2 - دانشگاه ازاد ارومیه
3 - . Assistant Professor of Food Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Khoy Branch, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: Malva plant, shelf life, yogurt, microbial properties, chemical properties,
Abstract :
Introduction: The use of medicinal plants in dairy products, including yogurt, has used in recent years, and among these plants, we can mention Malva sylvestris, the flowers and leaves of this plant have nutritional and medicinal properties. Malva sylvestris contains phenolic and flavonoid compounds and also contains beta-carotene, cyanine, tannin, malvin, maloidin, saponin, delphinidin, mucilage, and especially antioxidants, which have analgesic, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this research was to add 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% concentration of fennel plant powder to yogurt and investigate its effect on physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of yogurt during 28 days of ripening period. Methods: Malva sylvestris plant powder was added to the milk with the percentages of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 at the same time as the starter was added, and after being kept in a refrigerator at 38 degrees for 8 hours, it was kept in a refrigerator for 28 days. Results: The results of the data analysis showed that there is a significant difference in pH and acidity of the effect of time and interaction between treatments and time. Also, depending on the percentage of cheese added, the amount of dry matter increased and synersis decreased. According to the obtained results, the addition of Malva sylvestris to the treatments caused a significant decrease in total microbial count, total forms, mold, yeast and starter. In the sensory evaluation, the taste index and oral texture showed a significant difference among the samples, while no significant difference was observed in the appearance index and non-oral texture. Conclusion: The results of this research show that the cheese plant has antibacterial and antifungal properties and its use in yogurt formulation can be a way to obtain yogurt with high quality and shelf life.
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