• Rajabi Salman.Javad Iran's criminal policy towards violating the right to security of children and adolescents in cyberspace with a look at its jurisprudential dimensions [ Vol.16, Issue 32 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • Rajabi Salman.Javad Jurisprudential and legal examples of violations of the right to security of children and adolescents [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • Ramezannezhad.Leila Analyzing the dimensions and components of the new approach to the right to self-determination in jurisprudence and international law [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • Rashidfar.Ali Jurisprudential and legal study of security and educational measures in prisons [ Vol.16, Issue 32 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • razavi.mohammad A comparative study of the sale defect before receipt in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law and the international sale of goods convention [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • rezaei joneid.jaber Compensation for Losses Caused by Transgenic Crops [ Vol.16, Issue 32 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • rezazadehjoudi.mohammad kazem Justice and Fairness through Perceptions and Validities: A Comparison Theories of Tabatabaei and Rawls [ Vol.16, Issue 32 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • Roozbahani.Abolfazl Examining the practical principle or statistical nature of istishab [ Vol.16, Issue 32 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • Roozegar.Tahereh Analyzing the dimensions and jurisprudential components of the challenges of human rights rules in the face of new and emerging technologies in the military field [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • Rostami.Vali Jurisprudential and legal bases of criminalization of refusal of rescue and rescue in the absence of obligation and contract [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]
  • Rostami.Zahra The effect of parents' prayers on raising children and its jurisprudential dimensions [ Vol.16, Issue 31 - Spring - Summer Year 1402]