Justice and Fairness through Perceptions and Validities: A Comparison Theories of Tabatabaei and Rawls
Subject Areas : Governmental jurisprudenceFateme Abbasi 1 * , Mahmoud Abaei 2 , mohammad kazem rezazadehjoudi 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Philosophy, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: justice, constructivism, credit Perceptions, Allameh Tabatabaiy, John Rawls,
Abstract :
Justice is one of the most fundamental social words, it is one of the indisputable principles of divine systems to achieve that one of the constant goals of all popular uprisings and the promise of all social systems when attracting the votes of different segments of the people, but the question is justice an obvious and real category or credit? In either case, look at this category differently as a result, it will have different perceptions and effects, Allameh Tabatabai following the discussions related to credit It deals with some principles of social systems, including justice and has explained them based on her philosophical and theological principles. On the other hand, this category has also considered in Western philosophy As John Rawls, a contemporary American philosopher and a leading figure in political philosophy and ethics, in addition to freedom and equality, his concern for justice was ingrained in his mind, which led to the creation of his important works. He considered one of the revivers of the social contract and expands the issue of justice by choosing "credibility". To understand John Rawls' philosophy, one must consider the key concepts of his philosophy. It should note that he owes himself to Kant's philosophy and according to Kant's credentials; Rawls will better understand Credibility. However, in Allameh's philosophical view, Reason and rational analysis of issues and it is important to base the arguments on rational arguments in the first place. On the other hand, we know that Allameh, along with reason, He has also paid attention to narrative issues and mystical behavior. This article tries to It examines the views of both philosophers on the perceptions of credit and credentials and the influence of these credentials on their theory of justice
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