A comparative study of the sale defect before receipt in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law and the international sale of goods convention
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence of transactionsنضهت صنیعی 1 , Ali Chahcandi 2 * , mohammad razavi 3
1 - واحد بیرجند
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
3 - Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law, Birjand State University
Keywords: Defect of sale, invoice, Islamic jurisprudence, Iranian law, international sale of goods convention,
Abstract :
According to Article 388 of the Civil Code, if the product is incomplete before delivery, the customer has the right to cancel. The customer can cancel the sale based on the option to cancel the transaction. According to Article 425 of the Civil Code, if the seller is defective before the receipt, the buyer has the option of defect (a defect that occurs after the sale and before the receipt of the seller is considered a former defect. In the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (1980 Vienna) and Iranian law, There is a right to cancel for the customer under certain conditions. The question that arises is whether the seller has the right to prevent the customer from exercising the right to cancel by fixing the defect in the product? Iranian law does not provide for the right to remedy the seller's defect, but Article 478 of the Civil Code accepts the remedy of the lessee's defect before applying the option. According to the internal commercial practice, the unity of the criteria of Article 478 of the Civil Code, the principle of the necessity of contracts and the sovereignty of the will, and considering Taking the rule of harmlessness and the supplementaryness of the rulings related to defects, the seller can accept the right to repair the defects of the goods if the goods are defective.
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