The specialized arbitration process in the Journal of History of the Islamic Azad University, Mahallat Branch, has a multi-stage mechanism. However, the final acceptance or rejection of the article is not the responsibility of specialized judges. The final decision regarding the publication of the article by the members of the editorial board is based on the opinion of the respected judges and the review of the article, and the editor is in charge of this decision.
The specialized arbitration process in the Journal of History of the Islamic Azad University, Mahallat Branch, has a multi-stage mechanism. However, the final acceptance or rejection of the article is not the responsibility of specialized judges. The final decision regarding the publication of the article by the members of the editorial board is based on the opinion of the respected judges and the review of the article, and the editor is in charge of this decision.
1- Diagnostic arbitration (maximum 10 days)
After the article is uploaded by the author, the article is briefly reviewed. Articles that meet the following criteria will be submitted to a specialized referee:
1. Match the goals and prospects of the quarterly.
2. Practical issues in the field of Islamic education are well explained in the text of the article.
3. The article is qualitatively and scientifically qualified to be submitted for judging.
4. The writing style of the quarterly should be observed in it.
2- Specialized arbitration (15 days to 2 months)
Articles that are deemed appropriate at the diagnostic review stage are sent confidentially or anonymously to a minimum of two referees and a maximum of four referees. If the majority of the judges agree that the article can be accepted with general or minor corrections, the article will be sent to the responsible author for corrections. The editor, along with other members of the editorial board, then reviews the article based on the judges' expert report and their explanations and the edits made by the author, and a decision is made accordingly. If the amendments are approved, the initial (scientific) acceptance will be issued for the article. The final acceptance of the article is subject to the payment of the quarterly admission fee, elimination of all objections related to the authors and their organizational position in the system. The layout of the final article is the responsibility of the authors and in this regard the final template file of the journal is sent to the authors (authors must be completed within 15 days and finally, the author's approval is obtained for publication).
Note: All correspondence is done with the responsible author and only the steps are briefly communicated to other authors. Follow-up of all matters related to the steps and results of judging, time of editing, acceptance and publication of the article is done only by the author in charge of the article. The journal office is exempt from responding to other contributing authors.