Using Nano-Encapsulated Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera) Extract for Improvement of Chemicals and Bacteria Indices and Increasing the Self-Life of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillet
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyF. Mahmoudi Ardebili 1 , M. Hedayatifard 2 *
1 - M. Sc. Graduated of Aquaculture and Fisheries Department, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Fisheries Department, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Grape Seed, Nano Encapsulation, Oncorhynchus mykiss,
Abstract :
Introduction: Natural preservatives that have been employed for many years are employed to keep the quality of foods characteriestics. In this investigation the application of natural preservatives in the form of Nano-Encapsulated grape seed extracts have been studied to increase the shelf life of rainbow trout fillets. Matherials and Methods: Rainbow trout fillets were prepared after be heading, gutting, deboning and washing and prepared with grape seed extract with two doses of 2 and 4% of free (normal) and Nano-encapsulated (NEn) forms separately, and refrigerated at 4°C for 15 days. Chemical and microbiological characteristics consisted of total volatiles nitrogen, peroxide value and Thiobarbituric acid, total mesophyll count (TC) and psychrophilic count (TPC) were evaluated. Results: The results showed that all treated samples which contain samples in both free and NEn forms had better quality; therfore the shelf life increased considerably (p<0.05). The results also showed that the effect of grape seed NEn on the TPC bacteria is the same as the free form while has different and independent effects on the TC community and some other indices such as TVB-N, PV and TBA (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be claimed that rainbow trout fillet might be preserved for 12 days by the application of grape seed extract when kept in the refrigerator.
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