THE ROLE OF CULTURAL MANAGERS IN MAITAINING AND INCREASING THE SOCIAL STOCK (Studied case: The artistic and cultural organization of Tehran City Hall)
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural ManagementK. Hamdi 1 * , M. Isfahani 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Social stock, Contribution, unofficial groups, laying culture, Informing,
Abstract :
The present article which is a report of a studied case in the field ofcultural managers’ role in maintaining and increasing the social stock,indicates first the importance of studying the social stock in organizations,then defines social stock, and afterwards, describes the seven effectivefactors on it i.e. trust, responsibility and commitment, informing and layingculture by managers. Findings from this investigation suggest that there is ameaningful relationship between mutual trust, involving in decisionmaking, creating unofficial groups, and laying culture by managers andincrease of the social stock. On the other hand they show that there is notany correlation between informing, managers’ felling of responsible andcommitment, religious commitment, managers’ stability on ethical ethicalvalues and the increase of the social stock.