The Role of Cultural Strategic Planning In Survival of Organizations
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementسید یحیی عظیمی 1 * , دکتر حبیب الله دعایی 2 *
1 - مسول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Cultural planning, Survival of organizations, Strategic planning,
Abstract :
Introduction&Objective: This research studies the fundamental role of culture andit’s relation to strategy in order to cultural strategic planning in survival oforgnizations.Materials&Methods: The intended hypotheses in this research are;1.Internal cohesion(Human nature_either good or bad,The nature of humanrelationships ,Task_work VS Relativism,particularism VSPopularism,Hierachy& Individualism VS Collectivism)2. External adjastment (Related to control nature, Abtinece of unknowings, thenature of human actions, to do VS Tobe, Access VS Contribution, The nature ofreality & actuality)3. Central assumptions (Personal&physical territory, Language, Simple &Complicated, Time, one&multi_dimension(s), the past, present&future)Results&Conclusion: The findings show ‘It is necessary to pay more attention toculture in relation to cultural strategic planning in order to utilize resources &facilities of organizations