Systematic Review of Higher Education Institutions Cultural Policy Making Evaluation Indicators
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
Ali Reza Nasiri Firuz
REZA عقیلی
1 - Instructor of ESP texts in department of psychology and education, Tehran university
2 - دکتری تخصصی مدیریت آموزشی، دانشگاه شیراز، شیراز، ایران
Keywords: evaluation indicators, Systematic Review, cultural policy making, higher education institutions,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose: In the last two decades, despite the emphasis on the importance of higher education institutions cultural policy making, less attention has been paid to appropriateness of policy formulation, efficiency of programs implementation, and effectiveness of cultural activities. This study was done with the purpose of identifying cultural policy making evaluation indicators of higher education institutions. Designing cultural policy making evaluation conceptual model was another purpose of the study. Method: This research was done with qualitative method and reviewing previous researches. Articles were selected through studies related to cultural policy making evaluation between 1997 and 2020. Through 191 searched articles, finally 50 articles were chosen and investigated systematically. Findings: Based on reviewing researches and related articles, cultural policy making evaluation indicators in higher education system were classified in three main categories: evaluation of policy formulation, evaluation of program implementation, evaluation of activities and outcomes. Sub-categories were classified as: problem finding, formulating solutions and legitimization. Conclusion: Identifying evaluation indicators of cultural policy making in higher education system, weak and strength points in formulation, implementation and evaluation stages were realized. In addition to being a guideline for policy makers, the necessary context for reformatory actions, amendation and promotion of quality in higher education cultural policy making were brought together.