Organizational culture model in Islamic Azad University based on leadership styles (Transformational - pragmatic) and empowerment of employees
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural ManagementAhmad Omidifar 1 , fattah nazem 2 , Afsaneh Saber Garakani 3
1 - Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch, Roodehen, Iran
2 - deoartement administration educational,rodehen,iau,rodehen,iran
3 - Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch, Roodehen, Iran
Keywords: transformational)", "organizational culture", "leadership styles (act oriented, "empowerment",
Abstract :
The aim of the research was to present the model of organizational culture in Islamic Azad University based on leadership styles (pragmatic, transformational), empowerment. The research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-survey method. The statistical population included all employees working in the Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, 5800 people, and the sample was selected using the Georgian and Morgan table of 360 people by multi-stage cluster sampling and selected by Robins Organizational Organizational Culture Standard Questionnaires (1999). Leadership styles (pragmatic, transformational), Bass and Olivier (1985), and Spritzer's (1997) empowerment were evaluated. The results of data analysis by factor analysis (confirmatory, exploratory) and structural equation modeling and T-test showed that the components of organizational culture in Islamic Azad University, respectively, priority include creativity and innovation (0.84), risk-taking (0.84). , Attention to detail (0.89), attention to the approach (0.87), attention to members (0.91), decision results (0.81), attention to the system (0.82), ambition (0.87) ), Stability (0.90). The status of the identified dimensions of organizational culture in Islamic Azad University is higher than average. The components of leadership styles with a path coefficient (0.84), empowerment (0.82) have a significant effect on the implementation of the organizational culture model. In the current situation, a significant level in all variables is in good condition. The identified components of the organizational culture model were presented and its adaptation was evaluated using absolute, relative and modified indicators, the results of which indicated its adaptation.
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