Design of Model of cultural related to implementing of administration politices in Islamic republic of Iran (Case: Kerman excutive organizations)
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
maryam ranjbar
masood Pourkiani
malikeh beheshtifar
Ayyub Sheikhi
1 - phd of management - university of kerman azad
2 - , Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad Uniyersity, Ranfsanjan, Iran
4 - , Department of Statistics, Faculty of mathematics and computer ,Shahid Bahonar University of kerman , Kerman, Iran
Keywords: General policies of the administrative system, Cultural Factors, Administrative system,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to design a cultural model related to the implementation of general policies of the administrative system in the body of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case: Kerman Province executive agencies). This research is a descriptive-correlational method in terms of method, and is a developmental-applied goal, which has been gathered by field research. By examining the theoretical foundations, the main and sub-components and indices affecting the pattern were identified and formulated in the form of a scoring checklist. Delphi method based on deductive approach, research indicators and components were approved by experts.. After consultation and approval of experts, questionnaires were distributed among respondents (managers). Finally, the model obtained at this stage ends with the expert's approval and modification to the effective model. The statistical population consisted of experts with sample size of 50 people and the middle managers and executives of Kerman province with sample size of 580 people. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire that was used to determine the validity of content and construct validity and Cronbach's alpha method and hybrid reliability to measure the reliability and one-sample t-test, structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. The results indicate the appropriateness of the proposed model and indicate that among the factors of cultural factors at three levels of group, organizational and social have a significant impact on the implementation of general policies of the administrative system.