Identification of Needs and Practical Requirements of Teachers’ Learning and Professional Development
Subject Areas : curriculum
Saeed Safdari
, Mohammad Ghafari Mejlej
1 - (corresponding author) Assistant professor, Department of English, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Educational Management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
Keywords: Learning, teaching, Professional Development, teachers’ needs,
Abstract :
Professional learning and development in schools has received attention and emphasis. But this process is generally planned and imposed by external sources, and the needs and expectations of teachers do not play a significant role in determining it. The purpose of this qualitative research was to identify the practical needs and requirements of teachers' learning and professional development from their own perspective. Data were collected through a focus group interview with 12 primary school teachers in Chalous. Data analysis was performed based on thematic content analysis using coding, which ultimately led to the identification of three main themes about needs (ICT, teaching strategies and ideas, looking at teachers as professionals) and three themes about practical requirements (timing, focus and expertise, and collaboration) to meet these needs. The findings show that what teachers receive to help them learn and develop their careers does not fully match what they want or value in practice. Their preferences for professional learning needs are based more on their own beliefs about learning and education than on global and general programs, usually set and implemented by higher-order leaders.