The relationship between violent video games and aggression in elementary school students
Subject Areas : psycologyFatemeh Golfarshchi 1 * , Nafise Mostafavi 2
1 - Department of Multimedi Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Tabriz Islamic Art University
Keywords: catharsis, Violent games, Escalation of violence, Self -report method, physiological arouse,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between playing violent games and the level of aggression of primary school boys in the 4th district of Tabriz city. The method of research was descriptive-analytical and the sampling method was available. In this research, after reviewing the studing conducted, the users level of interest to the types of games and the impact of violent video games on their behavior were investigated by using self-ssessment method. After selecting 168 subjects using the available sampling from among students in on of the schools of the 4th district of Tabriz, the aggressiveness level of the subjects was measured by using the Novaco Questionnaire. According to the results, 56% of the subjects were doing violent and war games. The result of the chi square test showed a positive correlation between playing violent games and the level of violence (P<0.05) .The results of this research not only is a warning about the impact of violent games on the behavior of users, but also is an emphasis on the parents attention on the type of games which is playing by their childrens, and the monitoring of related organizations on the games produced for teenagers.
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Gentile, D. (2013). Catharsis and Media Violence: A Conceptual Analysis. Societies, 3, 491–510.
Greenfield, P., Subrahmanyam, K. (1994). Effect of video game practice on spatial skills in girls and boys. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 15(1): 3-13.
Hassan Nattaj, F., Taghipour javan , A. A. , Faramarzi, S., Rastgar. F. (2015). The Impact of Cognitive-Based Video Games on Executive Functions in Preschool Children with Neuropsychological Learning Disabilities. Educational Psychology, 2(2): 35-45. (in Persian).
Hosseini, S. H. (2008). Media aesthetics and philosophy, Tehran: Mehreniusha. (in Persian).
Jadidian, A. A., Pasha Sharifi H., Ganji H. (2013). The Effect of Computer Games on Selective Reaction Time‚ Working Memory and Spatial Visualization: A Meta-analytic Review. Educational Psychology, 9(28): 58-70. (in Persian).
Mahjoor ,Si. (2012). play psychology, Tehran: virayesh. (in Persian).
Minaei, B., Razi zadeh, A. (2014). The Formative Elements of the Sense of Presence and Its Impact on the Identity of the Users of Video Games. Iran Cultural Research, 7(26): 25-48. (in Persian).
Novaco, R.W.(1998). Anger and Trauma conceptualization, Assessment and Treatment. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Porter, G,. Vladan, S. (2007). Are violent video games harmful?. Australasian Psychiatry, 15( 5) ; 426-422.
Skosnik, P., Chatterton, R., Swisher, T., Park, S. (2000). Modulation of attentional inhibition by norepinephrine and cortisol after psychological stress. InternationalJournal of Psychophysiology, 36, 59-68.